Topic: Toms Tuesday Roll Call | |
I'm fine......How are u needa?
Tom has a pu**y?????
Ssshhh-I'm not sure he's aware of it yet!
I'm good, Cash.
Eileen,LOL. |
No, he just likes to screw washers...
HUH Tom is actually Thomasina?
I've entered the crazy zone!!!!
Hey, SheNerd.
You ain't kidding either
How do you spin dry a bald cat?
This surprises you, cash?
Use his tail.
NOT by the tail buster!!!!!!!!!!!
His ears?
Gives new meaning to "there's more than one way to skin a cat!"
You guys should take this act on the road!!!!!
I would like to state Catagorically that a CATalogue of what is being said here will be CATagorised in order to CATer for a CATharsis so that any CATerpillars who are lagging behind. can CATCh up.
I'm a dog person. Skin all the cats ya want.
Naw, we'd just get put into a rubber room, Cash!! |
CATsup anyone?