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Topic: WHO on Mingle....
Ruth34611's photo
Sat 11/26/11 06:40 PM

all i'll tell is that.... he plays violin.... blushing

Awwww....I know! I know! :heart: drinker

Fireviolin's photo
Sat 11/26/11 06:41 PM

no photo
Sat 11/26/11 08:07 PM
no attractions

no crushes

just friends and ex friends

people are weird

SilentlyScreaming's photo
Sat 11/26/11 08:09 PM


clearly its a one way thing... :tongue:

miniboy91's photo
Sat 11/26/11 08:11 PM

no attractions

no crushes

just friends and ex friends

people are weird

love flowers

Fireviolin's photo
Sat 11/26/11 08:12 PM


clearly its a one way thing... :tongue:

Of course not.biggrin flowers

ShannonMarie21's photo
Sat 11/26/11 08:24 PM
Hmmmmmmmm...the one who makes me laugh the most. He knows who he is. love smitten blushing

no photo
Sat 11/26/11 08:28 PM
i'm thinking but no name stands out.
i haven't seen some epic beards i suppose.

no photo
Sat 11/26/11 08:32 PM
same here

lots of nice guys - but no crushing

life goes on - perhaps crushing someday


when hell freezes over

or luck happens

Ash36's photo
Sat 11/26/11 09:01 PM

The only clue i'm giving is that he's 20.

Ash36's photo
Sat 11/26/11 09:03 PM
She's from Texas, she's a blondie n she doesnt post here anymore! tears oh and she got attitude up in her sleeves :angry:

no photo
Sat 11/26/11 09:03 PM

no attractions

no crushes

just friends and ex friends

people are weird

love flowers

thanks, nice of you

ybcat1's photo
Sun 11/27/11 01:54 AM
I see 2 or 3 on the forum that make me go...hmmm, nice looking and would like to hook up...oh, wait, I mean go out and have coffee with. laugh

no photo
Sun 11/27/11 03:48 AM
It's manO, but I have to wait till he comes out of the closet. In the meantime it's Krupa cause he's already out.

Do you guys know how hard it is to keep from laughing sometimes? No kidding at times this is better than SNL.

You folks are the greatest!!

ladyliz1417's photo
Sun 11/27/11 04:32 AM
There is one in particular that makes me meltdrool but I doubt I ever meet him in person so I just enjoy chatting with all the friends I've made on Mingle.

carold's photo
Sun 11/27/11 08:46 AM

Well, as I still worship at the foot of
the demi-God krupa, I will tell you the
chicas I find attractive.
For being, simply, who they are.
If I were a guy, I would be hitting:

They all make me laugh.
Sure sign of a lively mind :-)

So you ARE laughing at me. I suspected as much.

Who on Mingle for me? Same person I've been smitten with on this site for years. If you've paid extremely close attention to every single post I've written over the last 3 years, you might know who that is. :tongue:
Well I don't know who who :wink:

carold's photo
Sun 11/27/11 08:48 AM

It's manO, but I have to wait till he comes out of the closet. In the meantime it's Krupa cause he's already out.

Do you guys know how hard it is to keep from laughing sometimes? No kidding at times this is better than SNL.

You folks are the greatest!!
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: rofl rofl rofl rofl :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: I luv itwinking that is why I stick around :thumbsup:

luv2roknroll's photo
Sun 11/27/11 09:24 AM

I got nothing!laugh laugh laugh laugh

ujGearhead's photo
Sun 11/27/11 09:26 AM


I got nothing!laugh laugh laugh laugh


no photo
Sun 11/27/11 11:10 AM


I got nothing!laugh laugh laugh laugh


get a room

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