Topic: This is me... Nice to meet you | |
I am 27 years old
Grew up in Wisconsin just moved to Minnesota so that my wife at the time could live with her parents when I go over seas.. atleast that was her excuse to move here. She grew up here and all of her friends live around here( guys and gals) and the guys were probably to close of friends I guess. I have been in the military 10 year My unit will be going to Afganistan next year. So far I have spent time in Alaska, Arizona, California, Arizona, Missourri, Kentucky, and Washington while being the the military. My daughter is 10 months old (Payson). You will hear a lot of that name in my posts she is my world. I enjoy fishing, playing on the computer, bowling, softball, football, basketball, going to the movies, playing cards, and many other things. I do not smoke or drink. My mother died when I was 14 in a drunk driving accident... My biological father signed off rights to me when i was a month old because alchohol was more important.. I vow to NEVER make my child have to ever think that anything is more important then her. Really if you want to know anything else about me you can post a note and aske a question and I will probably answer it. I am pretty open and do not hide anything. But there still is a chacne i do not answer the question. |