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Topic: Men and children
EquusDancer's photo
Fri 08/12/11 09:58 AM

Wow, it amazes me how I can go from one opinion to the other once I see what other folks have to say. I didnt consider at least half of this stuff.

I love that.

I agree with you here. It's given me a lot to think about.

EquusDancer's photo
Fri 08/12/11 10:08 AM
For women who fear child molesters, why are you dating? I fully admit I wouldn't, due to the whack-jobs out there. After all, even NOT mentioning kiddos right away, it's got to come out eventually.

Hmmm, I can see adoptions and surrogates, to a point. Well, from my view, not surrogates so much, since I'm only interested in men, and if they've carried, then noway !! But even then, saying, "I was a surrogate, or gave my child up for adoption and will never see them again" is still necessary info. An anonymous sperm donor would be different, but a knowing sperm donor means you really did have a kid.

I got the feeling with these guys was that they had kids, knew it, may or may not pay child support and the ex has the kids and they really don't care, and think they're essentially free.

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Fri 08/12/11 10:13 AM
How about when a child doesn't want anything to do with one of their biological parents anymore? Or sometimes the child will deny their the child of whoever, cos of certain reasons.

EquusDancer's photo
Fri 08/12/11 10:18 AM

How about when a child doesn't want anything to do with one of their biological parents anymore? Or sometimes the child will deny their the child of whoever, cos of certain reasons.

The person still has a child. Biologically. Whether the child is involved or not, they still have one. The guy can fill in the details if it comes down to it, but saying "No" when it's really "Yes" is a lie.

EquusDancer's photo
Fri 08/12/11 10:35 AM

For women who fear child molesters, why are you dating? I fully admit I wouldn't, due to the whack-jobs out there.

I hadnt thought about it specifically, but I dont introduce my child to someone I havent been actually dating for a good long while anywhoo. My hope is that I would be able to notice when my child is in the company of such a person. Not only that, my child is verbal, and can tell me if someone is creepy when Im not looking.

I can definitely see where you're coming from, especially when you do finally introduce one's kids, but you're still going to have had to mention having had kiddos before you even meet, right? So, saying "No" on the profile, and then "Yes" in an email is being untruthful.

Simonedemidova's photo
Fri 08/12/11 10:39 AM
My profile says i have no children but that i would want children. i did this to protect myself from weirdos. I want people to know i am kid friendly but i also dont want certain types of men targeting me because i have children...

I figure if they see i want children...and they dont, then probably they would not be interested in me either way. if they are kid friendly and dont mind kids, then it should be no problem if i tell them i have kids. I would rather make sure they are interested in me first..

EquusDancer's photo
Fri 08/12/11 10:40 AM

My profile says i have no children but that i would want children. i did this to protect myself from weirdos. I want people to know i am kid friendly but i also dont want certain types of men targeting me because i have children...

I figure if they see i want children...and they dont, then probably they would not be interested in me either way. if they are kid friendly and dont mind kids, then it should be no problem if i tell them i have kids. I would rather make sure they are interested in me first..

So, you'd literally surprise them with an instant family, if they said they were kid friendly?

no photo
Fri 08/12/11 10:51 AM
Edited by singmesweet on Fri 08/12/11 10:52 AM

My profile says i have no children but that i would want children. i did this to protect myself from weirdos. I want people to know i am kid friendly but i also dont want certain types of men targeting me because i have children...

I figure if they see i want children...and they dont, then probably they would not be interested in me either way. if they are kid friendly and dont mind kids, then it should be no problem if i tell them i have kids. I would rather make sure they are interested in me first..

But that's hiding important information, especially if you're waiting to see if they're interested in you. If a guy did that to me, it wouldn't be cool as it's just not honest.

Simonedemidova's photo
Fri 08/12/11 10:53 AM

My profile says i have no children but that i would want children. i did this to protect myself from weirdos. I want people to know i am kid friendly but i also dont want certain types of men targeting me because i have children...

I figure if they see i want children...and they dont, then probably they would not be interested in me either way. if they are kid friendly and dont mind kids, then it should be no problem if i tell them i have kids. I would rather make sure they are interested in me first..

So, you'd literally surprise them with an instant family, if they said they were kid friendly?

I wouldnt say they are shocked...i mean they know when the time is right, but as with any information....things surface at different times, in my own experience it is part of getting to know each other process. I dont hide my children, but its not something i have on my profile directly. i dont wait long and they usually will know before we meet. One thing as well, i usually only date guys who already have children of their own anyways so it has never been a problem for me. My ex husband is a stalker and has told me before he kidnapped my kids from their school....he is restrained with monitored visit. For this particular reason as well, i choose not to list my children and use avatars a lot of the time. when i use my profile pic its usually not up for more than a day or so at a time. Its not malicious intent on my part to deceive a guy. I havent had problem meeting the right guys with my process.

oldhippie1952's photo
Fri 08/12/11 11:02 AM
My profile says I have kids, I just don't say anything about them until the time is "right."

Simonedemidova's photo
Fri 08/12/11 11:03 AM

My profile says i have no children but that i would want children. i did this to protect myself from weirdos. I want people to know i am kid friendly but i also dont want certain types of men targeting me because i have children...

I figure if they see i want children...and they dont, then probably they would not be interested in me either way. if they are kid friendly and dont mind kids, then it should be no problem if i tell them i have kids. I would rather make sure they are interested in me first..

But that's hiding important information, especially if you're waiting to see if they're interested in you. If a guy did that to me, it wouldn't be cool as it's just not honest.

People hide all kinds of stuff, by posting up pics of their face when their wastes are like size 18,or saying they are straight when they are actually gay...or saying they are 6'2 when they are 5'9, the list goes on....but protecting your children should not be taken nonchalant. There are countless other reasons and information people have hidden that are just as much a deal breaker as any, like religion for one thing. I tell guys after a few conversations way before I allow a deep relationship to develop. They are either on board or not. I have a great relationship right now with a man who happens to have his own 11 year old son. He knows about my children as well.

Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 08/12/11 11:31 AM

Well, I can see a number of reasons why someone wouldn't mention in their profile that they have kids.

Maybe they feel it's a safety thing. They don't want to post any info about their kids on the internet, including the fact that they even have kids. Especially if they have little ones.

That I can understand, as long as it comes out fairly quickly once the connection is made, and I don't think it's exclusive to men or women.

But to outright deny they have children or forget they have kids?

No, sorry. That's not cool. I can't even imagine telling someone I don't have kids.

I don't have anything about my sons in my profile, i post of my boys all the time. Everyone, here anyway knows i have kids. When asked i tell em i do...

People have killed their children over their perceived interference in relationships. It's creepy to me some would attempted to keep having children a secret.
Specially in cases with Lex and Equux, who both make it clear they are not interesting in dating peeps with kids.

no photo
Fri 08/12/11 11:43 AM

Well, I can see a number of reasons why someone wouldn't mention in their profile that they have kids.

Maybe they feel it's a safety thing. They don't want to post any info about their kids on the internet, including the fact that they even have kids. Especially if they have little ones.

That I can understand, as long as it comes out fairly quickly once the connection is made, and I don't think it's exclusive to men or women.

But to outright deny they have children or forget they have kids?

No, sorry. That's not cool. I can't even imagine telling someone I don't have kids.

I don't have anything about my sons in my profile, i post of my boys all the time. Everyone, here anyway knows i have kids. When asked i tell em i do...

People have killed their children over their perceived interference in relationships. It's creepy to me some would attempted to keep having children a secret.
Specially in cases with Lex and Equux, who both make it clear they are not interesting in dating peeps with kids.

But you answered the question of do you have children with "yes, sometimes they live at home." That's all that's needed in a profile about children, in my opinion.

no photo
Fri 08/12/11 11:44 AM

My profile says i have no children but that i would want children. i did this to protect myself from weirdos. I want people to know i am kid friendly but i also dont want certain types of men targeting me because i have children...

I figure if they see i want children...and they dont, then probably they would not be interested in me either way. if they are kid friendly and dont mind kids, then it should be no problem if i tell them i have kids. I would rather make sure they are interested in me first..

But that's hiding important information, especially if you're waiting to see if they're interested in you. If a guy did that to me, it wouldn't be cool as it's just not honest.

People hide all kinds of stuff, by posting up pics of their face when their wastes are like size 18,or saying they are straight when they are actually gay...or saying they are 6'2 when they are 5'9, the list goes on....but protecting your children should not be taken nonchalant. There are countless other reasons and information people have hidden that are just as much a deal breaker as any, like religion for one thing. I tell guys after a few conversations way before I allow a deep relationship to develop. They are either on board or not. I have a great relationship right now with a man who happens to have his own 11 year old son. He knows about my children as well.

I prefer honesty upfront. If someone can't be honest with me and has to hide something, like their children, we are not going to be a good match.

Simonedemidova's photo
Fri 08/12/11 12:08 PM
Exactly, and that is how people weed each other out. Some are understanding while others are not. I have never had an issue regarding my children with men. I find many men are not a match for me, before even having to mention my kids. While the ones I feel are matches... tend to have kids so they are on board with the idea. I go for guys I want. Its usually ones with an understanding heart and an open mind. Those are two qualities i hold high in my book of an ideal man. How many men list they are christian or catholic but are actually neither. Religion tends to weigh in more than children in a lot of peoples lives. But i don't want to stray off topic.

Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 08/12/11 12:49 PM

For women who fear child molesters

this was never a concern for me and i never had any issues with it

be selective, discerning

ya don't have to bring every date around your kids

oldhippie1952's photo
Fri 08/12/11 01:12 PM

Josie wrote:
laugh laugh Well I put in my profile that I have 6 kids and extras, I figured that if anyone still messaged me they would have to be interested, OR INSANE

Some of us men think the more the merrier, wish I had more than 2.

no photo
Fri 08/12/11 07:15 PM

Or for safety sake, I can see some women not wanting to mention it for fear of someone just trying to get closer to children (Its is a sick planet osmetimes)

This is kinda what I was saying in my post. If someone has this type of fear and doesn't mention they have kids in their profile, I understand that reasoning.

This is the digital age and there is a great deal of information available on the web for people who know how to find it.

In most cases, just a name or a name and general location is enough to provide an address.

Some parents (particulary those with young children) just aren't comfortable saying, "Hi I have kids at this address" on a website that is freely available to the entire world.

This isn't like Facebook where you have at least some limited control over who sees your info, and it's not like a paid site where you have positive identification (credit cards) tied to each paid profile.

For the most part, I am all for honesty, but for a parent trying to protect their children, I understand holding some things back.

I would understand holding a whole lot back on here. no one is underany obligation to reveal anything about themselves on here except what they choose to reveal and so entitled for our own reasons that are no one's business

I 'd be suspicious of those who insist that being a busybody is an art or who thinks they're entitled to personal information about u when they barely know you

I will tell what I want to whom I want to and at a time or relationship level that is ay MY comfort level

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