Topic: Presidents Job Plan... | |
I just got done watching the Pres Job plan speech. He has some good points in there. Now if only he doesn't cave to the lunatic right it may help us. The Repubs looked like a bunch of sticks in the mud with their a$$es stuck in their government paid for seats in the jobs in the government which they hate, showing every intent of keeping our country from progressing into a better place. ![]() More of the same failed ideas that did nothing but exacerbate the problems we already had. Doubling down on stupidity. Gotta love it. |
There is no way they can create enough jobs to cover the amount they are talking in cutting taxes to small businesses and families unless they raise taxes elsewhere like on the rich and wealthier companies.....or lifting the reigns on gathering our own resources instead of importing resources....or closing the loopholes the wealthy and companies use to get out of paying as much taxes......if they levy more taxes on bigger companies they will force more companies out and lose more jobs. He did say he wanted to get rid of loopholes. He wants to take away tax credits from really big businesses but "give them" tax credits if they hire or give their workers raises. He also said he wants to get rid of loopholes in income tax as well. I would support getting rid of loopholes. |
Thought both sides worked together on it or so he said in his speech that he had democrats and repubs work on it? Yes I am interested in the budget bottom line and how things will get paid for with less tax revenues. If I understood the basics, there is 1 trillion in cuts already signed in law and another 1.5 that the congress must come up with Im figuring from those cuts they will be able to pay for other things and, of course, with more people being put to work, there will be more 'income tax' revenue as well How will you ever reduce the debt and deficit? Those cuts were CUTS for a reason, it kinda eliminates the CUT if you spend it on something else). What will actually happen to the 'money' spent to 'create' jobs... it will be siphoned off by all the leaches attached to our systems and we will end up with 1 job for ever 2 or 3 million spent... |
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Fri 09/09/11 11:03 AM
Karl Rove is obviously the opposition point of view. His view of the speech is presented below:
Twelve Words to Describe Obama's Jobs Speech By Karl Rove Published September 09, 2011 Obama Congress Jobs Plan Sept. 8, 2011: President Obama pitches his jobs plan to a joint session of Congress. Thursday night’s show by President Obama struck me as… Presumptuous: He demanded – 17 times – that Congress immediately pass a bill no one has seen. Tired: The speech contained little new, just mostly recycled ideas or extensions of current programs that haven’t worked. Small: Its proposals, while expensive, offer little hope of really jump-starting the economy. Mind-boggling: Mr. Obama wants to drains hundreds of billions from Social Security for another stimulus. Slippery: It will all be paid for, the president said, but it’s up to a Congressional committee to figure out how. Misleading: These were just GOP ideas. Really? Republicans have proposed another $450 billion stimulus bill, Mr. Obama? Arrogant: He refused to consult in advance with anyone on the Hill, even refusing a meeting request from the House Speaker and Majority Leader. Self-centered: The only job he’s really concerned about is his own. If he really wanted a bipartisan package, he would have worked with Republicans to come up with one. Unnecessary: The president would have been better off traveling the country this week to lay out proposals, surrounded by people he could claim would might benefit. Completely political: Before he spoke, Mr. Obama sent supporters an email titled “Before I head to the Capitol” that ended with “You should donate today.” Hyper-partisan: This speech – especially its angry tone – was aimed at setting up the Republicans for blame next fall. Then he’ll say the economy would be better if the GOP has just done what I ordered them to do. Misguided: Mr. Obama is betting his re-elect on a massive spending bill. Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln enjoyed the show. Karl Rove is a Fox News contributor and former senior adviser and deputy chief of staff to President George W. Bush. He is a Fox News contributor and author of "Courage and Consequence" (Threshold Editions, 2010). Read more: |
Faux news is not exceptable as valid anyway.
Isn't Rove a criminal? Oh yea a criminal is more trustworthy than the president, hmmmm? |
Faux news is not exceptable as valid anyway. Isn't Rove a criminal? Oh yea a criminal is more trustworthy than the president, hmmmm? You should look at what you write from an independent perspective. Your partisanship masks all logic. Karl presents a perspective from the other major political party in the US that now controls the House and largely controls the spending bills passed in Congress. Not all Republicans will share all of Karl's viewpoints, just as they don't all share each others. But if you don't take them (their viewpoints) seriously, it is you that is not being serious. Fox News has nothing to do with it. |
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Fri 09/09/11 11:25 AM
Faux news is not exceptable as valid anyway. Isn't Rove a criminal? Oh yea a criminal is more trustworthy than the president, hmmmm? You should look at what you write from an independent perspective. Your partisanship masks all logic. Karl presents a perspective from the other major political party in the US that now controls the House and largely controls the spending bills passed in Congress. Not all Republicans will share all of Karl's viewpoints, just as they don't all share each others. But if you don't take them (their viewpoints) seriously, it is you that is not being serious. Fox News has nothing to do with it. Fox News Channel is not trustworthy and Rove is a criminal. So not a very good stand on what "should be" or what even is. ![]() Have to consider the source before I can consider the info valid. In this case.... not and not. |
Fox News Channel is not trustworthy and Rove is a criminal.
So not a very good stand on what "should be" or what even is. Have to consider the source before I can consider the info valid. In this case.... not and not. Did I miss an inditement? When was Rove convicted of a crime? Innocent until proven guilty right. Any source can be slanted one way or the other. Just because of ones political beliefs doesn't mean one shouldn't listen to what the other side says and take it into consideration not just blow it off because they don't fall under the same political philosophy. That's a big problem as to what's wrong with this country. To many people saying it's our way or nothing. |
Trying what
Fox News Channel is not trustworthy and Rove is a criminal.
So not a very good stand on what "should be" or what even is. Have to consider the source before I can consider the info valid. In this case.... not and not. Did I miss an inditement? When was Rove convicted of a crime? Innocent until proven guilty right. Any source can be slanted one way or the other. Just because of ones political beliefs doesn't mean one shouldn't listen to what the other side says and take it into consideration not just blow it off because they don't fall under the same political philosophy. That's a big problem as to what's wrong with this country. To many people saying it's our way or nothing. Is that pot calling kettle here? Anyway Rove is a criminal and not a valid source for consideration of any kind. Faux news is a right wing entertainment channel not a valid news channel. So we are batting zero here. |
I enjoy reading what the leftists have to say..
It just helps to reinforce my views as to why their ideas must be expunged. They are a menace and the albatross around Americas neck. This failed administration is proof of it. |
Thought both sides worked together on it or so he said in his speech that he had democrats and repubs work on it? Yes I am interested in the budget bottom line and how things will get paid for with less tax revenues. If I understood the basics, there is 1 trillion in cuts already signed in law and another 1.5 that the congress must come up with Im figuring from those cuts they will be able to pay for other things and, of course, with more people being put to work, there will be more 'income tax' revenue as well How will you ever reduce the debt and deficit? Those cuts were CUTS for a reason, it kinda eliminates the CUT if you spend it on something else). What will actually happen to the 'money' spent to 'create' jobs... it will be siphoned off by all the leaches attached to our systems and we will end up with 1 job for ever 2 or 3 million spent... If I spend three hundred a month on a car and two hundred on insurance and I spend another three hundred on luxuries like internet and cell phone and I spend another 100 to 150 a month on movies I can cut all those expenses (have an extra 750 to budget or save) and if I spend only 300 of that savings someplace else, I still have a savings while re prioritizing what my budget covers,,, |
Thought both sides worked together on it or so he said in his speech that he had democrats and repubs work on it? Yes I am interested in the budget bottom line and how things will get paid for with less tax revenues. If I understood the basics, there is 1 trillion in cuts already signed in law and another 1.5 that the congress must come up with Im figuring from those cuts they will be able to pay for other things and, of course, with more people being put to work, there will be more 'income tax' revenue as well How will you ever reduce the debt and deficit? Those cuts were CUTS for a reason, it kinda eliminates the CUT if you spend it on something else). What will actually happen to the 'money' spent to 'create' jobs... it will be siphoned off by all the leaches attached to our systems and we will end up with 1 job for ever 2 or 3 million spent... If I spend three hundred a month on a car and two hundred on insurance and I spend another three hundred on luxuries like internet and cell phone and I spend another 100 to 150 a month on movies I can cut all those expenses (have an extra 750 to budget or save) and if I spend only 300 of that savings someplace else, I still have a savings while re prioritizing what my budget covers,,, That is you... Government works not this way... President is trying to spend 'conterfiet' money... (i.e. the FED Printed it). To fix a REAL problem. and we have been dabbling in K style economics long enough that we are close to its outer limit... More false cash will tip the balance... it will crash. |
I thought feds printed all money,,, as a standard
a standard which we use to barter in the western world. |
I thought it was a pretty good speech. Actually not a lot to argue
about here yet until we see how it is being financed. Small business cuts and more jobs for infrastructure are all good things. There is no reason why Buffet's secretary should pay a higher tax rate than her employer. One part I did find curious looking a the text of the speech. He said that for a small business employing 50 people that the proposed tax cut would amount to $80,000 or $400 per employee per year. Is that a misprint? A $400 tax cut per employee per year will not really help very much in a decision on whether to hire. 1. Where's the beef? I applaud the effort from the White House to lead. They are leading and they beat the Republicans to the punch. I do not see Boehner and company out there touting their own jobs plan. I will say that if this turns into yet another partisan debt ceiling type debate where everyday Americans get screwed because the Republicans want to create another legislative crisis or gridlock...a lot of people are going to get even more hacked off at them. I blame the Republican leadership for creating the debt ceiling crisis and jeopardizing all of us financially just for the sake of political points and I am still angry about it and will get angrier still if they block all efforts at jobs legislation. So it was a good speech...but....I am still pretty apprehensive. |
I see the jobs problem as systemic. We have exported almost all manufacturing overseas and I doubt if any of it is coming back. The Chinese, in particular, are using predatory practices by subsidizing industries to increase world market share. The Japanese were very successful at this method back in the sixties and seventies to increase their world market share of cars and electronics. The failure to protect US interests lays with both Democratic and Republican politicians.
Thought both sides worked together on it or so he said in his speech that he had democrats and repubs work on it? Yes I am interested in the budget bottom line and how things will get paid for with less tax revenues. If I understood the basics, there is 1 trillion in cuts already signed in law and another 1.5 that the congress must come up with Im figuring from those cuts they will be able to pay for other things and, of course, with more people being put to work, there will be more 'income tax' revenue as well I don't know, robbing Peter to pay Paul is not paying for it. We all need to wake up and realize the tax burden is going to get heavier. |
Edited by
Sat 09/10/11 08:54 AM
The debt ceiling started when governments decision to provide for its people started to happen.......the reason we started having debt goes back to Lincoln at the time of the civil order to finance a war that the government could no longer afford he cut a deal....which is all government does today.....cut deals to accomplish the projects of each individual representitive.....and of course entitlements to the people beginning with the debts piled up the government printed more money never increasing the gold the that backs up the money the money we print......creating the money we print to be worth less......and creating an inflated debt in the US until we r in the trillions.....charging companies more and levying harder laws for them to operate forcing them in other countries and causing less jobs here........we import resources we have and make other countries rich.....when we could harness our own resources creating jobs for our the illegal alien takes jobs yes......but as a country we have alienated ourselves to an excess
And because history sets presedence both sides propelled and created the mess this country is in and both sides future depend upon them working together to resolve this mess. |
The debt ceiling started when governments decision to provide for its people started to happen.......the reason we started having debt goes back to Lincoln at the time of the civil order to finance a war that the government could no longer afford he cut a deal....which is all government does today.....cut deals to accomplish the projects of each individual representitive.....and of course entitlements to the people beginning with the debts piled up the government printed more money never increasing the gold the that backs up the money the money we print......creating the money we print to be worth less......and creating an inflated debt in the US until we r in the trillions.....charging companies more and levying harder laws for them to operate forcing them in other countries and causing less jobs here........we import resources we have and make other countries rich.....when we could harness our own resources creating jobs for our the illegal alien takes jobs yes......but as a country we have alienated ourselves to an excess And because history sets presedence both sides propelled and created the mess this country is in and both sides future depend upon them working together to resolve this mess. A lot of truth in only a few words. ![]() |