Topic: Is it as good as people tell me????
flexrip's photo
Wed 08/17/11 03:04 PM
Edited by flexrip on Wed 08/17/11 03:05 PM
Working in the same job 10 years and dont like meeting people in bars and clubs, is this the best way to go about it.
Im obviously a newbe at this online game

Still looking for a good pic of me on my own, thats my lil sis

no photo
Wed 08/17/11 03:06 PM
Welcome to the site.

vivian2981's photo
Wed 08/17/11 03:06 PM

yes, it's as good as you've heard

flexrip's photo
Wed 08/17/11 03:12 PM
Cheers, I hope your right

vivian2981's photo
Wed 08/17/11 03:22 PM
Just keep're nearly guaranteed to make friends:smile:

metalwing's photo
Wed 08/17/11 03:27 PM
Wow! and your sister is cute too!

flexrip's photo
Wed 08/17/11 03:32 PM
Cheers, your pretty cute yourself, I love those spotty legs

flexrip's photo
Wed 08/17/11 03:35 PM
I take it your talking about the skiing, its on a different thread.
Best hol you'll ever do. Went when I was 13 and since ive hit 18 ive gone at least once a year. And the nightlife is better than Ibiza

txmomof2's photo
Wed 08/17/11 03:56 PM

Damian1422's photo
Wed 08/17/11 04:02 PM
New on here...hoping to meet someone soon