Topic: The Odds Are Always Protean
Yakamoto's photo
Thu 09/08/11 05:42 AM
It is really hard to listen to
dance-type music and
compel oneself not to dance.
It is really hard to understand someone
who doesn’t understand him or herself.
It is really hard to not force oneself
to not force oneself in doing something.
It is really hard to do many things,
but some things are harder to do than others,
so lets start with the rudimentary aspects
and see where we go from there.
if we leap to places we haven’t yet ranked up to
then it is illogical to reach for such goals.
Start small,
and you are more liable to achieve what you
believed you could not.
Stay on shore for a safely finite time
or sail with the crew across the uncharted waters
where sea serpents smell fear and
where guileful danger lies in wait,
it is your choice,
have at it what you will,
but sometimes Time can be a gunman,
just take cover and wait for the reload
then spring up on him and knife him in the throat
when he doesn’t see it coming.
Strike those that are strong in their weakest spots,
don’t invariably limit yourself to an honorable fight,
it is not how you win the fight in the real world,
it is the fact that you won the fight that ultimately counts.

no photo
Thu 09/08/11 06:29 AM
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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Thu 09/08/11 06:46 AM

kc0003's photo
Thu 09/08/11 09:14 PM

Yakamoto's photo
Sun 09/11/11 03:04 AM