Topic: my gal break up wit me,pls am lonely,i promi da i wl treat u
txmomof2's photo
Thu 08/18/11 08:50 PM
I pride myself in being able to read typonese but this is beyond even my best traslation

no photo
Thu 08/18/11 08:51 PM

I pride myself in being able to read typonese but this is beyond even my best traslation

That's ok, you gave it your best...I got a message in Italian the other day. At least that is what I think it was. lol

dukeHENRY1's photo
Thu 08/18/11 08:52 PM
you dont want to be my angel,have u ever being in love before

no photo
Thu 08/18/11 08:52 PM
Think he wants your bank account number.....

dukeHENRY1's photo
Thu 08/18/11 08:54 PM
professor in dictionary,your sentence is for sale,can i buy it

txmomof2's photo
Thu 08/18/11 08:55 PM
I am no ones anything well except maybe a certain someone

But I dont know you and I cant stand people who fall in love at the drop of a until you get to know me dont ask me to be your angel again. as a matter of fact dont ever ask again

no photo
Thu 08/18/11 08:55 PM
I think he's out of luck if that's what he's after. :tongue:

txmomof2's photo
Thu 08/18/11 08:55 PM

Think he wants your bank account number.....

He is out of luck

dukeHENRY1's photo
Thu 08/18/11 08:56 PM
please better go and sleep,who want somebody's bank account

no photo
Thu 08/18/11 08:56 PM

I am no ones anything well except maybe a certain someone

But I dont know you and I cant stand people who fall in love at the drop of a until you get to know me dont ask me to be your angel again. as a matter of fact dont ever ask again

Lol, you're one tough cookie :thumbsup:

txmomof2's photo
Thu 08/18/11 08:58 PM

I am no ones anything well except maybe a certain someone

But I dont know you and I cant stand people who fall in love at the drop of a until you get to know me dont ask me to be your angel again. as a matter of fact dont ever ask again

Lol, you're one tough cookie :thumbsup:

I don't play hard to get I am hard to get

metalwing's photo
Thu 08/18/11 08:58 PM

I pride myself in being able to read typonese but this is beyond even my best traslation

pitchfork Captain Metal's Translator Service pitchfork

He writes:

realy,so i shud b in to ur rum,is dat ur sayin


Really! So I should be in your room. Is that what you're saying?

dukeHENRY1's photo
Thu 08/18/11 08:58 PM
txmomf,am so sorry for calling you dat,it woundnt repeat itself again but is unfair that

no photo
Thu 08/18/11 08:59 PM

I pride myself in being able to read typonese but this is beyond even my best traslation

pitchfork Captain Metal's Translator Service pitchfork

He writes:

realy,so i shud b in to ur rum,is dat ur sayin


Really! So I should be in your room. Is that what you're saying?

Well...even translated it is a rather odd thing to say lol

txmomof2's photo
Thu 08/18/11 09:06 PM
very strange indeed

dukeHENRY1's photo
Thu 08/18/11 09:07 PM
hello,who are u refering to,pls i wud like to no

dukeHENRY1's photo
Thu 08/18/11 09:10 PM
i look into ur profile,is dat ur kid,wao

txmomof2's photo
Thu 08/18/11 09:18 PM
Ok it's time for me to leave this alone before I say something i shouldn't.

no photo
Thu 08/18/11 09:20 PM

Ok it's time for me to leave this alone before I say something i shouldn't.


metalwing's photo
Thu 08/18/11 09:21 PM

Ok it's time for me to leave this alone before I say something i shouldn't.

Woopi ty yi yippy ...