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Topic: NFL compares obama to hitler
adj4u's photo
Tue 10/04/11 07:46 AM
During a discussion on the 2012 presidential race, Williams began discussing Obama's golf outing with Speaker of the House John Boehner. He said it was a political mistake, on par with "Hitler playing golf with [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu."


admitedly i did not watch video but in this statement can you tell which politician is considered hitler

i cant so obviously it is the assumption of the nfl that he meant obama to be hitler----that makes the nfl guilty of the comparison not hank jr-----maybe obama was netanyahu

just a thought

boredinaz06's photo
Tue 10/04/11 07:58 AM

During a discussion on the 2012 presidential race, Williams began discussing Obama's golf outing with Speaker of the House John Boehner. He said it was a political mistake, on par with "Hitler playing golf with [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu."


admitedly i did not watch video but in this statement can you tell which politician is considered hitler

i cant so obviously it is the assumption of the nfl that he meant obama to be hitler----that makes the nfl guilty of the comparison not hank jr-----maybe obama was netanyahu

just a thought

It was espn that made the decision although I'm sure those ******* at the nfl would have done the same thing. It is sad when in America you no longer have freedom of speech, and I also find it sad that they took such offense at this silly comparison. All Hank was trying to do was say they are enemies or polar opposites but some people are just stuck on stupid.

no photo
Tue 10/04/11 08:16 AM
Sportscasters aren't famous for making astute political observations. Even Rush Limbaugh got stupider when he tried to do sports talk.

no photo
Tue 10/04/11 08:40 AM
The NFL is not a person but a league.
Stupid people everywhere feel compelled to pull a Godwin often and never feel stupid for it afterward when in fact they should.

Really nothing to see here . . move along.

TJN's photo
Tue 10/04/11 08:46 AM
Edited by TJN on Tue 10/04/11 08:47 AM
Where did the NFL make the comparison? It was Hank Williams JR who said it during an interview.
I'm pretty sure Hank doesn't speak for the NFL.

jrbogie's photo
Tue 10/04/11 09:40 AM
nor does he speak for espn on monday nights anymore.

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 10/04/11 10:05 AM
You can say what you want with free speech though. And I compare Obama more to JIMMY CARTER!

EquusDancer's photo
Tue 10/04/11 10:53 AM
Ummm, the NFL didn't have anything to do with it. And ESPN mentions that, and then why they dumped him.

Hank Williams, Jr. Made that comment. He was responsible for what he said, and ESPN chose not to deal with him.

adj4u's photo
Tue 10/04/11 03:18 PM
Edited by adj4u on Tue 10/04/11 03:39 PM

Where did the NFL make the comparison? It was Hank Williams JR who said it during an interview.
I'm pretty sure Hank doesn't speak for the NFL.

where did hank say it he never said obama was hitler

he made a comparison he did not say which person was compared to whom

those that chose to say hank compared obama to hitler are the ones doing so with their assumption that that is what he was doing

maybe hank was comaring obama to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu if he was comparing them at all

maybe he was simply comparing the situations if they were to occur

dont hear what was not said

msharmony's photo
Tue 10/04/11 04:49 PM

During a discussion on the 2012 presidential race, Williams began discussing Obama's golf outing with Speaker of the House John Boehner. He said it was a political mistake, on par with "Hitler playing golf with [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu."


admitedly i did not watch video but in this statement can you tell which politician is considered hitler

i cant so obviously it is the assumption of the nfl that he meant obama to be hitler----that makes the nfl guilty of the comparison not hank jr-----maybe obama was netanyahu

just a thought

lol, exactly what I was thinking

I actually thought the comparison wasnt about personal similarity so much as the idea of opposing, antagonistic, figures playing together as if they are friends.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 10/04/11 09:14 PM

During a discussion on the 2012 presidential race, Williams began discussing Obama's golf outing with Speaker of the House John Boehner. He said it was a political mistake, on par with "Hitler playing golf with [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu."


admitedly i did not watch video but in this statement can you tell which politician is considered hitler

i cant so obviously it is the assumption of the nfl that he meant obama to be hitler----that makes the nfl guilty of the comparison not hank jr-----maybe obama was netanyahu

just a thought

lol, exactly what I was thinking

I actually thought the comparison wasnt about personal similarity so much as the idea of opposing, antagonistic, figures playing together as if they are friends.

I had the same thought.

Pity the guy did not use a comparison with less of a high emotional index...

boredinaz06's photo
Tue 10/04/11 09:20 PM

Hitler is dead and ain't coming back so I don't know why people still get all pissy over him. Pol Pot was worse and so was Prince Vlad, Countess Bathory, Idi Amin, Mao Zedong, Joseph Stallin but Hitler is the one dude who gets peoples panties in a rut.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 10/04/11 09:26 PM

Hitler is dead and ain't coming back so I don't know why people still get all pissy over him. Pol Pot was worse and so was Prince Vlad, Countess Bathory, Idi Amin, Mao Zedong, Joseph Stallin but Hitler is the one dude who gets peoples panties in a rut.

Hitler is the only one of those listed that actually could have become ruler of the Earth.

Hitler is the only one of those listed that nearly destroyed an entire race of people.

boredinaz06's photo
Tue 10/04/11 09:32 PM

Hitler is dead and ain't coming back so I don't know why people still get all pissy over him. Pol Pot was worse and so was Prince Vlad, Countess Bathory, Idi Amin, Mao Zedong, Joseph Stallin but Hitler is the one dude who gets peoples panties in a rut.

Hitler is the only one of those listed that actually could have become ruler of the Earth.

Hitler is the only one of those listed that nearly destroyed an entire race of people.

Hitler was too stupid to become ruler of the earth, his generals on the other hand...

We have a good idea of how many people Hitler killed but we really don't know how many Pol Pot killed, we can guess but that'd be about it. Read up on Stallin, he was no cup cake!

toastedoranges's photo
Wed 10/05/11 06:38 AM
he explained what he meant as, they are 2 complete opposites that are not going to see eye to eye so the golf game was a waste of time

but blow it out of perspective, that seems reasonable

adj4u's photo
Wed 10/05/11 08:15 AM

hank jr likes those royalty checks----either he sold out or did what he was accused of

either way i will not buy any more hank jr stuff


Williams backed off Tuesday.

"The thought of the leaders of both parties jukin and high fiven on a golf course, while so many families are struggling to get by simply made me boil over and make a dumb statement," Williams wrote on Facebook and his website. "I am very sorry if it offended anyone."

ESPN pulled his song, "All My Rowdy Friends," which has opened Monday Night Football for two decades. In a statement Monday prior to the Indianapolis-Tampa Bay game, ESPN said: "While Hank Williams, Jr. is not an ESPN employee, we recognize that he is closely linked to our company through the open to Monday Night Football. We are extremely disappointed with his comments, and as a result we have decided to pull the open from tonight's telecast."

Williams issued a statement through his publicist on Monday night, saying in part: "Some of us have strong opinions and are often misunderstood. My analogy was extreme -- but it was to make a point. I was simply trying to explain how stupid it seemed to me -- how ludicrous that pairing was. They're polar opposites and it made no sense. They don't see eye-to-eye and never will. I have always respected the office of the president."

Tuesday, he issued another statement. ESPN had no comment on whether Williams' song would be used on future telecasts.


toastedoranges's photo
Wed 10/05/11 08:46 AM
overreact much? seems so

Lpdon's photo
Wed 10/05/11 09:54 AM

During a discussion on the 2012 presidential race, Williams began discussing Obama's golf outing with Speaker of the House John Boehner. He said it was a political mistake, on par with "Hitler playing golf with [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu."


admitedly i did not watch video but in this statement can you tell which politician is considered hitler

i cant so obviously it is the assumption of the nfl that he meant obama to be hitler----that makes the nfl guilty of the comparison not hank jr-----maybe obama was netanyahu

just a thought

I see quite a few things in common between the two as well. No big news here.

Lpdon's photo
Wed 10/05/11 09:55 AM
And also it was Hank WIlliam's Jr. who does the intro for football on ESPN not ESPN.

Lpdon's photo
Wed 10/05/11 09:57 AM

Hitler is dead and ain't coming back so I don't know why people still get all pissy over him. Pol Pot was worse and so was Prince Vlad, Countess Bathory, Idi Amin, Mao Zedong, Joseph Stallin but Hitler is the one dude who gets peoples panties in a rut.

Hitler is the only one of those listed that actually could have become ruler of the Earth.

Hitler is the only one of those listed that nearly destroyed an entire race of people.

Stalin could have as well, if he wern't such an idiot. laugh

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