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Topic: The REAL health care question.
Kleisto's photo
Sun 07/10/11 05:05 AM

We need to do what Germany did, ALL Insurance and ALL HEALTHCARE are NOT FOR PROFIT!

That's why the US and Israel make the majority of the world's medical advances, because the smart people see that there is money to be made in the field. Make it non-profit and we'll stop advancing medicine.

That cut the cost dramatically. We also need a BS committee to deal with stupid and unwarranted lawsuits.

No, we should make it so that losers in civil cases have to pay the winners legal fees. Adding a new bureaucracy isn't going to help anything, except some fat cats get fatter.

This is a double edged sword though. Sure they make advances if its For Profit but they don't make cures. There is no money in Curing someone. A pill that must be taken your whole life does= profit though.

So your argument is a conspiracy theory?

Here's a link with a list of 73 different diseases that have been cured with Adult Stem Cells. That's just one field, Adult Stem Cells. I'm sure that with enough research, you could find hundreds of other examples.

Why is it that you think that curing a disease is so simple that doctors and scientists who haven't found cures are just lying?

there is no money in a cure... the money is finding a way to make people take there drugs 40 dollars a pill for the rest of their life...

That's simply not true. Do you guys even think or is it just a knee jerk reaction? I guess no vaccines exist, right? WTF are vaccines? I'm sure you are all asking that, because no such thing exists, because there is no profit in it. WTF is chemotherapy? It's just a word I made up, don't trouble your pretty little head. laugh

Chemo isn't a cure its a treatment. Vaccines are not cures either. They are just injecting weak forms of the virus so your body can better fight an infection.

I think even saying that is giving them too much credit. I won't go near a vaccine these days, too many risks involved on my health, and it's even worse for the little ones who are always having to get shots all the time and in short order.

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 07/10/11 05:26 AM

I am assuming you gentlemen are from the US, so, here is what I suggest you do, follow the German system to deal with legal issues arising from any complaints BUT follow the Australian Health Care system. At least in Australia, you can get a FREE consultation with a doctor and then get a heavily subsidised prescription is you are a low income earner.

"The combined profits for the ten drug companies in the Fortune 500 ($35.9 billion) were more than the profits for all the other 490 businesses put together ($33.7 billion) [in 2002]. Over the past two decades the pharmaceutical industry has moved very far from its original high purpose of discovering and producing useful new drugs. Now primarily a marketing machine to sell drugs of dubious benefit, this industry uses its wealth and power to co-opt every institution that might stand in its way, including the US Congress, the FDA, academic medical centers, and the medical profession itself."
-- Dr. Marcia Angell, former editor in chief of the New England Journal of Medicine

no photo
Sun 07/10/11 07:59 AM

Chemo isn't a cure its a treatment. Vaccines are not cures either. They are just injecting weak forms of the virus so your body can better fight an infection. Now I saw a video on a doctor working on Cancer research right here in the US. He has FDA approved trials that are showing great results in curing cancer with no chemo or anything that has adverse side effects. On certain kinds of brain cancer in children that have maybe a 15 survival rate he is getting like 20-30%. Yet the government/FDA give him no money for trials. They have to raise all their own money. Better results but no money.

Chemo is a treatment that can cure cancer. How many times have you had small pox? How about tetanus?

The Government doesn't pay for the trials of treatments, the company does. If his treatment were any good, the he would have private investors come to invest in his research.

Chazster's photo
Sun 07/10/11 11:16 AM

Chemo isn't a cure its a treatment. Vaccines are not cures either. They are just injecting weak forms of the virus so your body can better fight an infection. Now I saw a video on a doctor working on Cancer research right here in the US. He has FDA approved trials that are showing great results in curing cancer with no chemo or anything that has adverse side effects. On certain kinds of brain cancer in children that have maybe a 15 survival rate he is getting like 20-30%. Yet the government/FDA give him no money for trials. They have to raise all their own money. Better results but no money.

Chemo is a treatment that can cure cancer. How many times have you had small pox? How about tetanus?

The Government doesn't pay for the trials of treatments, the company does. If his treatment were any good, the he would have private investors come to invest in his research.

What is the National Cancer Institute (NCI), and what is its role in supporting cancer research?
NCI is one of the 27 Institutes and Centers that form the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which is part of the Department of Health and Human Services. In the National Cancer Institute Act of 1937, NCI was established as the Nation’s principal agency for cancer research. In the National Cancer Act of 1971, NCI was further charged with coordinating the National Cancer Program.

As a federal agency, NCI receives its funds from Congress. These funds support research at the Institute’s headquarters in Bethesda, MD, and in laboratories and medical centers throughout the United States and in other countries.

The cancer research program coordinated by NCI investigates the causes, prevention, detection, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer through various research projects and clinical trials. Information about cancer research projects supported by NCI in the United States and Canada can be found in the NCI Funded Research Portfolio.

Please research before you post things that are wrong.

no photo
Sun 07/10/11 11:24 AM

What is the National Cancer Institute (NCI), and what is its role in supporting cancer research?
NCI is one of the 27 Institutes and Centers that form the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which is part of the Department of Health and Human Services. In the National Cancer Institute Act of 1937, NCI was established as the Nation’s principal agency for cancer research. In the National Cancer Act of 1971, NCI was further charged with coordinating the National Cancer Program.

As a federal agency, NCI receives its funds from Congress. These funds support research at the Institute’s headquarters in Bethesda, MD, and in laboratories and medical centers throughout the United States and in other countries.

The cancer research program coordinated by NCI investigates the causes, prevention, detection, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer through various research projects and clinical trials. Information about cancer research projects supported by NCI in the United States and Canada can be found in the NCI Funded Research Portfolio.

Please research before you post things that are wrong.

I never said that we had a 100% cure for cancer, but people have been cured. We are always looking for better cures for cancer, I don't see how that "proves" that nobody has ever looked for a cure or sold it to people.

Chazster's photo
Sun 07/10/11 11:27 AM
Edited by Chazster on Sun 07/10/11 11:28 AM

The Government doesn't pay for the trials of treatments, the company does. If his treatment were any good, the he would have private investors come to invest in his research.

I never said that we had a 100% cure for cancer, but people have been cured. We are always looking for better cures for cancer, I don't see how that "proves" that nobody has ever looked for a cure or sold it to people.

No you just said the government doesn't pay for cancer treatment/research. I just proved you wrong.

no photo
Sun 07/10/11 11:29 AM

No you just said the government doesn't pay for cancer treatment/research. I just proved you wrong.


That's a government research program, not a corporation. They don't pay for the research for private entities to research cures, expect in the case of grants.

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 07/10/11 11:32 AM

God I like watching people insert their own foot in their own mouths!

Chazster's photo
Sun 07/10/11 11:38 AM
Edited by Chazster on Sun 07/10/11 11:55 AM

No you just said the government doesn't pay for cancer treatment/research. I just proved you wrong.


That's a government research program, not a corporation. They don't pay for the research for private entities to research cures, expect in the case of grants.

Well yes grants are money the government gives to other people, they give money to colleges and hospitals as well. Please go the the NCI site. Also

Do other federal government agencies fund cancer research?
Yes. Other federal government agencies, including other NIH Institutes and Centers, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Department of Defense, fund cancer research.

NCI’s primary mission is to conduct and fund cancer research. Approximately 80 percent of the annual NCI budget is spent on cancer research at more than 650 institutions in communities across the United States and in other countries. Approximately 15 percent of the annual NCI budget is spent on cancer research conducted at NCI in Maryland. Approximately 5 percent of the annual NCI budget is spent on administration and management.

The do only 15% of their budget themselves.

Chazster's photo
Sun 07/10/11 11:47 AM
Its ok we know you were wrong. You can just admit it and we will forgive you. Everyone makes mistakes.

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 07/10/11 06:22 PM

Forgiveness is good!

no photo
Sun 07/10/11 07:17 PM

The Government doesn't pay for the trials of treatments, the company does. If his treatment were any good, the he would have private investors come to invest in his research.

I was talking about corporations, you just had to read my post to know that. Government research is government funded, how is that a surprise?


no photo
Sun 07/10/11 07:18 PM

Its ok we know you were wrong. You can just admit it and we will forgive you. Everyone makes mistakes.


Chazster's photo
Sun 07/10/11 08:03 PM
Edited by Chazster on Sun 07/10/11 08:12 PM

The Government doesn't pay for the trials of treatments, the company does. If his treatment were any good, the he would have private investors come to invest in his research.

I was talking about corporations, you just had to read my post to know that. Government research is government funded, how is that a surprise?


Right so 5.1 billion dollars isn't the government spending money on cancer research. Of that 80% is given to non government research. Thats only about 4 billion dollars. But yea lets ignore 4 billion dollars. So yes the government gives 4 billion in grants for cancer research and trials and my point was that there is a guy that discovered a method with much greater results then what is out now and it requires no chemo which can outright kill people before cancer does yet they don't approve his grants. Thus he funds his trials himself but that greatly limits what he can do.

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