Topic: How News Media and Blogs Have Eyed the Presidential Contende | |
Rick Perry received the most favorable coverage of any candidate for president during the firstfive months of the race, but now Herman Cain is enjoying that distinction,according to a new survey which combines traditional research methods and computer algorithmic technology to code the level and tone of news coverage.
Perry lost the mantle of the candidate enjoying the most favorable treatment to Herman Caintwo weeks ago, after the Florida straw poll in which Cain scored a surprise victory. Meanwhile, though he has often led in the polls, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney has received less coverage and less positive coverage than the shifting casts of frontrunners -- and that remains true even now. He ranks second in the amount of attention received, and the tone of that narrative has been unwaveringly mixed. One man running for president has suffered the most unrelentingly negative treatment of all:Barack Obama. Though covered largely as president rather than a candidate, negative assessments of Obama have outweighed positive by a ratio of almost 4-to-1. The assessments of the president in the media were substantially more negative than positive in every one of the 23 weeks studied. In no week during these five months was more than 10% of the coverage about the President positive in tone. These are some of the findings of the study, which combines PEJ's ongoing weekly content analysis with computer algorithmic technology developed by Crimson Hexagon. The report introduces a new research tool for the PewResearch Center, which will continue to track the level and tone of coverage of the candidates throughout the campaign. The study includes sections on each of 10 GOP figures as well as thepresident. It also containsa separate analysis of blogs. In that sphere, RonPaul, the least covered candidate in the news, is the most favored contender. |
Read the full report here
Barack Obama , 9%of the news coverage about him over the last five months has registered as positive while 34% has been negative and 57% has been neutral or largely straight news accounting of events. In each of the 23 weeks studied, his negative coverage exceeded his positive coverage by more than 20 percentage points. And in none of those weeks did his negative coverage fall below 30%. The tone of Obama’s coverage on blogs, whilestill overwhelmingly negative, was slightly better—14% positive and 36% negative.
I support Ron Paul for president.
There is nearly a media black-out on him. He is unlike any other candidate running for president and I believe the only one who cannot be bought. He is the real change our country needs! "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." The Federal Reserve Bank (The FED) is a private bank." Thomas Jefferson in 1802 |
Barack Obama , 9%of the news coverage about him over the last five months has registered as positive while 34% has been negative and 57% has been neutral or largely straight news accounting of events. In each of the 23 weeks studied, his negative coverage exceeded his positive coverage by more than 20 percentage points. And in none of those weeks did his negative coverage fall below 30%. The tone of Obama’s coverage on blogs, whilestill overwhelmingly negative, was slightly better—14% positive and 36% negative. And if we required accuracy to be eligible for the poll there would be almost no negative. |