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Topic: What r u thinking about right now?? - part 29
no photo
Thu 11/24/11 05:54 PM
might make some tea

BL4766's photo
Thu 11/24/11 06:21 PM
im thinking im so dang FULL, I won't have to eat tomorrow!!!!laugh laugh sick

no photo
Thu 11/24/11 06:42 PM
songs from when I was a little kid that my baby sitters used to dance to - they'd bring their 45s over when they babysat

Fireviolin's photo
Thu 11/24/11 06:45 PM
Edited by Fireviolin on Thu 11/24/11 06:56 PM
Trying to figure out how you block someone on here... spock

Huzzah! I have triumphed. shades

txmomof2's photo
Thu 11/24/11 11:21 PM
Ich bin über pete Denken und wie süß er ist für mich

no photo
Thu 11/24/11 11:24 PM
Thinking, the fact that Lee came on Mingle so late is more than enough reason for me to stay up longer.......even if I don't read whatever that language is..........I've missed her......

txmomof2's photo
Thu 11/24/11 11:27 PM
thinking try translate.google.com and i have missed you too Pete

no photo
Thu 11/24/11 11:28 PM
Thinking it's too late for me to translate anything.......it's 2:28am here......

txmomof2's photo
Thu 11/24/11 11:30 PM
thiking i think you already did

no photo
Fri 11/25/11 06:09 AM
Thinking the day is going to be wonderful. Coffee.

luv2roknroll's photo
Fri 11/25/11 08:31 AM
I ate wayyyyyyyy too much.

I got on my scale today and it said, "get off me you heifer".

topherj37's photo
Fri 11/25/11 12:42 PM
Thinking I better take the biscuits out of the oven before they burn.

no photo
Fri 11/25/11 02:38 PM
I am thinking I need a date to see Big Bad Voodo Daddy on Friday! :)

no photo
Fri 11/25/11 02:45 PM
Thinking it has been a grand wonderful day.

SilentlyScreaming's photo
Fri 11/25/11 03:04 PM
thinking YAY!!! bigsmile

thewaterbearer's photo
Fri 11/25/11 03:07 PM
Thinking just thinkingsmitten smitten smitten

machug's photo
Fri 11/25/11 03:27 PM

thinking YAY!!! bigsmile

bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

SilentlyScreaming's photo
Fri 11/25/11 03:34 PM
Edited by SilentlyScreaming on Fri 11/25/11 03:35 PM
lol hush, Mach! blushing :tongue:

BL4766's photo
Fri 11/25/11 03:36 PM
im thinking he's totally ignoring it!!!!! wow.....thinking maybe i shouldn't of bothered!!!!ohwell

oldhippie1952's photo
Fri 11/25/11 04:27 PM
I'm thinking about calling my daughter.

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