Topic: Luv2roknrolls Biotch Club, SIGN UP NOW!!!! - part 3 | |
Basnastardly thanks agan, O Biotch Queen. Is it any wonder I biotchy love ya?
Basnastardly thanks agan, O Biotch Queen. Is it any wonder I biotchy love ya? |
Basnastardly thanks agan, O Biotch Queen. Is it any wonder I biotchy love ya? Yes, you biotchingly are......... |
Other than Petebasnastard, this has been a horribly depressing biotchy day. I shall retire and biotchy hope, my religious beliefs will not biotchy be attacked biotchy tomorrow! Biotches and Basnastards... |
Hello Biotches and Basnastards You biotchy queen, has a biotchy hangover, off biotchy "Malibu Rum", and "Tequila" shots, in her quarters.... and your biotchy queen, doesnt even really drink........... So..she feels like biotchy crap. If you biotchy play, you must biotchy pay! Carry on Biotches and Basnastards carry on! |
Hello Biotches and Basnastards You biotchy queen, has a biotchy hangover, off biotchy "Malibu Rum", and "Tequila" shots, in her quarters.... and your biotchy queen, doesnt even really drink........... So..she feels like biotchy crap. If you biotchy play, you must biotchy pay! Carry on Biotches and Basnastards carry on! |
Hello Biotches and Basnastards You biotchy queen, has a biotchy hangover, off biotchy "Malibu Rum", and "Tequila" shots, in her quarters.... and your biotchy queen, doesnt even really drink........... So..she feels like biotchy crap. If you biotchy play, you must biotchy pay! Carry on Biotches and Basnastards carry on! And it wasent by the king! |
Biotch Saturday Evening (it is here in CT) all you biotches and basnastards........
......and especially to Queen Biotch |
Biotch Saturday Evening (it is here in CT) all you biotches and basnastards........ ......and especially to Queen Biotch I remember biotchy ice skating on the biotchy pond, and sledding down the biotchy hill beside our biotchy castle. |
Hail the morning Biotches and Basnastards I must go to the biotchy chapel in the village today, and worship the wizard in the biotchy sky. I must go now, and wash my biotchy body, so I do not biotchy smell like the south end of a biotchy horse walking north. Carry on biotches carry on. |
Biotch Saturday Evening (it is here in CT) all you biotches and basnastards........ ......and especially to Queen Biotch I remember biotchy ice skating on the biotchy pond, and sledding down the biotchy hill beside our biotchy castle. I basnastardly remember you biotchy telling me that in an e-mail about 3 years ago, O Biotch Queen.......and you were biotchy born only 10 months after The_Petebasnastard was biotchy born in Hartford, CT....only about 50 biotchy miles away.... |
Biotch Saturday Evening (it is here in CT) all you biotches and basnastards........ ......and especially to Queen Biotch |
Biotch Saturday Evening (it is here in CT) all you biotches and basnastards........ ......and especially to Queen Biotch I remember biotchy ice skating on the biotchy pond, and sledding down the biotchy hill beside our biotchy castle. I basnastardly remember you biotchy telling me that in an e-mail about 3 years ago, O Biotch Queen.......and you were biotchy born only 10 months after The_Petebasnastard was biotchy born in Hartford, CT....only about 50 biotchy miles away.... *"Its a Small World", plays* Its a world of laughter, a world of cheer ................................................. |
Biotch Saturday Evening (it is here in CT) all you biotches and basnastards........ ......and especially to Queen Biotch Well, we are just a biotchy bunch, of biotchy Conneticutins! (Is that even a word? } |
biotchy morning to Queen Biotch and the entire Biotchy Kingdom !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Morning Biotches and Basnastards I must again, biotch about my lack of biotchy sleep. I am biotchy up, every few biotchy hours, all biotchy night long, which makes me very biotchy tired, the next biotchy day. My no longer biotchy work! Carry on Biotches and Basnastards carry on. |