Topic: Dem. Mayor\US Rep Gave Flo Henderson Crabs
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Wed 09/21/11 08:02 PM
FOX411: Why did you include the story about New York City Mayor and Former US Congresman John Lindsay giving you crabs?

Henderson: I love to read memoirs but I know when they’re not being really honest and I thought if I’m going to write this I’m going to write about myself as a human being who has had to overcome an awful lot in my life and had to face a lot of challenges, make a lot of mistakes, make some bad choices but I’ve managed to keep growing and evolving to live a very full life filled with friends, four children that I adore, five grandchildren and a career that I dearly love. So I just want people to know that they can make mistakes, have a hard childhood but you don’t have to be a victim of all of it.

FOX411: And have STDs and get over it.

Henderson: Yeah! Hey as I said in my book it takes courage to be happy. You don’t get happy by sitting around going on, ‘Oh this is a horrible situation, what to do?’ You’ve got to find the courage to change that. I think change is extremely hard for people.

FOX411: You write about how Robert Reed was always complaining about the scripts. Didn’t you ever take him aside and say, ‘Listen we’re doing a sitcom, not Shakespeare.’

-Oh yeah I took him aside a lot. One time we were fighting over a scene. We were running out of time and the whole crew and cast were there. He was arguing and saying, ‘This is such crapy, blah, blah, blah.’ I said, ‘Bob, this is a sitcom.’ Usually I wouldn’t do it in front of the cast but this had been going on now for a while and everyone was getting impatient. I said, ‘Bob, just do the scene, everybody here has a job to do,’ and he said, ‘I didn’t get into this business to have my career ruined by such crap,’ or something like that. So I said, ‘Bob, why don’t you get a new career?’ Well he walked off the set and we did the scene without him which we did a few times but he later apologized. He would always be contrite. I would try to remind him that what we were doing was valid, it was just a different form of entertainment.

FOX411: Why do you think the show is still so popular?

Henderson: All over the world. I get more mail now than I think I did then. It’s absolutely amazing to me. I think especially when the world is in such chaos people gravitate towards something that’s going to give them some hope or make them feel good. I think the family represents a certain safe haven for people and to see a family that has a loving mom and father. It’s something I always wished I had.

FOX411: You’re still in contact with all the kids.

Henderson: Yeah as a matter of fact I heard from Barry the other day. He sent me reviews, he’s appearing in Branson, he’s very talented and he thanked me for inspiring him and paving the way. I thought that was so sweet. I keep in touch with all the kids. I was sad that Chris Knight is getting divorced again.

FOX411: Was that a big surprise, really?

Henderson: No, no it wasn’t. But he’s such a sweet guy. I just want him to be happy.

FOX411: You wrote how you went on a date with Barry and there was a kiss.

Henderson: It was a very innocent kiss.

FOX411: So no tongues were involved.

Henderson: (Laughs) Oh God no! No tongues were involved. We laugh now because we could really date now.

FOX411: You’d be a cougar.

Henderson: Absolutely.

FOX411: On your website you get hit on all time by men in their 40s who grew up watching you.

Henderson: I got one the other day from a young man who said, ‘Hi, I’m 35 years old. I’m so in love with you. I think you’re so hot. I don’t know if you would consider dating me.’ I get so much of that. But then I was reading that Ellen Barkin is dating a 26 year old, she’s 57 and I thought good for her.

FOX411: So are you going to date the 35 year old?

Henderson: You know I never say never. Life is funny. I do date. I have dated younger men, not that young. I don’t want to have to change diapers.

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sick laugh rofl

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Wed 09/21/11 08:21 PM
Amazing! A 3-month old news flash. This is the kind of stuff the underpants-sniffers live for.

Lpdon's photo
Wed 09/21/11 10:35 PM
Edited by Lpdon on Wed 09/21/11 10:35 PM
If Democrats could keep it in their pants there wouldn't be suff like this to report.