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Topic: Toms Tuesday Roll Call
needagoodlaugh's photo
Mon 08/27/07 05:20 PM
Hey, S2h.

uk1971's photo
Mon 08/27/07 05:26 PM
Nothings going on hbb. Marie's just having a bad hair day. bigsmile

needagoodlaugh's photo
Mon 08/27/07 05:27 PM
Tom, read my mind. HINT: It isn't nice.grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

heartbrokenbaby's photo
Mon 08/27/07 05:27 PM
o ok

im a monkey tom

someone2hold's photo
Mon 08/27/07 05:31 PM
hope you are feeling better michelle,
take care please flowerforyou

heartbrokenbaby's photo
Mon 08/27/07 05:34 PM
i am s2h

uk1971's photo
Mon 08/27/07 05:35 PM
Careful you don't end up going apesh1t there hbb. :tongue: bigsmile

heartbrokenbaby's photo
Mon 08/27/07 05:38 PM
ok the monkey is confuzedhuh

someone2hold's photo
Mon 08/27/07 05:58 PM
that is good to hear michelle flowerforyou
sorry for bothing you

uk1971's photo
Mon 08/27/07 06:51 PM

How does a monkey make toast?

He sticks it under the gorilla. bigsmile

uk1971's photo
Mon 08/27/07 07:15 PM
glasses Well...It seems like everyone has gone again, So I'm gonna head off to bed.

G'Night all.yawn yawn yawn drinker smokin flowerforyou

cajunwhitetiger's photo
Mon 08/27/07 07:30 PM

uk1971's photo
Mon 08/27/07 07:53 PM
Hey tiger. drinker I was just about to log of amd pull the shutters down for the night.laugh

Katertots37's photo
Tue 08/28/07 12:12 AM
yawn good morning

uk1971's photo
Tue 08/28/07 12:54 AM
Certainly is (((flowerforyou katerflowerforyou )))
I'm heading off to head butt my pillow for a couple of hours.yawn yawn yawn

G'Night all AGAIN. bigsmile drinker smokin flowerforyou glasses

Katertots37's photo
Tue 08/28/07 12:58 AM
(((((((((((((Tom)))))))))))))g'nite hun

uk1971's photo
Tue 08/28/07 05:39 AM
Well. I'll be a monkeys uncle.bigsmile Still no one turned up since I left? Oh well. C est la vie. Mornin'/Afternoon/evenin'/night all.

drinker smokin flowerforyou glasses

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Tue 08/28/07 06:44 AM
Boo! Morning uk...

uk1971's photo
Tue 08/28/07 06:47 AM
laugh laugh Geez Teddy. Don't do that. My bird got a shock as well and crapped on my shoulder. laugh

uk1971's photo
Tue 08/28/07 03:01 PM
Wednesday has arrived in Germany so the Tuesday Roll Call shutters are now down.

drinker smokin flowerforyou glasses

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