Topic: Arm, Hands, n Wrists......... | |
anyone here having problem with there shoulder, arms, hands, wrists and fingers?
i was recentely diagnoised with cronic bi laterial carpal tunnel, was diagnoised with bi laterial capral tunnel in 02. iam on my 4 surgery (2 each hand) cause my original dr didnt do them right. now its too late. most of the symphtoms r permant. my question is ?????? this started with pain, tingeling, numbness in my hands and fingers, then moved to my arms and added tremers, my entire arms going dead, turning blue and freezing cold ant races in my arms, now my shoulder want to join the party. i dont take anything for this not even pain pills. ive done omt therapy, reg pt, seen a neurologist, it took 9 years to convience 2 drs i still had carpal tunnel. ive also have 9 nerve conduction studys. everyone i tell dissmiss the rest. anyone ever have something like this go on????????? or any idea what it could be. iam tired of hurten and droppen things |
I had carpal tunnel in my right wrist a long time ago and had surgery that solved my problem...
There is a lot of info on the internet that might help you, some of it is hard to understand but since you've had this for some time you might be familiar with it..Keep trying with different drs until you can find someone to give you the help you need..Also, if you live near a teaching hospital, they might be able to help you...keep us posted on how you are doing... ![]() |
Darlin' need more info if you care to share. I am blessed to work with people from all walks and have seen many people learn not olnly about their body, but how to heal and manage what ails them.
Message me if you like and I will try to help clear some of the fog on info with you. Take care :) |