Topic: Does anyone have an autistic child? | |
My son is showing some signs of autism. I really could use some insight to the disorder. So if any one on here has a child with autism of any severity I would really appreciate some advice on how to handle a child with it. How do I go about getting him tested? etc etc
Thanks in advance Staci |
best think is tell his doctor they can have him tested, my daughter has a speech imparment but she was born 3 months early, thats not uncommon. but evert time i have a comcern i talk with her dr and omt therapist.
my sons father sister has 3 of he 4 boys with varing degrees of autism. u only notice it in the oldest. just keep smiling |
Seakolony and Alterette are ones to talk to, although Seakolony doesn't get on here as often as she used to.
Seakolony and Alterette are ones to talk to, although Seakolony doesn't get on here as often as she used to. actionlynx is right and i guarantee i guarantee that these ladies would be willing to help (bulldog double guarantee - patent pending) |
I am gonna have him tested. He was 9 weeks early but didn't start showing symptoms till this past yr. Boy is he a handful.
Well, if you send a message to those two ladies, I'm sure they will help you with what you want to know.
Seakolony will probably refer you to some web links because she has a busy life of late. Alterette will likely explain symptoms and behavior, share stories, and answer questions for you. Both of them know me and Esebulldog, and both are listed as friends on my profile. If you mention in the email that the two of us referred you to them concerning an autistic child, I am more the sure they will offer their help. |
Thank you so much, will do!
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I emailed her. Thank you so much!
Your welcome.
![]() Alterette discovered she herself is autistic after learning her daughter was autistic. It was a matter of once she knew how to recognize the symptoms, she saw the same in herself. Just remember though, not all autism is the same. I know a guy who has a form of autism, yet he graduated from Yale. He was quite athletic in high school too. |
My so is highly intellegent and very athletic for his age. He loves to run and boy doe she run fast.
Hi, Bulldog just sent me a link to your post.
I have worked with special needs children for years and when my daughter turned two, I recognized the signs in her. She has a form of Asperger's, which is considered high functioning. There are generally two schools of thought on how to handle the situation; one is forced behavior and the other is through natural medicine: diet, child-directed learning,etc. The way I got Dani tested is when I took her for her yearly checkup, I spoke to the doctor about my concerns. She agreed that my daughter should be examined and set up a series of appointments for testing and observation with specialists. We were living in Sweden at the time; I don't honestly know if it's done the same in the USA. She is now 9, very intelligent, very energetic but has advanced a lot. She used to be non-verbal and wouldn't be touched but now she talks incessantly ![]() I've educated her at home because she has sensitivity issues but we think she may be able to attend classes next year. I'm trying to enroll her in an academy for autistic children, but there are some really good public schools who will work out an I.E.P. with you so your child can attend a mainstream school and adjust to "normal" life. Kind of like immersion therapy. It's something you and his doctors will discuss a lot to choose the option that will help your child the most. If you have any specific questions, message me and I'll do my best to find you answers. Good luck! |
Hi Staci-I work and live in Maryland. Just outside of DC. I own a provider agenct for disabilities. Advocating services for individuals with disabilities is what I do for a living. Starting with your pediatrician is where you begin. Please know that the earlier he is diagnosed the better!!! I don't know what state you live in but there is a waiting list for about 11 years in my area for children to receive supports for Autism. The have financial supports for children with Autism. The sooner you get him on the lists the better. I did my thesis on the disorder. It is a spectrum, ranging from Aspberger's to Autism. Boys are 3 times more likely to have it than girls. They say it's not hereditary but I have several families that have more than one child-who have it. If your son is interactive and vocal...if he's autistic-it's probably Aspberger's. Not sure how helpful this is. I think it's sad, but often times-once a child is diagnosed-the parents are left not knowing what to do next.
Best of luck to you and your son, Laura |
Thank you ladies. The advice and information is much appreciated. I will be setting up an appointment for him ASAP to have him tested.
Thank You Staci |
there is a blog "autism for parents"
L |
Thank you will check it out.
Edited by
Mon 08/15/11 05:50 PM
There are many levels of autism and if you can get it diagnosed all the better because then you can begin treating it -and most schools offer special services for the child once school age is reached,
I wasn't that lucky. My 22 year old son has a form of Asperger's syndrome but was never diagnosed. His teachers and myself tried to have him diagnosed but his pediatricians did not think there was anything wrong with him. Because he was a good student who ultimately did his work and was quiet it fell to the wayside- even tho I tried to get into see specialists they wouldn't take my insurance at the time and wouldn't schedule us without it. The Aspergers kept him isolated from others and kept him from being social even tho I tried to get him to have playdates and get him into group settings. And as we know you need to socialize to some to degree to have friends, a job etc.... He's in college now but he has very little desire to make friends or find a job. I feel if I could have gotten some assitance with him when he was younger he'd be better off now. |
I am new to this hopefully you get this reply. I have a daughter who was diagnosed with high functioning autism. I got on a website called They helped me deal with the school. I was trying to get an IEP for her and the school district in Missouri fought me tooth and nail wouldn't give me any alternates. I didn't know of any atlernates until I got on the website. My daughter now has a 504 plan which is part of the No Child Left Behind. Hopefully they will be helpful like they was for me
My son is showing some signs of autism. I really could use some insight to the disorder. So if any one on here has a child with autism of any severity I would really appreciate some advice on how to handle a child with it. How do I go about getting him tested? etc etc Thanks in advance Staci no but my son and i both have a birthdefect called lawerence moon beild syndrome where it effects each person in a differnt way but it does cause issue with the kidneys and my son and i are both on kidney dialyis my son has had problems sense he was born, and when he was 2 the hospitol sent his studies to london and all they said was his chromazones were rare and they were off by 1 and 2 of having ms which e doesnt have.. i learned when i was going in for my heart valve replacement that i had this birtdefect as well as my son |
My son is showing some signs of autism. I really could use some insight to the disorder. So if any one on here has a child with autism of any severity I would really appreciate some advice on how to handle a child with it. How do I go about getting him tested? etc etc Thanks in advance Staci The most common cause of autism is vaccines that use a mercury based preservative. Also, get fluoride out of your water. Buy an RO system and use it. Our daughter is due in February and she has had the benefit of clean water, free of Sodium Fluoride. For your health and that of your children, clean water and informed consent about vaccines are of crucial importance. I was never here. |
My son is 12 and is autistic as well as having a genetic disorder. We started out at our local Children's Hospital and they got us in touch with a local agency who came to our home and did a series of tests and he has been getting therapy since he was 6 months old. Talk to your child's pediatrician and they'll be able to get you in touch with whatever agency in your area provides therapies. The earlier you start, the better for your child.