Topic: Unfairness In The Debt Debacle
Bestinshow's photo
Sat 08/06/11 10:46 AM
The Republicans have a plan to solve the nation's debt limit problem - take it out of the hides of the elderly, the poor and the disabled. The GOP leaders want to cut the social programs - Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, not to mention food stamps and other programs - that help the deprived and others suffering in our society.

Are all Republicans rich? Why do they want to protect the millionaires and billionaires (150 in the United States) from any tax increases? Why are they able to take advantage of loopholes that allow them to pay lower effective tax rates than the average middle class American?

Why does it not occur to the Republican leadership in Congress, bolstered by the ultra conservative Tea Party supporters, that it costs money to run this country and to uphold its values? Who are these people who are demanding a free lunch?

Raising the country's debt limit used to be an automatic reflex to allow the country to pay its debts. Now the GOP is saying that the debt payment should fall only on the persons who have paid into the entitlement programs all of their working lives.

The GOP proposals are to boost the $14.3 trillion debt limit, but without any tax increases. Is that fair or real? The deadline for the U.S. to be able to pay up is Aug. 2.

Speaker John Boehner continues to walk out of the fiscal talks like an operatic diva who is being upstaged. Boehner is being shot down by his own party, people who want no tax concessions. President Barack Obama has lost the liberals, who think he has sold out the safety net programs - and these programs are not a giveaway, but paid for by the workers of America.

Veteran lawmakers are appalled at the unrealistic view of the nation's ills and the failure to understand the problems and needs of a modern society.

A pending withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq and Afghanistan should cut down the costs, but Republicans claim they have already considered that end.

Both Obama and Boehner have hit a brick wall, each with an eye on the 2012 presidential election and the quest for independent voters.

The GOP hates the idea of tax increases. Most of the proposals show the total spending slashes, exceed new revenue by more than 3 to 1. Is that fair?

What more do the Republicans want to hack out of the social program - and at a time when a new recession is impending and unemployment is as high as 9.2 percent?

Maybe Republicans should try looking for a job in this once-affluent country. The needy are helpless in this country, and will be as long as Republicans rule the House.

Are we in a war between the haves and the have nots? Why do the Republicans think we can solve deficit problems without new revenue? Higher taxes are their anathema. Tough. I hope they are enjoying their private jets.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-VA, is an inveterate enemy of investment taxes. He seems to be more sympathetic toward big corporations. His wife was a former Goldman Sachs vice president.

Where are these rich Republicans riding the gravy train, who are supposedly creating new jobs and helping the country get back on its feet?

Why would anyone in this country vote Republican this time around when they have the power to say no? This is a chance to tell the powers that be - specifically the ones who could care less if those below the poverty line have grown to big numbers - that we are fed up.

The Democrats hold the high ground in terms of protecting the American people. They have already given up too much.

Failure to raise the debt ceiling limit will not only affect America's economy, but it will negatively impact the global economy as well.

Does Congress realize the suffering it will cause if they fail to act? Where are the peoples' representatives? Do they care?
(c) 2011 Helen Thomas is a columnist for the Falls Church News-Press. Among other books she is the author of Front Row At The White House: My Life and Times.

jamesfortville's photo
Sat 08/06/11 11:25 AM
Big lies, dam lies and durtty lies too.

boredinaz06's photo
Sat 08/06/11 11:36 AM

You do know the S&P downgraded our credit rating because Obama and the Crats didn't cut back enough on their spending right? Republicans are not without some blame but the majority of this on the left. Democrats are too stupid to realize that if you have $10 in your pocket you can't go out and spend $11.

TJN's photo
Sat 08/06/11 12:13 PM
I think the democrats wanted our credit rating downgraded. This way in their thinking they will have a reason to increase revenue (their new code words for raise taxes).

Bestinshow's photo
Sat 08/06/11 02:16 PM
How about raising taxes? Ya know it takes money to fund wars. I am so shocked how politialy retarded people are who post on this website. News flash you cant cut taxes and wage wars the result is what we have now. It has been the republican agenda for decades to bankrupt the government so they can kill the "great society" ya know the one were old people were taken care of and poor people could eek out an existance without robbing from those who have more.

Bestinshow's photo
Sat 08/06/11 02:16 PM
How about raising taxes? Ya know it takes money to fund wars. I am so shocked how politialy retarded people are who post on this website. News flash you cant cut taxes and wage wars the result is what we have now. It has been the republican agenda for decades to bankrupt the government so they can kill the "great society" ya know the one were old people were taken care of and poor people could eek out an existance without robbing from those who have more.