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Topic: Am I missing something?
msharmony's photo
Sat 09/03/11 10:25 AM
4u , you are too cool for school man,,,flowerforyou

prashant01's photo
Sat 09/03/11 10:30 AM

Why do almost all women on internet dating sites go completely silent when asked if they would like to exchange email addresses or mobile phone numbers?

May not be all but most of the time most of the people(not just women) prefer to avoid it anyhow though on net or in person if the demand comes suddenly like a bomb.Perhaps very few will refrain themselves from exchanging contact info if they are really up to the stage of entrusting someone with keen interest in developing some sort of relationship with him / her.

I take this aspect as age related too.As u grow wiser with lot of messy things happening around in the IT age,you try to suspect everyone about his interest in your personal matters even if u meet on a dating site or so.

So its always better to have patience & to wait for him / her ask for / offer contact info

no photo
Sat 09/03/11 10:42 AM

4u , you are too cool for school man,,,flowerforyou
laugh :heart: Why msharmony,,,,THAT is the NICEST COMPLIMENT I HAVE EVER RECEIVED ON HERE,,Thank you very much,,and unlike BS,,I REALLY MEAN THIS,,,,flowerforyou That was SWEET!:banana:

:banana: :banana: I'm to COOl for school,,,,,,:banana: :banana:

LETS BOOGIE,,,,,,,,,:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: laugh

Sandelwood4's photo
Sat 09/03/11 10:43 AM
Edited by Sandelwood4 on Sat 09/03/11 10:44 AM

OK,,to sum it all up in a nut shell,

And to THINK they will throw that out through kindness of you asking is very egotistical,,or naive on your part to expect?

I have been on here a very long time and MANY,,,MANY friends of mine still would probably not want to give me their phone numbers,,for their on choice in only talking here in emails,,NOW,,as a dude here if I know THAT about them through emails,,I would also know they didn't really feel me someone they would like to go out with,,for they have a little bet of paranoid going on or they just view me as a friend?

Some WILL give you anything you like to converse with them,,their open,,real,,and find real voice a much easier way to feel the others heart,,,BUT,,even THEY HAVE TO KNOW YA DUDE,,I mean,,THEY HAVE TO HAVE TALKED WITH YOU IN The forums or in several emails on here?

Many women here,,unlike us dudes,,have kids and live a single life style so THEY are cautious of giving any personal things out.
As THEY might be stalkers or crazy chiiits?
Many women have suffered some form of abuse from a man in their life so they have an open fear as to WHO is even looking at them on here.
Let alone,,trying to locate them,,see IF you have someones phone number YOU can ALSO find out their addy,,and THAT my friend is WHY MANY have a little fear or protectiveness about giving that out..

AND THAT TAKES YOUR TIME SPENT HERE TYPING,,,and IF THATS TO MUCH TO ASK OF YOU,,then maybe the NET isn't your format to find a good woman?

I'm NOT being a smartazzz, I am being REAL with your question here,,and your replies back to the members here..

It took ME four months of TYPING to a women on here JUST to see if we could be more,,and then at THAT point,,she gave me her number and addy because I gave her enough of me through us talking,,that SHE TRUSTED me to give that..

no offense,but why should you be able to short-cut this process?lol

Good Luck on making this place work with you and you with it,,the Net is a place of MANY fake people,,so be careful and type MUCH,,laugh

Iam4U: I like how you put it.
Savarus: Nothing is standing in your way in getting to know the person face to face. It sounds like it's not an option for you to meet someone using the communication method offered through this site.
It's really not that difficult. You agree to meet some place and continue to get to know each other on mingle until she is ready to give out more personal info such as #. Simple.

Or you could experiment with prashant01's suggestion, but you have to realize that no one will respond since it is (let's face it) a requirement.

no photo
Sat 09/03/11 10:44 AM
Edited by singmesweet on Sat 09/03/11 10:45 AM

no photo
Sat 09/03/11 10:45 AM

Second, my apologies to singmesweet if you are offended by my somewhat brutal turn of phrase ("Almost all women...")
What I probably should have said was "almost all the women I'VE MET..."
I say this now because it is my experience. Obviously I can't say it about every single woman on every internet dating site because I haven't met them all & I'm sure there are plenty out there who wouldn't do the silent thing. Anyway, I'm sorry if you thought I was stereotyping women.
In answer to your other question, there's no given point at which I tend to ask to exchange numbers etc or meet up... I do it when I feel like the other person might respond well to being asked. There's no saying when that can be but I make a lot of effort to gauge how keen she seems before I bring it up. It's not like "Hi, can I have your number darlin!"
I'm usually quite a perceptive person and would know face to face if someone was interested enough to trade numbers but when body language is removed from the equation to be replaced by Sans Serf it becomes virtually impossible to get a vibe.

Relax man. No need to be so defensive. I was not offended. I simply asked questions based on what you said in your OP.

If all the women you chat with act the same way, chances are you're asking for this information too quickly, which is why I asked about that.

And Soufie is correct. If you don't want opinions, don't ask for them. Good luck to you!

Savarus's photo
Sat 09/03/11 01:48 PM
Very sorry to all who have posted after my last... I'm having difficulty reading complete posts as there's this big black box covering up the right hand side of the screen and it obscures half the text. Don't want to go reading between lines so to speak so won't be returning to the board 'til the problem's solved.

Thanks all for the staggering amount of interest & helpful viewpoints I'll be back... hopefully!

prashant01's photo
Sun 09/04/11 07:16 AM

Very sorry to all who have posted after my last... I'm having difficulty reading complete posts as there's this big black box covering up the right hand side of the screen and it obscures half the text.

Thats a problem indeed but not a problem at all.They have designed web page like that only.

Trick is that u select the text while reading ,so the selection background makes the text white & u can read everything easily.

drinker drinker

Savarus's photo
Sun 09/04/11 12:59 PM
Sandalwood4... I couldn't agree with you more!
(This post isn't a direct reply to yours by the way... more of a general address to all using your statement as a jumping-off point)

<< Randalwood4 said:
"Savarus: Nothing is standing in your way in getting to know the person face to face. It sounds like it's not an option for you to meet someone using the communication method offered through this site." >>

I thought perhaps it might be but it isn't and the same applies to all dating sites, not just this one. I can't feel a single thing through a computer. I can't see body language, can't pick up vibes... Half the time I can't even tell if someone's joking or not! Oh, and I have to be in a certain place doing certain things in order to communicate with the person! A mobile phone can not only be carried handily in the pocket but can project voice... another useful means of conveying real, live, uncensored, spontaneous feeling.

To me internet dating is a way of breaking the ice, getting in touch with people you'd otherwise pass by in the street or keeping in touch with people you already know. Internet dating = phone number, phone number = meet in person, meet in person = the whole idea. It's a means to an end... a tool, not a crutch. The quicker it's out of the way the better. I just can't see it as something to build a relationship on, especially when the onus is on being so paranoid all the time!

There's nasty things wherever you look, online or off but only online do I see people terrified of their own shadow in case they get caught for a mug. Come on! It's just as possible offline as it is online but in the real world people are happier to take their chances because they feel they've been given more to go on. Why therefore take away the whole essence of the game by insisting a screen be put between them until they "trust" one another?!
I meet strangers offline all the time. If we end up talking and like one another we might exchange phone numbers or even home addresses and as often as not we do so inside of the first meeting! Moreover, both parties leave knowing more about the other person in a few hours than they could learn in 6 months online!

The difference here? There is no physicality.

I respect that there are those of you for whom this is all very real but for me it isn't. It's taken this dialogue for me to truly realise that, so for that much I thank you all.

I won't be back... it's not for me! Bon chance and ta very much!

msharmony's photo
Sun 09/04/11 01:31 PM
dang, I would have suggested he try more 'dating' geared sites that focus on the actual physical meeting

like its just lunch dot com

or local sites that deal with members in a specific regional area who can meet up as opposed to members from all over the world...

Sandelwood4's photo
Sun 09/04/11 01:33 PM
you don't need a mobile phone to see someone from mingle face to face. how much more physical do you want to get when you're meeting the person off screen in real life? i'm not sure what part of that you don't understand.

the convenience of having access to someones personal info may be another persons inconvenience. if this is still intolerable to you that's a tough spot to be in. wishing you good luck.

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