Topic: Occupy Wall Street - the 99% | |
Stand strong and good luck !
Van jones George Soros, The Ruckus Society, the Tides Foundation and the Ford Foundation.Are all involved.
The Tides Foundation! Hey! I've heard of them! Glenn Beck broke that story wide open. (Doesn't seem to have caught on fire, exactly). If you don't own stocks...
What do you care what the Wall Street people do? I think that's because stock market crashes cause recessions and depressions. 2000 and 2007, for instance (not to mention 1929). The bigger the bubbles, the bigger the crashes. Not good for the country. That seems to me like a pretty good reason to care what happens on Wall Street Stock Market crashes and such don't bother me... I have no vested interest. When the market dived I was still eating, my bills got paid, I had gas in my truck... I live within my means. What bothers me is the true 'taxes' that have been foisted on the poor. Lets just list all the silly little taxes that effect the poor and middle class. (I am sure you can list quite a few). Then track the people and organizations that push such taxes... When the track leads back to Obama and the group that surrounds him... Perhap you might understand how blind a nation can be. The call to tax the rich is simply just a bit of ammunition to keep those same poor and 'middle class' citizens from noticing the massive (small but numerous) taxes that have been slipped into the mix over the last 10 years or so. |
Stock Market crashes and such don't bother me...
That's sad. The people who have lost jobs because of the depression caused by the stock market crash are bothered a lot. |
Stock Market crashes and such don't bother me...
That's sad. The people who have lost jobs because of the depression caused by the stock market crash are bothered a lot. Even sadder is people that think this about taxes and stocks...both parties have people fightin the wrong thing.its the fiat money system.these problems r inherent in fiat systems.protest the root.the fiat system controlled by the fed.end the fed then so many debats are nill |
Just got home fr after 5 hours of protesting! GREAT group of diverse folks downtown today! I am glad I went! I met a lot of cool people!
Just got home fr after 5 hours of protesting! GREAT group of diverse folks downtown today! I am glad I went! I met a lot of cool people! I watch the streaming videos from here. Indiana has several events planned in the next several days. I'll be in Indianapolis on Saturday but I had to laugh when I read the RULES - OMG! Yes peaceful, I'm all for it, but no more than 5 in a group on a sidewalk and never taking up more half of that walkway??? I'm thinking - What is this a 'stroll' on a lazy fall day. NO PICTURES - because a precident has been set and the police are quick to confiscate (legally) any camera, phone or other technology that can 'record' the goings on (cos it might contain evidence of a crime). Yep - just another reason we need to be heard. But being heard does not necessarily bring change, does it? Thanks for being there today, LunaLady, and representing so many, |
| Dylan Ratigan - Political Panic - It's beginning to fall apart! Whoa, the man is passionate and I like what he has to say. What do you all think? |
Ratigan's Getmoneyout really got to me. I signed with no hesitation.
| Dylan Ratigan - Political Panic - It's beginning to fall apart! Whoa, the man is passionate and I like what he has to say. What do you all think? The congress ain't the only branch of government that is bought. Guess what group has raised the most money for Obamas re election? Securities and Investments.. What a surprise.. |
What a surprise..
That's no surprise. Those finance guys aren't stupid. They know who is most likely to win the next election. |
What a surprise..
That's no surprise. Those finance guys aren't stupid. They know who is most likely to win the next election. they sure know how to waste money, don't they? |
Edited by
Tue 10/04/11 08:42 PM
| Dylan Ratigan - Political Panic - It's beginning to fall apart! Whoa, the man is passionate and I like what he has to say. What do you all think? The congress ain't the only branch of government that is bought. Guess what group has raised the most money for Obamas re election? Securities and Investments.. What a surprise.. Well Obama hasn't stood up yet against Congress or even Corporate interests and unless he does, he's just as guilty as any of them. So have at it, I'm all for giving them ALL the boot (as in fired without benefits AND NO CHANCE FOR RE-ELECTION). The biggest problem would be -- how to get rid of the damn laws that keep Corporate interests from buying future elections??? Any suggestions? |
Stock Market crashes and such don't bother me...
That's sad. The people who have lost jobs because of the depression caused by the stock market crash are bothered a lot. Both the 'depression' and the crash were caused by the interference of the Federal Reserve in the free flow of commerce between the states. Prove me wrong! |
| Dylan Ratigan - Political Panic - It's beginning to fall apart! Whoa, the man is passionate and I like what he has to say. What do you all think? The congress ain't the only branch of government that is bought. Guess what group has raised the most money for Obamas re election? Securities and Investments.. What a surprise.. Well Obama hasn't stood up yet against Congress or even Corporate interests and unless he does, he's just as guilty as any of them. So have at it, I'm all for giving them ALL the boot (as in fired without benefits AND NO CHANCE FOR RE-ELECTION). The biggest problem would be -- how to get rid of the damn laws that keep Corporate interests from buying future elections??? Any suggestions? Aye... put the balance of the original intent of congress back into our election system. Congress is the House of the People. However the Senate was originally supposed to represent the 'landholders' interests... i.e in this day and age this would be 'Corporate' america... It BALANCES the three legged chair. Yet at some point in the past the current government (at the time) made Senators stand for general election just as a Congressional Represenative must. Perhaps we should change that back. |
Stock Market crashes and such don't bother me...
That's sad. The people who have lost jobs because of the depression caused by the stock market crash are bothered a lot. Both the 'depression' and the crash were caused by the interference of the Federal Reserve in the free flow of commerce between the states. Prove me wrong! You want proof you are wrong? This is gonna be a long wait...LOL Im sure well get some entertainment in the mean time. |
| Dylan Ratigan - Political Panic - It's beginning to fall apart! Whoa, the man is passionate and I like what he has to say. What do you all think? The congress ain't the only branch of government that is bought. Guess what group has raised the most money for Obamas re election? Securities and Investments.. What a surprise.. Well Obama hasn't stood up yet against Congress or even Corporate interests and unless he does, he's just as guilty as any of them. So have at it, I'm all for giving them ALL the boot (as in fired without benefits AND NO CHANCE FOR RE-ELECTION). The biggest problem would be -- how to get rid of the damn laws that keep Corporate interests from buying future elections??? Any suggestions? Aye... put the balance of the original intent of congress back into our election system. Congress is the House of the People. However the Senate was originally supposed to represent the 'landholders' interests... i.e in this day and age this would be 'Corporate' america... It BALANCES the three legged chair. Yet at some point in the past the current government (at the time) made Senators stand for general election just as a Congressional Represenative must. Perhaps we should change that back. Thanks, I didn't realize all that. I think corporate interest should be protected so I'm not against political agents working toward that end. However, that interst should never be at the expense of the people (the 99%) whom the corporations serve. In other words, if a corporation harms people (human rights/ethical) or the environment/echo system we depend on for survival and health, that SHOULD NOT be protected. Do you agree? I also think that if corporations are to be considered/counted within any part of our judicial system as an entity equal to an individual then those individuals cannot have laws attributed to them that cannot be equtably attributed to all other individuals. (think taxes, financial regulations, social & civil responsibility). What do you think? Additionally, I think our legislative processes, at all levels, need to consistantly guard against what has caused our current state of imbalance. Specifically, by allowing an unequitble balance of power to the wealthy. When money is allowed to override the voice of the 99%, the multiple pathways that are suppose to be open to that majority are shut down. At that point the only options that seem to remain are demonstrations in mass (Occupy Wall Street). I would like to see it remain a peaceful option, but at this juncture we have passed the patience point of taking the time to find a single leader from the ranks who can bring together the masses with the perfect ideal. The problems are many and putting together a list grievences at this point tends to be haphazard and inconsistent. It is a work in progress but can only progress in the 'light' of day where people can be seen and the masses can respond. Now it's up to those with the power of law to take notice, questions, and act. If they don't accomplish.... What do you think? |
Both the 'depression' and the crash were caused by the interference of the Federal Reserve in the free flow of commerce between the states.
Absolute nonsense. The stock market crash was caused by the bursting of the housing market bubble. Every real economist recognizes this and most of the world recognizes this. Prove me wrong! |
Unions endorse, will join Occupy Wall Street protests By Jason Kessler and Michael Martinez, CNN UPDATED: 10:23 AM EDT 10.05.11 As the Occupy Wall Street protesters rally for a third week, social media sites such as Twitter seem to be spurring similar protests in other cities. A Twitter account called Occupy Boston mentions a citywide college walkout there Wednesday. Meanwhile, the Massachusetts Nurses Association says hundreds of the city's nurses will rally with the Occupy Boston protesters on Wednesday. The association says the protest will be part of the opening day activities for a national nursing convention in Boston. iReport: Send us your photos, videos In New York, several unions endorsed the Occupy Wall Street movement and plan to join the protesters' street theater Wednesday, labor leaders said. The voices of #OccupyWallStreet "It's really simple. These young people on Wall Street are giving voice to many of the problems that working people in America have been confronting over the last several years," said Larry Hanley, international president of the Amalgamated Transit Union, which has 20,000 members in the New York area. "These young people are speaking for the vast majority of Americans who are frustrated by the bankers and brokers who have profited on the backs of hard-working people," Hanley added in a statement. "While we battle it out day after day, month after month, the millionaires and billionaires on Wall Street sit by -- untouched -- and lecture us on the level of our sacrifice." Transport Workers Union Local 100 spokesman Jim Gannon said the Occupy Wall Street movement, which denounces social inequities in the financial system and draws inspiration from the Arab Spring revolutions in Africa and the Middle East, has advanced issues that unions typically support. "Their goals are our goals," Gannon said. "They brought a spotlight on issues that we've believed in for quite some time now. ... Wall Street caused the implosion in the first place and is getting away scot-free while workers, transit workers, everybody, is forced to pay for their excesses. "These young folks have brought a pretty bright spotlight," Gannon added. "It's kind of a natural alliance." Time magazine: 'Indignados' occupy Wall Street President Michael Mulgrew of the United Federation of Teachers, the sole bargaining agent for most nonsupervisory New York City public teachers with 200,000 members, said he was proud to support the demonstrators. "The way our society is now headed it does not work for 99% of people, so when Occupy Wall Street started ... they kept to it and they've been able to create a national conversation that we think should have been going on for years," Mulgrew said. The labor officials couldn't provide a projection on how many of their members will take the day off from work Wednesday and join the protests. View a high-resolution gallery of the protests The demonstrators have camped out in Zuccotti Park in New York's Financial District, calling for 20,000 people to flood the area for a "few months." The protest campaign -- which uses the hashtag #occupywallstreet on the microblogging site Twitter -- began in July with the launch of a campaign website calling for a march and sit-in at the New York Stock Exchange. Over the past two weeks, demonstrations have addressed issues such as police brutality, union busting and the economy, the group said. Open Story: Occupy Wall Street protests Occupy Wall Street is a leaderless movement made up largely of twentysomethings upset with the economy, the Afghanistan war, the environment, and the state of America and the world in general. In less than three weeks, the movement has become a magnet for countless disaffected Americans at a time when an overwhelming majority of U.S. adults say the country is on the wrong track. Wall Street protesters inspired by Arab Spring movement Besides New York and Boston, protests have been held in Chicago, Los Angeles and Seattle. Occupy Wall Street and its offshoots have clear strains of liberal economic populism -- a powerful force in U.S. history during times characterized by economic stress. That said, it would be a mistake to label or tie the movement to a specific agenda, said Susan Olzak, a Stanford University sociology professor. "It's difficult to classify a social protest movement early on in its history," Olzak said. "Clearer goals could eventually emerge, but there's no guarantee." She added, "Many movements fizzle out. Others become more organized. (But) "I think we run a risk (by) taking a snapshot at any one point in time and trying to categorize the movement in any one way based on that snapshot. The only way to study these protest movements is to follow them over time." Related Videos A liberal tea party? Wall St. protests grow amid debt crisis Burnett visits with Wall St. protesters Previous Article | Next Article | Send Article | Latest News CNN Home | Go To Top 0 Latest 1 US 2 World 3 Entertainment 4 Politics 5 CNN Money 6 Sports Illustrated 7 Video 8 Weather 9 More CNN GOT PICTURES OR VIDEO? Click here to find out how to send your iReport About CNN Feedback © 2011 Cable News Network LP, LLLP. A Time Warner Company. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. |
Both the 'depression' and the crash were caused by the interference of the Federal Reserve in the free flow of commerce between the states.
Absolute nonsense. The stock market crash was caused by the bursting of the housing market bubble. Every real economist recognizes this and most of the world recognizes this. Prove me wrong! And why did the market Fiat money ..FED |