Topic: Treatise on Mark. The Gospel of Truth. Part 5. | |
Yeshua is then seen sitting near the Temple treasury. Please note, no attempt is made to arrest him following the earlier disturbance.
This indicates fierce argument in the Sanhedrin over what action to take. While He is there, a poor woman drops in 2 coins. Yeshua made the true point that she put all her wealth into the Temple coffers, while the rich only put in a little. He then warns of the destruction of the Temple in AD 70 by the Romans. His description turned out to be accurate. He moves to the Mount of Olives and here answers questions from his disciples concerning the fall of the Temple. First, he warns of false Messiah’s. History records at least 2. He warns of approaching battles. This refers to the Jewish revolt. Yeshua then projects to the future as Daniel did. He mentions nations at war, global quakes, and famine. A good description of today. He makes clear that this is only the start. Yeshua then warns of the persecution of the Jewish people. The Gospel reference was added later. He then returns to the persecutions and describes events that happened during the Holocaust. Having dealt with this panorama of future time, he expands on Daniel’s apocalypse. He describes the awful horror in the Temple. This is a reference to the Roman standard, which entered the Temple in AD 70. He then refers to people fleeing. This happened in AD 70. Many of those who fled swore an angel had warned them. This was Gabriel. Yeshua then jumps to the End of Days. His warning that, “It shall be a time of trouble the likes of which have never been seen since creation until the present day,” accurately describes events since 9/11. He makes clear that the number of days has been reduced for the 12 tribes of Israel. If God had not, no one would survive. He returns to the plague of false Messiah’s/prophets who shall appear at this time. After this, he makes clear that after those days, the natural order will be overthrown and He shall return with his angels. His angels shall gather the 12 tribes of Israel from across the world. Please note. Yeshua continues by describing the time of year this shall happen. He strongly indicates spring/summer. The fig tree is a dead giveaway. He states these events must happen right before the end. His next reference is double barrelled. A device used by all Hebrew prophets. His meaning is clear. People of his day shall see the Temple destroyed. People of the End of Days shall see Yeshua return. Understanding this part is vital. He then states that Heaven/Earth shall pass away but his words shall continue. This refers to the 3rd creation. A Garden of Eden as Earth and Heaven are merged. At this time, Earth shall be transformed into spiritual matter. Understanding this is vital. The material Earth shall cease. He then warns that no one knows the day or hour. He gives a general time frame. Dawn, sunrise, evening, midnight. He states it will come suddenly. He also warns that he better not find you asleep. However, there are strong indications elsewhere that midnight is the correct time, which I have referred to in other writings. The following plot scene was added later in hindsight. Next, we see the debate about the poor followed by a woman washing his feet. He again warns that His time is nearly up. The Gospel reference was added later. Next comes the part of Judas. Again, this was added later, in hindsight. This is followed by the Passover meal, still celebrated by Jews today. This scene is accurate. Yeshua predicts his betrayal but the words, “That man will wish he was never born,” were added later. He never said it. The scene concerning the Lords Supper, body blood etc, was added by church fathers following the Pauline Heresy. This does not exist in Hebrew tradition. The meal happened and He did say, “Do this in remembrance of me.” He meant, “When you eat remember me.” This was for his disciples only. Never meant to be twisted or perpetuated. A song was sung, part of Hebrew tradition, after which they went to the Mount of Olives. On arrival, Yeshua predicts the panic following his arrest and Peter’s denial as he attempted to avoid arrest. His saying, “God shall kill the shepherd,” is accurate, and is found in Isaiah. They arrive at Gethsemane to pray, and He is arrested. The fact that he finds the 3 disciples sleeping begs the question. Who remembered his agony? The other 9 were only a little further away, and the account comes from them. Judas led the arresting party as recorded. He was NOT possessed of the Devil as claimed by later Gospels. He truly believed that Yeshua was the Messiah. Once the Sanhedrin saw this, he would be acclaimed as such. He is then taken to the home of the High Priest. This was a private gathering and not open to public scrutiny. The recorded details must have been related later to the disciples by Joseph of Arimathea. He would have been present. After the arrest, rumours swept the city. Everyone knew where he had been taken. Witnesses saw him going there surrounded by Temple Guards. We then see Peter hiding in the courtyard where he avoids arrest by denying Yeshua 3 times. This is accurate and completely understandable. After being held overnight, Yeshua is taken to Pilate. Again, witnesses saw this. News soon swept the city. The account here is accurate. This took place in public for a simple reason. Hebrews could not enter the office/home of pagans. They would be defiled. To get around this, Pilate sat on a chair beneath the steps and questioned suspects. History has recorded this procedure. The priests demand satisfaction. They claim He is King of the Jews. This series will continue... |