Topic: This is part of gun safety? | |
Firing an automatic weapon accurately is very difficult.
To me it is a waste of ammo and the chances of collecting innocent bystanders is greatly enhanced. If someone who was trained in the military on how to fire an automatic weapon and when they get out can't own one then I don't think the police or anyone else should either. You can be far more effective firing an ak-47 at someone over 100 yards away in semi- auto than full- auto any day of the week. |
Firing an automatic weapon accurately is very difficult. To me it is a waste of ammo and the chances of collecting innocent bystanders is greatly enhanced. If someone who was trained in the military on how to fire an automatic weapon and when they get out can't own one then I don't think the police or anyone else should either. You can be far more effective firing an ak-47 at someone over 100 yards away in semi- auto than full- auto any day of the week. You should look at the Youtube video I posted. It makes the case for the need for full automatic weapons for Law Enforcement purposes and related fields. |
Firing an automatic weapon accurately is very difficult. To me it is a waste of ammo and the chances of collecting innocent bystanders is greatly enhanced. If someone who was trained in the military on how to fire an automatic weapon and when they get out can't own one then I don't think the police or anyone else should either. You can be far more effective firing an ak-47 at someone over 100 yards away in semi- auto than full- auto any day of the week. You should look at the Youtube video I posted. It makes the case for the need for full automatic weapons for Law Enforcement purposes and related fields. I remember that very well. Those two guys had full homemade body armor and they were carrying ak's with 500 round drums.. How many cops did they kill? NONE... You know why? Because they were firing an ak on full auto and couldn't hit someone standing 30 yards in front of them. All the cops needed was a .270 or 30.06 and they could have shot them in the face and it would have been over very quickly.. They didn't need fully auto assault weapons. |
Firing an automatic weapon accurately is very difficult. To me it is a waste of ammo and the chances of collecting innocent bystanders is greatly enhanced. If someone who was trained in the military on how to fire an automatic weapon and when they get out can't own one then I don't think the police or anyone else should either. You can be far more effective firing an ak-47 at someone over 100 yards away in semi- auto than full- auto any day of the week. I have had my hands on a Ma Deuce. That is no normal automatic. It may have bounced a little but it fired steady but I sure in the hell wouldn't fire one unmounted. That is a gun that can shoot through cement walls. Now I have likewise fired a fully auto .308. you have to hold the damn thing down because they climb when you fire more than three at a time. I also fired an UZI FA. I'll be damned how anyone can hit anything with one like that. Damn thing goes all over the place. I also got a chance to fire a .223 FA. That was one gun I could hold on target and sustain fire. i heard you can hold an AK down BUT the mechanics of the gun work against you and they are not particularly accurate in any case. Within 100 yards they are scary but past that their accuracy is questionable. Now to qualify what you are saying. Spray and Pray is just that. It is effective close up and overwhelmed. Dealing with larger numbers of adversaries a fully auto can make a huge difference especially in close quarters combat. The VC would lay in wait until our troops were right among them before thy lit up. That is why a lot of Americans got their azzes handed to them. Really it is all about application and scale. If I was going to go to war with a gang you had better bet I would opt for a .308 MBR with full auto capability. That is the best all around death dealer. AR-10 or FNFAL. That is a weapon of war. Close quarters though I would much prefer a 12 gauge with a 9 MM FA weapon for backup. But frankly beggars can't be choosers. The thing is gangs can and do get fully automatic weapons. If criminals can have them I demand the right to bear one just in case I got to help save my neighborhood from thugs with machine guns. But hell, if push came to shove I would just ambush someone armed with one, get their gun, and now I Got a FA weapon. THEIRS! And I would sure in the hell turn it against them. In principle it is about application and need. Most idiots would spray bullets everywhere not knowing if they are firing on friend or foe. And the military does discourage using your long arm fully automatic anyways unless you are close in. In Switzerland many homes HAVE loaded machine guns by the front door. Most citizens are active in their nation's defense unlike here where everyone has a self interest in having the most and biggest guns. There is a gunsmith who made a gun capable of potentially stopping a T Rex in its tracks. It is the .577 T REX. it is so powerful that most wielders either get knocked on their azzes or the gun leaps out of their hands. It has even knocked users out. A gun like that is impractical and useless in a fight. .177 or .50, it isn't size as much as the wielders competency. No not everybody should have one but damn if with training people should not be allowed to have them. Gangs are a lot less complacent when they know you are armed just as well as they are. Some of the Mexican Drug Gangs have RPGs. Wanna talk about ridiculous fire power? And then our military's new MX25! I so want one of those. But really there is no practical reason why I should own one because it is a grenade launcher from hell! if I was in the business of taking on gangs why not be the dog peeing on the tree with the biggest dog dick? Peace through superior fire-power! |
Firing an automatic weapon accurately is very difficult. To me it is a waste of ammo and the chances of collecting innocent bystanders is greatly enhanced. If someone who was trained in the military on how to fire an automatic weapon and when they get out can't own one then I don't think the police or anyone else should either. You can be far more effective firing an ak-47 at someone over 100 yards away in semi- auto than full- auto any day of the week. I have had my hands on a Ma Deuce. That is no normal automatic. It may have bounced a little but it fired steady but I sure in the hell wouldn't fire one unmounted. That is a gun that can shoot through cement walls. Now I have likewise fired a fully auto .308. you have to hold the damn thing down because they climb when you fire more than three at a time. I also fired an UZI FA. I'll be damned how anyone can hit anything with one like that. Damn thing goes all over the place. I also got a chance to fire a .223 FA. That was one gun I could hold on target and sustain fire. i heard you can hold an AK down BUT the mechanics of the gun work against you and they are not particularly accurate in any case. Within 100 yards they are scary but past that their accuracy is questionable. Now to qualify what you are saying. Spray and Pray is just that. It is effective close up and overwhelmed. Dealing with larger numbers of adversaries a fully auto can make a huge difference especially in close quarters combat. The VC would lay in wait until our troops were right among them before thy lit up. That is why a lot of Americans got their azzes handed to them. Really it is all about application and scale. If I was going to go to war with a gang you had better bet I would opt for a .308 MBR with full auto capability. That is the best all around death dealer. AR-10 or FNFAL. That is a weapon of war. Close quarters though I would much prefer a 12 gauge with a 9 MM FA weapon for backup. But frankly beggars can't be choosers. The thing is gangs can and do get fully automatic weapons. If criminals can have them I demand the right to bear one just in case I got to help save my neighborhood from thugs with machine guns. But hell, if push came to shove I would just ambush someone armed with one, get their gun, and now I Got a FA weapon. THEIRS! And I would sure in the hell turn it against them. In principle it is about application and need. Most idiots would spray bullets everywhere not knowing if they are firing on friend or foe. And the military does discourage using your long arm fully automatic anyways unless you are close in. In Switzerland many homes HAVE loaded machine guns by the front door. Most citizens are active in their nation's defense unlike here where everyone has a self interest in having the most and biggest guns. There is a gunsmith who made a gun capable of potentially stopping a T Rex in its tracks. It is the .577 T REX. it is so powerful that most wielders either get knocked on their azzes or the gun leaps out of their hands. It has even knocked users out. A gun like that is impractical and useless in a fight. .177 or .50, it isn't size as much as the wielders competency. No not everybody should have one but damn if with training people should not be allowed to have them. Gangs are a lot less complacent when they know you are armed just as well as they are. Some of the Mexican Drug Gangs have RPGs. Wanna talk about ridiculous fire power? And then our military's new MX25! I so want one of those. But really there is no practical reason why I should own one because it is a grenade launcher from hell! if I was in the business of taking on gangs why not be the dog peeing on the tree with the biggest dog dick? Peace through superior fire-power! I'm talking about local cops. SWAT and other types of specialty units that actually get trained properly is one thing, some dude that just graduated from the academy having access to a fully auto ar-15 is something totally different. |
Firing an automatic weapon accurately is very difficult. To me it is a waste of ammo and the chances of collecting innocent bystanders is greatly enhanced. If someone who was trained in the military on how to fire an automatic weapon and when they get out can't own one then I don't think the police or anyone else should either. You can be far more effective firing an ak-47 at someone over 100 yards away in semi- auto than full- auto any day of the week. I have had my hands on a Ma Deuce. That is no normal automatic. It may have bounced a little but it fired steady but I sure in the hell wouldn't fire one unmounted. That is a gun that can shoot through cement walls. Now I have likewise fired a fully auto .308. you have to hold the damn thing down because they climb when you fire more than three at a time. I also fired an UZI FA. I'll be damned how anyone can hit anything with one like that. Damn thing goes all over the place. I also got a chance to fire a .223 FA. That was one gun I could hold on target and sustain fire. i heard you can hold an AK down BUT the mechanics of the gun work against you and they are not particularly accurate in any case. Within 100 yards they are scary but past that their accuracy is questionable. Now to qualify what you are saying. Spray and Pray is just that. It is effective close up and overwhelmed. Dealing with larger numbers of adversaries a fully auto can make a huge difference especially in close quarters combat. The VC would lay in wait until our troops were right among them before thy lit up. That is why a lot of Americans got their azzes handed to them. Really it is all about application and scale. If I was going to go to war with a gang you had better bet I would opt for a .308 MBR with full auto capability. That is the best all around death dealer. AR-10 or FNFAL. That is a weapon of war. Close quarters though I would much prefer a 12 gauge with a 9 MM FA weapon for backup. But frankly beggars can't be choosers. The thing is gangs can and do get fully automatic weapons. If criminals can have them I demand the right to bear one just in case I got to help save my neighborhood from thugs with machine guns. But hell, if push came to shove I would just ambush someone armed with one, get their gun, and now I Got a FA weapon. THEIRS! And I would sure in the hell turn it against them. In principle it is about application and need. Most idiots would spray bullets everywhere not knowing if they are firing on friend or foe. And the military does discourage using your long arm fully automatic anyways unless you are close in. In Switzerland many homes HAVE loaded machine guns by the front door. Most citizens are active in their nation's defense unlike here where everyone has a self interest in having the most and biggest guns. There is a gunsmith who made a gun capable of potentially stopping a T Rex in its tracks. It is the .577 T REX. it is so powerful that most wielders either get knocked on their azzes or the gun leaps out of their hands. It has even knocked users out. A gun like that is impractical and useless in a fight. .177 or .50, it isn't size as much as the wielders competency. No not everybody should have one but damn if with training people should not be allowed to have them. Gangs are a lot less complacent when they know you are armed just as well as they are. Some of the Mexican Drug Gangs have RPGs. Wanna talk about ridiculous fire power? And then our military's new MX25! I so want one of those. But really there is no practical reason why I should own one because it is a grenade launcher from hell! if I was in the business of taking on gangs why not be the dog peeing on the tree with the biggest dog dick? Peace through superior fire-power! I'm talking about local cops. SWAT and other types of specialty units that actually get trained properly is one thing, some dude that just graduated from the academy having access to a fully auto ar-15 is something totally different. OH I CAN SO AGREE WITH YOU THERE! If they are to wield they need to be trained and more so than with regular fire arms. There is a place for police to have them but it is all about qualifying for them! Training is everything! ![]() |
I have a right to protect myself, as does anyone. If i got into trouble by using a gun, so be it. I won't have my rights violated just so that criminals can get away with shooting the innocent. thats why it is a good idea to know your local laws on guns and defense, just to keep you out of prison... Shouldn't even come down to that, that we've let it shows our apathy towards things. because you see apathy in an issue doesn't mean we all see apathy in that issue. i'd see apathy if there were no gun laws or restrictions. Could say the same to you, whether you realize it or not, there is a TON of apathy in this country when it comes to laws. Be it on guns or anything else. I REALLY hope you mean apathy towards enforcement of the laws we have now! Not really. I think there are way too many laws that have no place being laws, and we accept way too much bullcrap from our government than we ought to. |
if we get rid of guns , crimes with guns will go away not crime if we get rid of 'religion' , harm done in the name of religion will go away but not harm to each other ,,,boy this theme is sounding awfully familiar, apparently its easier to understand when we start discussing taking away peoples right to have their personal machines of destruction,,,, I mean, their guns,,,, Crimes with guns wont go away! ![]() read more carefully IF WE GET RID OF GUNS,, no guns, means no gun crimes no guns period,, noone permitted to have them, makes it pretty simple to tell the criminals from everyone else and take them off the streets quicker,,,, but people would still find ways to harm each other, like how they got around pregnancy with the pill and started seeing uprise in stds.... people are creative about doing what they want to do, but I still dont wish to support a wild west culture of everyone carrying guns because they can,,,many people dont have the temperament or common sense for it and many others are too hung up on using drugs and alcohol for fun to have one in their possession |
if we get rid of guns , crimes with guns will go away not crime if we get rid of 'religion' , harm done in the name of religion will go away but not harm to each other ,,,boy this theme is sounding awfully familiar, apparently its easier to understand when we start discussing taking away peoples right to have their personal machines of destruction,,,, I mean, their guns,,,, Crimes with guns wont go away! ![]() read more carefully IF WE GET RID OF GUNS,, no guns, means no gun crimes no guns period,, noone permitted to have them, makes it pretty simple to tell the criminals from everyone else and take them off the streets quicker,,,, but people would still find ways to harm each other, like how they got around pregnancy with the pill and started seeing uprise in stds.... people are creative about doing what they want to do, but I still dont wish to support a wild west culture of everyone carrying guns because they can,,,many people dont have the temperament or common sense for it and many others are too hung up on using drugs and alcohol for fun to have one in their possession i can tell you don't live in |
Firing an automatic weapon accurately is very difficult. To me it is a waste of ammo and the chances of collecting innocent bystanders is greatly enhanced. If someone who was trained in the military on how to fire an automatic weapon and when they get out can't own one then I don't think the police or anyone else should either. You can be far more effective firing an ak-47 at someone over 100 yards away in semi- auto than full- auto any day of the week. I have had my hands on a Ma Deuce. That is no normal automatic. It may have bounced a little but it fired steady but I sure in the hell wouldn't fire one unmounted. That is a gun that can shoot through cement walls. Now I have likewise fired a fully auto .308. you have to hold the damn thing down because they climb when you fire more than three at a time. I also fired an UZI FA. I'll be damned how anyone can hit anything with one like that. Damn thing goes all over the place. I also got a chance to fire a .223 FA. That was one gun I could hold on target and sustain fire. i heard you can hold an AK down BUT the mechanics of the gun work against you and they are not particularly accurate in any case. Within 100 yards they are scary but past that their accuracy is questionable. Now to qualify what you are saying. Spray and Pray is just that. It is effective close up and overwhelmed. Dealing with larger numbers of adversaries a fully auto can make a huge difference especially in close quarters combat. The VC would lay in wait until our troops were right among them before thy lit up. That is why a lot of Americans got their azzes handed to them. Really it is all about application and scale. If I was going to go to war with a gang you had better bet I would opt for a .308 MBR with full auto capability. That is the best all around death dealer. AR-10 or FNFAL. That is a weapon of war. Close quarters though I would much prefer a 12 gauge with a 9 MM FA weapon for backup. But frankly beggars can't be choosers. The thing is gangs can and do get fully automatic weapons. If criminals can have them I demand the right to bear one just in case I got to help save my neighborhood from thugs with machine guns. But hell, if push came to shove I would just ambush someone armed with one, get their gun, and now I Got a FA weapon. THEIRS! And I would sure in the hell turn it against them. In principle it is about application and need. Most idiots would spray bullets everywhere not knowing if they are firing on friend or foe. And the military does discourage using your long arm fully automatic anyways unless you are close in. In Switzerland many homes HAVE loaded machine guns by the front door. Most citizens are active in their nation's defense unlike here where everyone has a self interest in having the most and biggest guns. There is a gunsmith who made a gun capable of potentially stopping a T Rex in its tracks. It is the .577 T REX. it is so powerful that most wielders either get knocked on their azzes or the gun leaps out of their hands. It has even knocked users out. A gun like that is impractical and useless in a fight. .177 or .50, it isn't size as much as the wielders competency. No not everybody should have one but damn if with training people should not be allowed to have them. Gangs are a lot less complacent when they know you are armed just as well as they are. Some of the Mexican Drug Gangs have RPGs. Wanna talk about ridiculous fire power? And then our military's new MX25! I so want one of those. But really there is no practical reason why I should own one because it is a grenade launcher from hell! if I was in the business of taking on gangs why not be the dog peeing on the tree with the biggest dog dick? Peace through superior fire-power! I'm talking about local cops. SWAT and other types of specialty units that actually get trained properly is one thing, some dude that just graduated from the academy having access to a fully auto ar-15 is something totally different. sometimes a cop with a gun isnt safe either, they are just as volatile and disturbed as some of the citizens they arrest,,,, the doctor was a family friend |
Firing an automatic weapon accurately is very difficult. To me it is a waste of ammo and the chances of collecting innocent bystanders is greatly enhanced. If someone who was trained in the military on how to fire an automatic weapon and when they get out can't own one then I don't think the police or anyone else should either. You can be far more effective firing an ak-47 at someone over 100 yards away in semi- auto than full- auto any day of the week. You should look at the Youtube video I posted. It makes the case for the need for full automatic weapons for Law Enforcement purposes and related fields. I remember that very well. Those two guys had full homemade body armor and they were carrying ak's with 500 round drums.. How many cops did they kill? NONE... You know why? Because they were firing an ak on full auto and couldn't hit someone standing 30 yards in front of them. All the cops needed was a .270 or 30.06 and they could have shot them in the face and it would have been over very quickly.. They didn't need fully auto assault weapons. No, it's because the cops were pinned down and took cover. That was the second incident like that in Southern California the first one is the Norco Bank Robbery\Shootout in 1980 where cops did die. |
Firing an automatic weapon accurately is very difficult. To me it is a waste of ammo and the chances of collecting innocent bystanders is greatly enhanced. If someone who was trained in the military on how to fire an automatic weapon and when they get out can't own one then I don't think the police or anyone else should either. You can be far more effective firing an ak-47 at someone over 100 yards away in semi- auto than full- auto any day of the week. You should look at the Youtube video I posted. It makes the case for the need for full automatic weapons for Law Enforcement purposes and related fields. I remember that very well. Those two guys had full homemade body armor and they were carrying ak's with 500 round drums.. How many cops did they kill? NONE... You know why? Because they were firing an ak on full auto and couldn't hit someone standing 30 yards in front of them. All the cops needed was a .270 or 30.06 and they could have shot them in the face and it would have been over very quickly.. They didn't need fully auto assault weapons. Also the cops didn't back the Robbers off until other Officers with fully automatic weapons(Given to them by a loal gun dealer) showed up. |
Firing an automatic weapon accurately is very difficult. To me it is a waste of ammo and the chances of collecting innocent bystanders is greatly enhanced. If someone who was trained in the military on how to fire an automatic weapon and when they get out can't own one then I don't think the police or anyone else should either. You can be far more effective firing an ak-47 at someone over 100 yards away in semi- auto than full- auto any day of the week. I have had my hands on a Ma Deuce. That is no normal automatic. It may have bounced a little but it fired steady but I sure in the hell wouldn't fire one unmounted. That is a gun that can shoot through cement walls. Now I have likewise fired a fully auto .308. you have to hold the damn thing down because they climb when you fire more than three at a time. I also fired an UZI FA. I'll be damned how anyone can hit anything with one like that. Damn thing goes all over the place. I also got a chance to fire a .223 FA. That was one gun I could hold on target and sustain fire. i heard you can hold an AK down BUT the mechanics of the gun work against you and they are not particularly accurate in any case. Within 100 yards they are scary but past that their accuracy is questionable. Now to qualify what you are saying. Spray and Pray is just that. It is effective close up and overwhelmed. Dealing with larger numbers of adversaries a fully auto can make a huge difference especially in close quarters combat. The VC would lay in wait until our troops were right among them before thy lit up. That is why a lot of Americans got their azzes handed to them. Really it is all about application and scale. If I was going to go to war with a gang you had better bet I would opt for a .308 MBR with full auto capability. That is the best all around death dealer. AR-10 or FNFAL. That is a weapon of war. Close quarters though I would much prefer a 12 gauge with a 9 MM FA weapon for backup. But frankly beggars can't be choosers. The thing is gangs can and do get fully automatic weapons. If criminals can have them I demand the right to bear one just in case I got to help save my neighborhood from thugs with machine guns. But hell, if push came to shove I would just ambush someone armed with one, get their gun, and now I Got a FA weapon. THEIRS! And I would sure in the hell turn it against them. In principle it is about application and need. Most idiots would spray bullets everywhere not knowing if they are firing on friend or foe. And the military does discourage using your long arm fully automatic anyways unless you are close in. In Switzerland many homes HAVE loaded machine guns by the front door. Most citizens are active in their nation's defense unlike here where everyone has a self interest in having the most and biggest guns. There is a gunsmith who made a gun capable of potentially stopping a T Rex in its tracks. It is the .577 T REX. it is so powerful that most wielders either get knocked on their azzes or the gun leaps out of their hands. It has even knocked users out. A gun like that is impractical and useless in a fight. .177 or .50, it isn't size as much as the wielders competency. No not everybody should have one but damn if with training people should not be allowed to have them. Gangs are a lot less complacent when they know you are armed just as well as they are. Some of the Mexican Drug Gangs have RPGs. Wanna talk about ridiculous fire power? And then our military's new MX25! I so want one of those. But really there is no practical reason why I should own one because it is a grenade launcher from hell! if I was in the business of taking on gangs why not be the dog peeing on the tree with the biggest dog dick? Peace through superior fire-power! Gangmembers also get military grade explosives and granades. |
Firing an automatic weapon accurately is very difficult. To me it is a waste of ammo and the chances of collecting innocent bystanders is greatly enhanced. If someone who was trained in the military on how to fire an automatic weapon and when they get out can't own one then I don't think the police or anyone else should either. You can be far more effective firing an ak-47 at someone over 100 yards away in semi- auto than full- auto any day of the week. I have had my hands on a Ma Deuce. That is no normal automatic. It may have bounced a little but it fired steady but I sure in the hell wouldn't fire one unmounted. That is a gun that can shoot through cement walls. Now I have likewise fired a fully auto .308. you have to hold the damn thing down because they climb when you fire more than three at a time. I also fired an UZI FA. I'll be damned how anyone can hit anything with one like that. Damn thing goes all over the place. I also got a chance to fire a .223 FA. That was one gun I could hold on target and sustain fire. i heard you can hold an AK down BUT the mechanics of the gun work against you and they are not particularly accurate in any case. Within 100 yards they are scary but past that their accuracy is questionable. Now to qualify what you are saying. Spray and Pray is just that. It is effective close up and overwhelmed. Dealing with larger numbers of adversaries a fully auto can make a huge difference especially in close quarters combat. The VC would lay in wait until our troops were right among them before thy lit up. That is why a lot of Americans got their azzes handed to them. Really it is all about application and scale. If I was going to go to war with a gang you had better bet I would opt for a .308 MBR with full auto capability. That is the best all around death dealer. AR-10 or FNFAL. That is a weapon of war. Close quarters though I would much prefer a 12 gauge with a 9 MM FA weapon for backup. But frankly beggars can't be choosers. The thing is gangs can and do get fully automatic weapons. If criminals can have them I demand the right to bear one just in case I got to help save my neighborhood from thugs with machine guns. But hell, if push came to shove I would just ambush someone armed with one, get their gun, and now I Got a FA weapon. THEIRS! And I would sure in the hell turn it against them. In principle it is about application and need. Most idiots would spray bullets everywhere not knowing if they are firing on friend or foe. And the military does discourage using your long arm fully automatic anyways unless you are close in. In Switzerland many homes HAVE loaded machine guns by the front door. Most citizens are active in their nation's defense unlike here where everyone has a self interest in having the most and biggest guns. There is a gunsmith who made a gun capable of potentially stopping a T Rex in its tracks. It is the .577 T REX. it is so powerful that most wielders either get knocked on their azzes or the gun leaps out of their hands. It has even knocked users out. A gun like that is impractical and useless in a fight. .177 or .50, it isn't size as much as the wielders competency. No not everybody should have one but damn if with training people should not be allowed to have them. Gangs are a lot less complacent when they know you are armed just as well as they are. Some of the Mexican Drug Gangs have RPGs. Wanna talk about ridiculous fire power? And then our military's new MX25! I so want one of those. But really there is no practical reason why I should own one because it is a grenade launcher from hell! if I was in the business of taking on gangs why not be the dog peeing on the tree with the biggest dog dick? Peace through superior fire-power! I'm talking about local cops. SWAT and other types of specialty units that actually get trained properly is one thing, some dude that just graduated from the academy having access to a fully auto ar-15 is something totally different. OH I CAN SO AGREE WITH YOU THERE! If they are to wield they need to be trained and more so than with regular fire arms. There is a place for police to have them but it is all about qualifying for them! Training is everything! ![]() They normally have to be trained in order to be able to use or carry them. I believe they also have to qualify with them on the range. |
if we get rid of guns , crimes with guns will go away not crime if we get rid of 'religion' , harm done in the name of religion will go away but not harm to each other ,,,boy this theme is sounding awfully familiar, apparently its easier to understand when we start discussing taking away peoples right to have their personal machines of destruction,,,, I mean, their guns,,,, Crimes with guns wont go away! ![]() read more carefully IF WE GET RID OF GUNS,, no guns, means no gun crimes no guns period,, noone permitted to have them, makes it pretty simple to tell the criminals from everyone else and take them off the streets quicker,,,, but people would still find ways to harm each other, like how they got around pregnancy with the pill and started seeing uprise in stds.... people are creative about doing what they want to do, but I still dont wish to support a wild west culture of everyone carrying guns because they can,,,many people dont have the temperament or common sense for it and many others are too hung up on using drugs and alcohol for fun to have one in their possession Let me explain how STUPID this logic is! I grew up with some odd hobbies. Some of my interests were military. And not pretending I was a soldier but learning how to fight like a special forces soldier. I learned how to make improvised fire arms like Pipe Shotguns and Zip guns. They are real easy to make and I can make propellants from some odd stuff. Now let us assume I was a real career criminal. So you do away with ALL guns and suddenly I am pointing a Pipe Shotgun at you demanding your money. This is what I would say to you... ![]() Then again what is to keep me from "Importing" in illegal fire arm from Mexico? The Law??? Hell Improvised guns are easier to make if I have ammo from normal guns. But it isn't wholly necessary! on top of that I can kill you with a screw driver, steak knife, 110 volts from a live wire plugged into a wall. The tool is not the problem. On top of that say you were no an Alaskan Holiday and you were taking in the sights just outside of Anchorage Alaska and suddenly a 900 pound grizzle bear is heading your way. Think tossing it breath mints will change its mind if it wanted to eat you and take my word for it, the bears there ARE man eaters! Or how about closer to home at least for me. Say you are in the woods and a wild pig charges you? Have you ever been up close to a 400 pound pig? How about one that weighs over 1000 pounds? I have seen a pig that big at a county fair. And pigs to kill people too. You never hear much about it happening. All you hear about is when someone bagged a wild Hogzilla weighing 900 plus pounds. think I am kidding? ![]() That one was 1051 pounds! How about this one? ![]() This one was only about 800 pounds. So how do we protect ourselves from predators? What would you want in your hand if you were facing this??? ![]() Or how about this? ![]() or this? ![]() This liberal idealism is total and utter bull! They are way too detached from reality! So how are we supposed to protect ourselves? Call the police or park ranger? Blame those of us for the irresponsibility of a few? |
if we get rid of guns , crimes with guns will go away not crime if we get rid of 'religion' , harm done in the name of religion will go away but not harm to each other ,,,boy this theme is sounding awfully familiar, apparently its easier to understand when we start discussing taking away peoples right to have their personal machines of destruction,,,, I mean, their guns,,,, Crimes with guns wont go away! ![]() read more carefully IF WE GET RID OF GUNS,, no guns, means no gun crimes no guns period,, noone permitted to have them, makes it pretty simple to tell the criminals from everyone else and take them off the streets quicker,,,, but people would still find ways to harm each other, like how they got around pregnancy with the pill and started seeing uprise in stds.... people are creative about doing what they want to do, but I still dont wish to support a wild west culture of everyone carrying guns because they can,,,many people dont have the temperament or common sense for it and many others are too hung up on using drugs and alcohol for fun to have one in their possession i can tell you don't live in Ummmmmm, nope she lives here in Nevada. We are a lot like Texas, you can open carry withou a permit and it is very easy to get CCW and permits. |
![]() that is hogzilla... and a .22 would just piss him off... |
![]() that is hogzilla... and a .22 would just piss him off... That would be like giving a whale a tic-tac for bad breath. |
Hey, wild hogs are no joke. I seriously almost got eaten by them as a child. It was the most terrifying experience of my life. I was maybe 5 years old, thin, weak and scrawny. Trying to climb into the back of my father's truck to get away from them before they got to me and I couldn't get over the raised tailgate. My brother pulled me up just as they got to the truck. My dad came out of the house with a 30/30 and scared them off just as a big boar was almost over the raised tailgate, only his hind legs were outside of the truck bed. Absolutely terrifying. I wouldn't want to encounter them again without something at least as big as a shotgun.
i used to have a chinese SK that was great as a semi-auto, then one day it turned into a fully automatic... i got rid of it after that..