Topic: The Trinity in the Old Testament. | |
For all the sceptics and scoffers here is old testament proof of the Trinity of God coming down to punish the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah for homosexuality and other sins. God hates evil and He condemns sin. All of mankind after a certain time receives payment from God for their sins. It's a fact of life. God gives man a reasonable time to repent and turn away from sin but aftr that time is up then there comes a reckoning, a demand from God to punish unrepentant sin. Such is the case with Sodom and Gomorrah. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Prior to God's destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah we see the TRINITY arriving to Abraham. Gen.18:1 And the Lord appeared to him in the plains of Mam're: Verse 2 And he lifted up his eyes and looked, and lo, three men stood by him: The Lord predicts that Sarah will have a son. verse 10, The Lord knew the thoughts of Sarah. verse 13, 15. The Lord knows the future and informs Abraham. verse 17,18 and 19. Christ describes His punishment on Sodom and Gomorrah. verses 20-33 These attributes alone should suffice in the deity of Christ. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Holy Spirit and Christ visit Lot to prepare to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. Gen. 19:1 And there came two angels to Sodom at even; The wicked homosexuals attempted to break into Lot's home to rape and sodomize the two Angels and Lot also. verse 4-9. And the two men,( Christ and the Holy Spirit )blinded the eyes of the homosexual mob so much so they couldn't even find the door. verse 11. The two Angels pronounce judgement upon Sodom and Gomorrah. verse 13. Christ saves Lot and his two daughters out of the destruction. verse 15-23. A view of Christ and God working together. verse 24 Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven. Notice that both Christ on earth is called Lord as is God in heaven. Also you'll find that the Holy Spirit is always in the background but quiet. All three working together as one whole. Go back to see Christ use the plural( WE )( US ) in verse 13; " For We will destroy this place, because the cry of them is waxen great before the face of the Lord; and the Lord hath sent us to destroy it. " Remember that both Abraham and Lot both called the two angels Lord and now we see the Lord Christ calling God Lord. And that is because all three persons in the trinity are each God and Lord. This old Testament is just one of the countless proofs of the blessed Trinity of God alive forever more. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So if your honest with your reading you'll find namely the Trinity involved in this operation. That is very evident as I've pointed out. Also you'll find justice in God visiting punishment and destruction on these two cities for the SINS of homosexuality almost exclusively. God does not like sin and His face is against it in it's many forms. And finally you'll see that even if the numbers are few that God goes after His people to save them as he did with Lot and his two daughters. God showed His love toward Lot and his daughters and saved them before the destruction.
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Sun 08/07/11 09:22 PM
For all the sceptics and scoffers here is old testament proof of the Trinity of God You've got to be kidding. Clearly you have no idea what the term "proof" even means. All you have is your own personal interpretations of extremely vague fables. Jesus himself could not have been walking around on Earth talking to Lot. He hadn't been made flesh yet. Besides, even if I were to accept these vague writings that half the time the term "Lord" in the old testament is referring to God in heaven, and the other half of the time they are referring to a supposed "Christ" on Earth, I would still have no reason to accept the New Testament claims that Jesus was that Christ. Jesus did not fulfill the prophesy of the Old Testament. The Messiah that was prophecised to come was supposed to inherit the throne of King David and become the King of the Jews. Jesus clearly never achieved that position. Therefore Jesus could not have been the prophecised messiah. Jesus could not have been "the Christ". So there you have it. ![]() |
Marriage is in the image of the Trinity and that's in Genesis 2! The Trinity and Jesus are all throughout the Old Testament, but "For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God"
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Wed 08/10/11 09:38 PM
"For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God" And what are you being "saved" from? The wrath of this God himself. ![]() What an oxymoron. You need to be "saved" from the wrath of the very entity that is supposedly "saving" you. That's the epitome of absurdity. |
"For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God" And what are you being "saved" from? The wrath of this God himself. ![]() What an oxymoron. You need to be "saved" from the wrath of the very entity that is supposedly "saving" you. That's the epitome of absurdity. Not saved from the wrath, saved from death. |
"For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God" And what are you being "saved" from? The wrath of this God himself. ![]() What an oxymoron. You need to be "saved" from the wrath of the very entity that is supposedly "saving" you. That's the epitome of absurdity. Not saved from the wrath, saved from death. No, death is nothing to fear, nor be saved from. That's not the threat. If that were the only threat, then there would be nothing wrong with people like me simply saying that we are not interested in this so-called 'gift' of eternal life. But you Christians won't accept that. You won't allow someone to simply politely say, "No thank you. I'm not interested in any gift eternal life". That's not acceptable. You have absolutely no respect for people who politely decline the gift of eternal life. Instead you badger them, and continually harass them, belittle them, and degrade them, and proclaim them to be SINNERS who are choosing to be DISOBEDIENT to GOD! Where is there anything your ungodly hateful Bible where it states that it's a SIN to politely decline an offer of eternal life? ![]() No, Cowboy. Christianity is nothing less than a disgusting shameful system of religious bigotry that simply belittles and degrades everyone who refuses to cower down to its ignorant demands that everyone must support its religious bigotry or GO TO HELL! There is no way to politely decline this so-called 'gift'? It's the most hideous 'gift' every created by mortal men. Just try to politely decline it, and you will be proclaimed to be the most despicable ungodly sinner on the face of the planet who has chosen to be unrighteously DISOBEDIENT of God. No, Cowboy. This religion has nothing at all to do with any 'gift'. All it has to do with is the condemnation of anyone who refuses to embrace and support this organized religious bigotry called "Christianity". It is religious bigotry taken to the EXTREME. It has nothing to do with any 'gift'. That's just its devious evil ploy. If it were a truly a 'gift' then to politely decline it could not be viewed as a bad thing at all. And people who politely decline it would be totally respected for their choice in doing so, and they would not be proclaimed to be "sinners" who are refusing to obey the commandments of some hideous unrighteous God. |
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Wed 08/10/11 10:15 PM
Well if God kills all of the really bad sinners, and takes his followers back with him up to heaven, then I will finally be able to have some peace and quiet here on earth.
Have at it. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
"For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God" And what are you being "saved" from? The wrath of this God himself. ![]() What an oxymoron. You need to be "saved" from the wrath of the very entity that is supposedly "saving" you. That's the epitome of absurdity. Not saved from the wrath, saved from death. No, death is nothing to fear, nor be saved from. That's not the threat. If that were the only threat, then there would be nothing wrong with people like me simply saying that we are not interested in this so-called 'gift' of eternal life. But you Christians won't accept that. You won't allow someone to simply politely say, "No thank you. I'm not interested in any gift eternal life". That's not acceptable. You have absolutely no respect for people who politely decline the gift of eternal life. Instead you badger them, and continually harass them, belittle them, and degrade them, and proclaim them to be SINNERS who are choosing to be DISOBEDIENT to GOD! Where is there anything your ungodly hateful Bible where it states that it's a SIN to politely decline an offer of eternal life? ![]() No, Cowboy. Christianity is nothing less than a disgusting shameful system of religious bigotry that simply belittles and degrades everyone who refuses to cower down to its ignorant demands that everyone must support its religious bigotry or GO TO HELL! There is no way to politely decline this so-called 'gift'? It's the most hideous 'gift' every created by mortal men. Just try to politely decline it, and you will be proclaimed to be the most despicable ungodly sinner on the face of the planet who has chosen to be unrighteously DISOBEDIENT of God. No, Cowboy. This religion has nothing at all to do with any 'gift'. All it has to do with is the condemnation of anyone who refuses to embrace and support this organized religious bigotry called "Christianity". It is religious bigotry taken to the EXTREME. It has nothing to do with any 'gift'. That's just its devious evil ploy. If it were a truly a 'gift' then to politely decline it could not be viewed as a bad thing at all. And people who politely decline it would be totally respected for their choice in doing so, and they would not be proclaimed to be "sinners" who are refusing to obey the commandments of some hideous unrighteous God. and proclaim them to be SINNERS We are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God. Believers and none believers. Only difference is believers seek forgiveness of their sins and trespasses. If that were the only threat, then there would be nothing wrong with people like me simply saying that we are not interested in this so-called 'gift' of eternal life. Who says you can't? You do it all the time. Matthew 10:32-33 32Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. 33But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. He did not say deny me before man and I will set you to rot in hell for eternity. |
Well if God kills all of the really bad sinners, and takes his followers back with him up to heaven, then I will finally be able to have some peace and quiet here on earth. Have at it. ![]() ![]() ![]() Truly. Take all these hateful judgmental Christians out of my sight and we can finally have some peace and love around here. Christians are basically spiritual terrorists who go around harassing and accusing decent honest people of horrible things just because they believe in a horrible hateful God. It's disgusting. The sooner their demonic God comes and takes them away, the happier I'll be. ![]() |
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Thu 08/11/11 03:30 AM
The God that I believe in is a God of Love. Jesus loved the sinner. and everyone are born sinners through the fall of man back in the garden of eden. and the God I believe in is not demonic if he was I would would be worshiping satan, the god of this evil age.
The God that I believe in is a God of Love. Jesus loved the sinner. and everyone are born sinners through the fall of man back in the garden of eden. and the God I believe in is not demonic if he was I would would be worshiping satan, the god of this evil age. Are you absolutely sure about that? This is, after all, said to be the domain of Lucifer. The Statue of Liberty is said to represent Lucifer. |
"For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God" And what are you being "saved" from? The wrath of this God himself. ![]() What an oxymoron. You need to be "saved" from the wrath of the very entity that is supposedly "saving" you. That's the epitome of absurdity. You need to look up the definition of oxymoron, because you are using the word wrong. How is it "absurd" to ask the one you have sinned against for forgiveness? |
"For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God" And what are you being "saved" from? The wrath of this God himself. ![]() What an oxymoron. You need to be "saved" from the wrath of the very entity that is supposedly "saving" you. That's the epitome of absurdity. You need to look up the definition of oxymoron, because you are using the word wrong. How is it "absurd" to ask the one you have sinned against for forgiveness? If that were the actual situation it wouldn't be absurd. But in the Christian religion everyone is proclaimed to born a sinner. So you are stuck in a situation where you must ask for forgiveness for things that you didn't even do. See: hiddenhayd wrote:
everyone are born sinners through the fall of man back in the garden of eden. So you see that's the absurdity. The Christian dogma and the Bible in general proclaim everyone to be guilty even before they have done anything. ![]() That should tell you right there that this dogma was written by men who are trying to pin crap onto you before you are even born! You need to actually do something horrible yourself before you should need to fear the wrath of any God. This is why we can easily see that these fables are nothing more than the devious works of men who have done nothing more than create a religion that automatically proclaims that everyone is in need of being 'saved'. No truly righteous deity would ever be involved in such dastardly emotional terrorism. This religion has people like yourself going around accusing other people of being 'sinners' simply because this dogma has brainwashed you into believing that this is true But the fact is that it's utter nonsense. This dogma leaves you NO CHOICE but to judge all men as being sinners, because that's what this dogma proclaims to be true! But it's nonsense. It's a lie made up by emotional terrorists who are attempting to frighten people into worshiping their dogma as the "Word of God". And they threaten everyone who refuses to worship their dogma with certain damnation by this totally unrighteous terrorist Godhead that they have created in their dogma. The whole thing is a blatant lie. The only people who are gullible enough to believe it are people who obviously believe that they have indeed rejected God and have sinned against God. The GOOD people have no reason to believe such utter nonsense and therefore it's easy for them to see through this emotional terrorism for precisely what it is. ![]() |
So send the bad people to hell and the saved people to heaven and leave us good people on the earth to live in peace.
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"For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God" And what are you being "saved" from? The wrath of this God himself. ![]() What an oxymoron. You need to be "saved" from the wrath of the very entity that is supposedly "saving" you. That's the epitome of absurdity. You need to look up the definition of oxymoron, because you are using the word wrong. How is it "absurd" to ask the one you have sinned against for forgiveness? If that were the actual situation it wouldn't be absurd. But in the Christian religion everyone is proclaimed to born a sinner. So you are stuck in a situation where you must ask for forgiveness for things that you didn't even do. See: hiddenhayd wrote:
everyone are born sinners through the fall of man back in the garden of eden. So you see that's the absurdity. The Christian dogma and the Bible in general proclaim everyone to be guilty even before they have done anything. ![]() That should tell you right there that this dogma was written by men who are trying to pin crap onto you before you are even born! You need to actually do something horrible yourself before you should need to fear the wrath of any God. This is why we can easily see that these fables are nothing more than the devious works of men who have done nothing more than create a religion that automatically proclaims that everyone is in need of being 'saved'. No truly righteous deity would ever be involved in such dastardly emotional terrorism. This religion has people like yourself going around accusing other people of being 'sinners' simply because this dogma has brainwashed you into believing that this is true But the fact is that it's utter nonsense. This dogma leaves you NO CHOICE but to judge all men as being sinners, because that's what this dogma proclaims to be true! But it's nonsense. It's a lie made up by emotional terrorists who are attempting to frighten people into worshiping their dogma as the "Word of God". And they threaten everyone who refuses to worship their dogma with certain damnation by this totally unrighteous terrorist Godhead that they have created in their dogma. The whole thing is a blatant lie. The only people who are gullible enough to believe it are people who obviously believe that they have indeed rejected God and have sinned against God. The GOOD people have no reason to believe such utter nonsense and therefore it's easy for them to see through this emotional terrorism for precisely what it is. ![]() If that were the actual situation it wouldn't be absurd. But in the Christian religion everyone is proclaimed to born a sinner. So you are stuck in a situation where you must ask for forgiveness for things that you didn't even do. You are incorrect. People become sinners by choice in their disobedience to God's law. People are no longer born with sin, not since the old covenant was fulfilled and Jesus gave us the new one. It is only in the old covenant, sins carried on. The Christian dogma and the Bible in general proclaim everyone to be guilty even before they have done anything Incorrect. You are born sinless, you are born pure. Adam/Eve's sin doesn't pass down to us any more because we are forgiven through the blood of Christ. Only in the old covenant did sins pass down from generation to generation. That is not included in the new covenant Jesus brought. |
You are incorrect. People become sinners by choice in their disobedience to God's law.
Cowboy, what according to you, is "God's Law?" |
You are born sinless, you are born pure. Adam/Eve's sin doesn't pass down to us any more because we are forgiven through the blood of Christ. Only in the old covenant did sins pass down from generation to generation. That is not included in the new covenant Jesus brought. Cowboy, are you rewriting the Christian doctrine that states that we are born in sin??? |
You are incorrect. People become sinners by choice in their disobedience to God's law.
Cowboy, what according to you, is "God's Law?" God's laws are in the scriptures. You seem to know them pretty good, why ask what God's law is? |
You are incorrect. People become sinners by choice in their disobedience to God's law.
Cowboy, what according to you, is "God's Law?" God's laws are in the scriptures. You seem to know them pretty good, why ask what God's law is? I asked what is God's law ACCORDING TO YOU. Please answer. |
You are born sinless, you are born pure. Adam/Eve's sin doesn't pass down to us any more because we are forgiven through the blood of Christ. Only in the old covenant did sins pass down from generation to generation. That is not included in the new covenant Jesus brought. Cowboy, are you rewriting the Christian doctrine that states that we are born in sin??? Please do tell. Please show some new testament verses that state sins carry from generation to generation. I'm only aware of them in the old testament, the old covenant laws. Please show some laws from the new covenant that also includes sins carrying down. |