Topic: No more beating around the Bush.... | |
I am proud as hell to be an American. I love the opportunity, priveledges and rights that come with our citizenship. I am pleased as punch to enjoy my right to free speech. I like to come and go as I want. I like freedom.
However, GW Bush is taking it all away; all the pride, the love and the trust. He is an instigator. He is the little class weasel who goes from one kid to another, spewing lies and discord to encourage a fight. He is the kid that likes to get the ball of bullsh*t and disarray rolling before ducking out of site to enjoy his handy work from a safe haven. He is killing what it means to be an American. He is killing us slowly and deliberately. Why? Because he can. Because he is the puppeteer pulling the strings of all the puppets in his show, and not one of those puppets is even trying to resist. Republicans, the talk, but can't make it to the walk. How could such an unintelligent human being be so entrenched in power and "yes-men"?? We cannot allow this to continue. We are Americans. We deserve an end to his tyrrancy. Put him in time-out, take away his lunch money, spank him....whatever it takes. This boys tantrum has gone on long enough. Suggestions? |
We have to wait till November 4th of 2008 to kick his dumb monkey ass out of the white house... I wish we had Clinton back.... We need to vote and then deport him some how. Maybe send him to Irag to fight. I dont know
you go girl!!!hell ya
bear hug for you |
I'm with you lily....yeah!!!
go ron paul..... |
"Suggestions?" Decaf. |
previous post
We have to wait till November 4th of 2008 to kick his dumb monkey ass out of the white house... I wish we had Clinton back.... We need to vote and then deport him some how. Maybe send him to Irag to fight. I dont know ------------------------------- if it is not to late by then the marshal law may overtake by then |
even if say marshal law is in effect for whatever reason, that will not negte the 2008 elections nor will it negate a new president coming into office in january of 2009. So please people, sit down, put your torches out, and relax. No matter what happens, There is nothing Bush will be able to do to prevent being out of office come January 17th (?) 2009.
well the armed forces would have to obey orders to have it happen
hopefully they would know better but to say it can not happen is wearing rose colored glasses |
if people are confined to their homes and such
and can not vote then there is no election |
yes uk, technically it ispossible you are right. But realistically? there is no way i hell President Buxh is going to be able to overthrow the United Stated government and stay in office past his eightyears. As you said, first the military would have to back him up, and I can garuntee you the military is going to do no such thing.
Second he would have to have enough support from personal friends and cowrokers to outmeneuver any immediate uprising against him, again which he does not have. And finally, he would have to be well enough liked in able to make people believe him, hwhich you and I both know is impossible at this point. Yes after a dictator is in power long enough he has all of this, but to try to gain that power without this suppport? Not gonna happen. So as I said, 2008 is going to see a new president elected, and 2009 will see President Bush as a civilian again. |
Daniel my friend, don't try to use logic on these people they thrive on paranoia. The first thing they do when they get up in the morning is look under the bed to see if anyone is there. When all of this does not come to pass, they will just fly on to the next hair brained theory because it's the only life they have. When the elections actually happen next year and a new president is elected if it is a liberal they will say "thank someone", because they don't believe in God, through our eternal dilligence we were able to prevent this country being taken over. If a conservative is elected, they will all bail off the deep end again into a new round of conspiracy theories. Daniel here is a stock tip for you, if a conservative gets elected in 2008 buy stock in Reynolds Wrap because a bunch of them will need to re-line their hats and the price of foil is bound to go up.
How can you be so sure Daniel the Military won't back him up, if we had it our way this war would be over months ago...
What also cracks me up is that people debate the issue of war in the middle east and haven't stepped foot over there, until you've been there and experienced what YOUR US congress is limiting our troops to do, you really have no room.
dayv you are speaking to a veteran who has seen some fairly nasty things whil ein service. While I do not stop to suggest I have seen more or even worse than yourself, I do remind you that you can ONLY speak for yourself and absolutely no other person.
When I said I do not believe the military would back him up, I said it as my sole opinion. And the reasoning for that opinion is that there ARE enough people in the military (branch does not matter) that DO want the hostilities to stop. And they know that if they were to support bush in an uprising, then not only would they not stop in Iraq, Iran or anywhere else, they would be going on at home as well. I can garuntee you my friend, that no real soldier is going to go against the constitution of the United States and back a traitor or a dictator, which ANY president trying to seize power would be. |
I'm fairly sure the Military wouldn't back him up, but a dedicated SM will follow orders no matter what the cost - |
What also cracks me up is that people debate the issue of war in the middle east and haven't stepped foot over there, until you've been there and experienced what YOUR US congress is limiting our troops to do, you really have no room.
That is one of the nice things about America also Dave is that you DO have a voice, no matter what (as long as you are a citizen of course). Now, lets play a gam eof pretend for a moment. Let's pretend that you were born with a disability, lets say cerebalpulsy, and thus could not serve in the military. You can still lead a normal American lifestyle, work (yes some things would not be possible), love, procreate (have sex), and outright enjoy life, even though you can not go fight for our country. Would you till believe that YOU would not have a right to make a decision, or have an opinion about the war in Iraq or elsewhere? And as far as what MY United States Congress is doing to limit us over in Iraq, I can garuntee you that I agree with most if not all of it. I for one agree with the geneva convention laws, and rules of engagement, even though a lot people think they are ridiculous and do nothing but hinder us. It all boils down to morals and self-worth in the end. I, myself, would rather die at anothrs hands than break my own morals and become less of a person. keep in mind that when someone is complaining about a rule or a regulation they are com[laining while only knowing one side of it. As an example, American troops are not allowed to shoot at enemy soldiers that are parachuting out of planes. This seems unreasonable right? Well the reverse side states that those same parachuters are not allowe dot open fire until the have landed and disentangled themselves of their parachute. And yes, if one side openly breaks the geneva convention the other side is allowed to defend themselves. In other words if those same parachutists opened fire while still in the air, an american soldier would be allowed to fire back at them. I know I digresseda little biut from your remarks, but it all boils down to one thing. Try to make sure you know all sides of a situation before you open your mouth and speak. Not always possible, no, but do your best. An old saying goes somethign like this: a smart man knows when to say something, yet a wise man knows when to be quiet. |
I admit I am not up on my acronyms any moe. What is an sm? Soldier mentioned?
No a dedicated soldier will NOT follow all orders no matter what the cost. If you truly believe that most soldiers would follow a presidential order to open fire on the people of the united states in order for that person to stay in power, you need to sit down and rethink your beliefs, cause I garuntee you that less than point five percent of the american soldiers would follow this order. |
Who said anything about opening fire on Citizens??? I said if you get an order you are to follow it. There are far more effective ways of crowd control other than live rounds, we are not China.
And rules of engagement, when being fired upon and bullets whizzing by your head, you can't return fire because the lil ba*tard ran into a Mosque. And everybody knows the mosque is full of rebels or insurgents. What does that have to do with morals, Now firing upon inocents is a whole nother story if that person or persons ran into a crowded market place, then yes, morals and RoE, I am no wiseman BTW. |
nothing wrong with standing by your beliefs, i would not expect otherwise. however, I garuntee that in the end, you WOULD have the president ordering fire upon the crowds in order to maintain control. You would also have people being dragged out of their homes and off hte streets, and never heard from again...
And no american soldier is going to eb a part of that as a genreal rule |