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Topic: My Broken Heart
sweetcountrygirl's photo
Fri 10/13/06 06:50 PM
There are so many emotions you want to let out when something like this
happens. Just remember you are a worthy person and deserve to be happy.
I guess the first reaction is to be hurt which turns to anger, which
makes you look inside yourself and try and figure out "what's wrong with
me." or "What did I do wrong," etc...when the truth is, there is
absolutely nothing wrong with you and there is nothing you could have
done to change the situation. Most of us have been hurt one way or
another in the same way, male and female. God made us all different and
we all handle situations differently; but the important thing is that
you need to grieve, then pick yourself up and keep on going. I too have
4 children, was married for 12 years and recently divorced...Like you
PBJ, my children are my joy. I thank God for them each and every day.
Although it gets exteremely hectic at times, they really do keep me sane
and in check. Just don't close yourself off from those that care about
you. This really is a great place to talk and vent when you need to. I
will pray for you to continue to be strong and encouraged each day...

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 10/13/06 06:53 PM
Ohhh by the way this is my daughter in the picture with me, one of the
loves of my life can't get no better.

no photo
Fri 10/13/06 09:13 PM
Thanxs girls yes hurt does turn into anger im done with anger alot of
dont care about anything what is,,is whwt is i fell like all this made
me into a bitter person im numb 2 what ever is thrown at me except at
night 2go 2 bed is hard i dont want to i thought it was cuz it was our
bed i threw it away a matter of fact i threw everything away that had to
do with us and started over even moved but the still fallowed it even
got worst i had a premature stroke lucky i came out of it with no
problems since then i try not keep insane and yes my babies do that for
me but not at night.Im glad to c ur kids came out of this good my oldest
is 8 and for a month now he has been in trouble at school fighting
everyday next time its suspention and only in 3 grade he use to be my
perfect baby never introuble he lies to me hell iv grounded him to his
room and he would go out the window to go play or if i went in another
room he would go out the back door it got realy bad with him and he
started taking his little bro(6)with him i was expecting all this from
him my 6 yre old is or was bad but he has been good no problems like
they switched bodies so i inrolled my 8 year old in this program called
the young marines ladies let me tell you not one fight no sneeking out
no back talking he has is changing i didnt want to do this to him but he
likes it and he still home its an after school thing i had to get
control a single parent with 3 kids 2 boys and the way it is now days.I
will never take my husband back i cant do the baby mama drama thing
sounds missed up and it is but i shouldnt have 2 we got 2gether with no
kids and had 3 2gether ur right not enough room in mine or my babies
life foe a whole new family...

no photo
Fri 10/13/06 09:15 PM
By the way this is my baby destini with me

no photo
Fri 10/13/06 09:15 PM
By the way this is my baby destini with me

TiredOfBeingSingle's photo
Fri 10/13/06 09:21 PM
u know it takes a lot of guts to do what u did. u put up w/ pain and
suffering there at the end of ur marriage. i give u hats off good job. i
know it hurts but just pray abou tit and see hoe it goes.

no photo
Fri 10/13/06 09:29 PM
thank u tired ur the first man to say those exact words besides my dad
he tells me im very proud of u..like they say what doesnt kill u gets u
stronger i guess it was the stroke it should of done alot of damage but
it woke me up in diffrent ways im glad all of you are here 2 talk 2 my
first time on a web site and it does help iv been good for 2 days now

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