Topic: Conservative Smackdown of the Day: Fox News 9-6-2011
Dragoness's photo
Tue 09/06/11 04:24 PM
Conservative Smackdown of the Day: Fox News 9-6-2011
September 6, 2011
By Justin "Filthy Liberal Scum" Rosario

Today’s Smackdown is awarded to those brokers of honesty, those Sultans of fairness, those purveyors of balance: Fox News. I was most reluctant to give them this award. After all, the fine people at Fox would never dream of acting in a way that was not entirely consistent with their iron-clad ethics. My shocked disappointment is palpable.

But anyway, I must overcome my deep inner sorrow to highlight the absolute outrage Fox News has expressed at the following quote from Teamsters president James Hoffa:

Everybody here’s got to vote. If we go back and we keep the eye on the prize, let’s take these son of a [*******] out and give America back to America where we belong. Thank you very much! Thank you! Thank you.

According to the completely unbiased commentators at Fox, this amounts to violent rhetoric of the kind that could lead to real world harm:

GRETCHEN CARLSON (co-host): Wait a minute, “take them out.” That has a certain connotation that is not good news for members of the tea party.

BRIAN KILMEADE (co-host): Right. If you’re in the UFC or the WWE, it makes perfect sense.

STEVE DOOCY (co-host): Sure.

KILMEADE: Yes, it does. Knock them out.

I totally understand where they’re coming from! The FIRST thing I thought of was using my right to vote to put Michele Bachmann in a submission hold! Granted, I hear she’s into that sort of thing, but I couldn’t quite figure out how to turn filling out a ballot into a figure four leg lock.

Vote liberal! VOTE LIBERAL!!!!

Nope, just can’t see that working…

But even though I completely agree that Fox News is right that Hoffa was advocating liberals beating Tea Partiers up using their votes, I was dismayed when I realized that their multiple complaints about it were…partisan!!!

I mean, I can’t seem to remember Steve Doocy feigning expressing his horror at Allen West’s short-lived Chief of Staff stating that:

“And then the Founding Fathers were ever so brilliant — and I don’t care how this gets painted by the mainstream media, I don’t care if this shows up on YouTube – because I am convinced that the most important thing the Founding Fathers did to ensure me my First Amendment rights is they gave me a Second Amendment… And if ballots don’t work, bullets will,”

Or Sharon Angle saying,

“If this Congress keeps going the way it is, people are really looking toward those Second Amendment remedies… I’ll tell you the first thing we need to do is take Harry Reid out.”

Well, there’s that phrase again about taking people out! Except THIS one had guns instead of votes as the qualifier. But wait, wouldn’t that make it more violent than Hoffa? Surely the deeply held integrity of Fox News would allow them to criticize a liberal while turning a blind eye to an almost identical but far more egregious statement from a conservative?!

Alas! I could find no condemnation of all of this violent rhetoric coming from the right. I feel betrayed! How can I continue to watch Fox and believe that they are not just as slanted and biased as they claim everyone else is? Does that mean that Glenn beck lied to me? Does that mean that Sean Hannitys’ chin deals out deceit? Does this mean Bill O’Reilly is a lying. blotchy bully?

I’m afraid the answer, my dear friends, is “yes.”

For dealing falsely with the public in so obvious a fashion, Congratulations, Fox News! At long last, you’re all hypocrites!

I guess I'll have to watch other shows that won't make stuff up. Maybe Reality TV?

Feel free to tell me what a terrible person I am on Facebook here (public) or here (not so public) or follow me on Twitter @FilthyLbrlScum. Share and Tweet the love.

I am beginning to like this guy.


Fox News Channel is just the most pitiful excuse for news that exists. Even the fake news the kids do to pretend is far more insightful and accurate that Fox.

no photo
Tue 09/06/11 04:37 PM
everybody knows that we lefties are all violent thugs. Isn't that why you picked your username, DraGOONess?

Dragoness's photo
Tue 09/06/11 04:40 PM

everybody knows that we lefties are all violent thugs. Isn't that why you picked your username, DraGOONess?

surprised laugh oops No although it has a nice ring to it thoughrofl