Topic: Thank you for Not "Serving" | |
Maybe I am old fashioned but I get a kick out manufactureing and actualy makeing something. The service jobs are a joke for the most part they pay nothing and offer little benefits. hmmmmmm. health care is a service industry. doctors and nurses offer little benefit? you get a kick out of manufacturing. i know several doctors and nurses who get a real kick out of serving their patients. a former neighbor was an auto service manager who loved serving his customers. as a pilot i couldn't wait to go to work and take my passengers from point a to point b. none of us ever manufactured anything for a living yet you see that we offer little benefit? my career was a joke? Yes what a joke those careers are. Dentists and lawyers offer services too and also have no benefits and are also jokes. Brokers offer stock trading services and make $0 as we know. The list goes on and on. |
Maybe I am old fashioned but I get a kick out manufactureing and actualy makeing something. The service jobs are a joke for the most part they pay nothing and offer little benefits. hmmmmmm. health care is a service industry. doctors and nurses offer little benefit? you get a kick out of manufacturing. i know several doctors and nurses who get a real kick out of serving their patients. a former neighbor was an auto service manager who loved serving his customers. as a pilot i couldn't wait to go to work and take my passengers from point a to point b. none of us ever manufactured anything for a living yet you see that we offer little benefit? my career was a joke? Yes what a joke those careers are. Dentists and lawyers offer services too and also have no benefits and are also jokes. Brokers offer stock trading services and make $0 as we know. The list goes on and on. |
Oh how it is so easy to overlook a service provider. If a hunter goes out and kills an animal that winds up on your dinner table is he offering a service or is he producer? he didn't grow the animal. Now would gatherers of berries and other fodder likewise be foraging a service or producing? I can argue that I can hunt and forage for myself so if someone is doing the work and bringing me the food producing or offering me a service? Well, restaurants provide prepared food to you. They have to go get it and cook it and in some cases deliver it. I can say that Service AND Producer applies reflexively.
So now let us talk about Quality of service. There are Cooks and there are Chefs. Cooks cannot do what Chefs do. It takes significant training to be a chef. There is some science behind fine cuisine too. So if the service is better in theory it should be more valuable. An emperor would not have a Fry Cook providing his food! If you want to talk about useless how about the whole Middleman Culture. I consider Banking a Middleman Operation! They put more value on themselves then they are really worth but they have positioned themselves on an artificial and arbitrary concept (MONEY MONEY MONEY!) and manipulate it to keep them in food and housing while the rest of us "Productive people" have to earn it the hard way. banking is the ultimate scam. Why are they worth million dollar bonuses while I have to scramble for every dollar? It really is a lot more intricate than that. A fry cook is not worth a whole lot of money. A Cor Don Bleu Chef makes at least $50K a year minimum! Why? Skills and Training! Just becasue some clown can swing a hammer and drive nails does not mean dick in the real world. Just about any monkey willing to get sweaty can do it. it takes more skill to be the guy coordinating the work than the guys actually doing the work. So how about the engineer that designs houses (Architects lay out the floor plan and appearance, engineers design the actual house!) It takes a LOT more training to be an engineer than an architect. But still it takes a lot of skill to be an architect. You can't legally build a house unless it has been approved by engineers and had been blue printed. that is part of the UBC (Uniform Building Code). People complain Handymen are expensive. Well, how many people deal with what a handyman deals with? We have to have a variety of skills and be able to effectively repair houses. Just becasue you can hang a picture doesn't mean you can fix a door jamb that has been kicked in or replace a rotted drain in your bathroom sink. if you can't fix your sink and I can am I just providing a service? I still have to get the parts! So I have to be producing something! So what do bankers provide? A service? Does it really serve you or them? they charge for handling YOUR money. They make money off of your money while they hold it. They make a nice easy living while we get jacked off and shaved! So we squeeze down on businesses in general instead of squeezing bankers and the money trade. Oh we just go after all the rich! Not the ones playing all the loopholes. ![]() ![]() (Yes I was being funny but please don't tell on me.) |
Maybe I am old fashioned but I get a kick out manufactureing and actualy makeing something. The service jobs are a joke for the most part they pay nothing and offer little benefits. hmmmmmm. health care is a service industry. doctors and nurses offer little benefit? you get a kick out of manufacturing. i know several doctors and nurses who get a real kick out of serving their patients. a former neighbor was an auto service manager who loved serving his customers. as a pilot i couldn't wait to go to work and take my passengers from point a to point b. none of us ever manufactured anything for a living yet you see that we offer little benefit? my career was a joke? Yes what a joke those careers are. Dentists and lawyers offer services too and also have no benefits and are also jokes. Brokers offer stock trading services and make $0 as we know. The list goes on and on. Wait.. he thinks the people that run his Unions have joke jobs. That is a service. Gasp and so is the president. Man he thinks the president is a joke. |
It is clear to me you never reads the Principles of Rule! Also the concept of Deterrent Force seems to mean nothing to you. And how does China conduct politics? Why not ask Tibet what is up? How about S Korea? HOW ABOUT VIETNAM? Vietnam found out they have oil on and off shore and guess who threatened them if they tapped their reserves especially off shore? Hint, IT ISN'T AMERICA! And I can ask you why you seem to think this "Peace Always" mentality does us any good? Sometimes the good guy has to get pissed off and strike back. And also you seem to confuse passion with hate. I can clearly see when I am hating something and have reasons for it and I can explain those reasons but people like you just grab onto the word and cling to it like a life raft in angry seas. WE ALL HATE SOMETHING! And as far as American world domination, don't make me laugh! And on top of that isolation is not good for us either. Making it clear our neighbors had better play fair with us or else is the only message these other nations understand! So far the only two nations on this world with any honor to them are Germany and Japan and BOTH got their ***** stomped in place and now they are model citizens! America stands to learn a lot from both! AMERICA LED THE WAY! But likewise total control is a joke. It is not possible! if anything we need to clean house and become world leaders again by example, not sell our souls to ideals like yours or Globalization! And now???? I've never said "Peace Always", ever. In fact, when GWB wanted to jump on Hussein again like Daddy did, I was making the argument "why are we kicking around in Iraq again instead of focusing on N Korea (who was actually openly threatening all its neighboring countries and was as well refusing security council inspectors)?" The only thing I've said is a kind of equivalent to "we shouldn't be jumping into schoolyard brawls and beating up the kids". We went to Iraq for oil and somehow GWB convinced everyone it was for "WMDs" and "links to Al-Qaeda". Striking back? Fine, but we haven't been struck first? Yes, yes, Al-Qaeda on 9/11, but that wasn't Hussein, it wasn't the Pakistani people, it wasn't Iran ... honestly, there is more connection to Saudi Arabia than there is to Iraq, but did we beat on the royal family there? Nope, they were evacuated from the U.S. by Bush and Co. within 6 hours of 9/11. Proof positive you DON'T know me at all and have no way of knowing anything about me other than what YOU make up. I love how you can turn passion into hatred. I hate hypocrisy. I hate stupid people. I hate my share of things I feel deserve spite. Now about this lumping everyone up, it goes like this, if people are living under a fuqued up regime and they likewise tolerate it then the population is complacent. Now how many Syrian and Pakistani towns had flag waving celebrations when the World Trade Center got knocked down? That was a total show of complacency and had I the chance I would have tossed cruise missiles and fully laden B-52s at each of those towns while they cheered our losses. Again you are speaking ignorantly. I feel sympathy for refugees fleeing their homes from groups like the Taliban or Al-Quieda. Afghanistan is also proof of MY thinking. Our soldiers drive the Taliban out of a town and we leave. A week later they are back and the people living in the town are cursing us while they are there but praising us while WE are there. Sorry but I have heard Afghan immigrants even accuse their own people of being two faced liars! Ask those same immigrants if they want to see their homeland nuked or at the very least, the towns where they grew up carpet bombed. I sincerely doubt it. There are several reasons to sentence someone to death, celebration of any event isn't one of them. BTW, I've not made up anything about you, I'm contesting the views you've put forth in this thread. I once again offer up Waco as an example that you ignored the first time. Should it have been bombed because of David Koresh? And neither does coming off intellectual when you really are spewing ignorance under the veil of PEACE AND CIVILITY! You can't be offended because that is EXACTLY how you come off with your challenges to my arguments. You CAN'T prove me wrong and I bet that drives you crazy but that you will never admit! Its not for me to decide when or if I've proven you wrong, its yours. I can only argue the point, but you're hardwired into some sort of "only I and those who think exactly like me deserve to live" mentality. Besides, I already know that even if I do manage to open your eyes to the hatred you're spouting, YOU would never admit it. I'm still in this because ... well, I'm not sure why. Maybe I'm bored this early in the morning and this is my entertainment. And one more time, I likewise am against being used as the police force of the world. But the fact is a nation starts to threaten us we need to stop talking and go over to their land and break their azzes like cheap whores! it is time we ponied up some nukes, got in n Korea's face. Push them to striking the first blow, nuking ALL of their military assets, invade them, drag the Il family in front of a military tribunal as a formality AND EXECUTE THEM, AND END THIS GOD DAMN WAR ONCE AND FOR ALL![COLOR] If China wants to shoot their mouths off we let them and ignore them like they have done to us for so long. The second they send troops over the border we nuke their troops and nuke their military bases and tell them straight to their faces they brought this on themselves and should have invested more effort in getting the N and S of Korea to negotiate in good faith rather than support dictators. I know you are going to argue we support dictators too. WE DO but when they fall out of favor with the UN we get called in to take them out like Libya. In all reality the UN Support dictators and so do globalist corporations! The fact here is we don't have the balls to make real war. the fact is we should stop holding back the nukes on piss ant nations who threaten us WITH NUKES. China and Russia are not about to engage us if we nuke N Korea becasue they stand to loose too much when they strike at us and we retaliate. They will complain but then they will not act either. Not for N Korea. They would if we nuked them first and if China was smart and we did nuke N Korea they would sue for peace and keep their troops out of it this time. N Korea has NO REDEEMING QUALITIES. The civilians who live there are the one suffering and if you got a better answer to end this war I am all ears but don't say diplomacy. This war has been going on for over 60 years and diplomacy has not ended it yet! "Bully other nations into wars" and "let's throw nukes around". That'll get respect ... right. And "no redeeming qualities" ... anyone can say that about any other country and use any justification to do so. Have you lived there? Have you even been there? Do you know any North Koreans? I'm sure they, too, would be remiss to consider a nuclear solution. Your argument seems to always boil down to the point that oppressed people should rebel. I agree. However, you seem to think this happens instantaneously the moment people realize they're oppressed (and if they don't, they deserve death ... just as those regimes promise them for non-compliance). It doesn't, especially when the oppressed are OUTGUNNED by those in power. Sometimes several generations pass before the people realize they can overpower through numbers or just get tired enough not to care about the consequences anymore. Egyptians finally did after 30 years of Mubarak's rule. It was also a MOSTLY peaceful revolution. No nukes, no outside help to get them started. Oh, and the American revolution wasn't instantaneous either ... look it up. And now for your dose of humble pie. If congress said no and voted against the war Bush would have not led us into war BUT since congress blessed it guess what, CONGRESS ACCEPTED RESPONSIBILITY! MOVING ON! I've nowhere stated that Congress was free and clear for the vote. Hell, I condemned them as they made it because I knew what the move against Iraq was really all about and I say they should have seen it too. However, you seem to be making the argument that, since Congress voted for it, GWB is free and clear and holds no responsibility for anything that's occurred. He's not. He paved the way. That was my point. He begged everyone and their mother to let him go into Iraq like Daddy did, falsified data from the CIA to do it and then said "to hell with the UN" when they didn't agree and convinced Congress to let him do it anyway. BLAH BLAH BLAH YOU DON'T CARE. You never did! You see only what you want to see and believe only what you want to believe is relevant. And again your knowledge of foreign cultures is no surprise to me. Its irrelevant because we're not arguing the nature of Pakistan's founding. We're arguing whether it deserves to be nuked. I (and every other nation in the UN) says "no". Sorry. "I'm a bad guy. How does this make me a bad guy?" Why did that have to be explained? And so? Would you like a biscuit with that order of Chicken? Resorting to the absurd ... how mature. And again your ignorance shows. At least I read a Quaran. If you never did and you are going to start spewing tolerance it is time for you to shut the hell up becasue ignorance of a religions tenants is stupid. Just becasue it is poison doesn't mean we should not learn about it to prevent us from falling back into the dark ages thanks to religious piety taking over common sense. But there is something worst than Religious ignorance and that is EDUCATED IGNORANCE! here you are educated but again your lack of understanding outside of the classroom shows! I grew up with the bible pounded into me. There are moral guidelines that are good within most religion and we would not have the civilization we have now had it not have been for the religions you revile. Time to quit trying to see the world through a drinking straw! You're right, I've never read the Qur'an and no, I'll not be spewing "tolerance" on this level ... my previous statement should have been an indicator. I was raised Southern Baptist and I know more about Christianity and the Bible than the majority of Christians to whom I've ever spoken. As a book, fine, I'm not going to say "burn all bibles" ... as a religious doctrine, it is poison, just as any other religious text. As for the Qur'an, do you think the Bible carries no history of blood to rival its teachings? If so, then I'd be willing to put money on "you're wrong". Also, you, like every religious fanatic I've encountered, are making an incorrect assumption that without religion, there is no morality. This is false. Read up on Progressive Social Evolution. Yes, there are a few good morals spread throughout the Bible and probably the Qur'an as well, but they're buried under a lot of hate and oppression and silly myths stolen from other cultures that too many people find believable and center their lives around. Out of curiosity ... is it this upbringing and the idea that God was so wanton with destruction that makes YOU so sure in your judgment of other nations and the "necessity" of nuking them? |
Maybe I am old fashioned but I get a kick out manufactureing and actualy makeing something. The service jobs are a joke for the most part they pay nothing and offer little benefits. hmmmmmm. health care is a service industry. doctors and nurses offer little benefit? you get a kick out of manufacturing. i know several doctors and nurses who get a real kick out of serving their patients. a former neighbor was an auto service manager who loved serving his customers. as a pilot i couldn't wait to go to work and take my passengers from point a to point b. none of us ever manufactured anything for a living yet you see that we offer little benefit? my career was a joke? Yes what a joke those careers are. Dentists and lawyers offer services too and also have no benefits and are also jokes. Brokers offer stock trading services and make $0 as we know. The list goes on and on. Wait.. he thinks the people that run his Unions have joke jobs. That is a service. Gasp and so is the president. Man he thinks the president is a joke. |
Maybe I am old fashioned but I get a kick out manufactureing and actualy makeing something. The service jobs are a joke for the most part they pay nothing and offer little benefits. hmmmmmm. health care is a service industry. doctors and nurses offer little benefit? you get a kick out of manufacturing. i know several doctors and nurses who get a real kick out of serving their patients. a former neighbor was an auto service manager who loved serving his customers. as a pilot i couldn't wait to go to work and take my passengers from point a to point b. none of us ever manufactured anything for a living yet you see that we offer little benefit? my career was a joke? Yes what a joke those careers are. Dentists and lawyers offer services too and also have no benefits and are also jokes. Brokers offer stock trading services and make $0 as we know. The list goes on and on. Wait.. he thinks the people that run his Unions have joke jobs. That is a service. Gasp and so is the president. Man he thinks the president is a joke. What rule of thumb? We just gave a ton of examples that totally crush your idea. Most educated jobs are service oriented. Scientists, Researchers, Teachers, Doctors, Lawyers, Psychologists, Dentists, People with Business Degrees, Engineers, Physical Therapists, Nurses, Radiologists, etc etc etc. The list goes on and on. You know why all these professions don't need a union? Because their abilities are actually desired and people are willing to pay for it. Not just anyone can do that job much less finish the degree. Some people just don't have the skill set. Like I could have never made it in an art program because I just have not talent for it though if I could I might have gone into computer animation. |
seems the only difference between me and you ms is that you don't take risks for your country and i put my life on the line for it. |
Maybe I am old fashioned but I get a kick out manufactureing and actualy makeing something. The service jobs are a joke for the most part they pay nothing and offer little benefits. hmmmmmm. health care is a service industry. doctors and nurses offer little benefit? you get a kick out of manufacturing. i know several doctors and nurses who get a real kick out of serving their patients. a former neighbor was an auto service manager who loved serving his customers. as a pilot i couldn't wait to go to work and take my passengers from point a to point b. none of us ever manufactured anything for a living yet you see that we offer little benefit? my career was a joke? Yes what a joke those careers are. Dentists and lawyers offer services too and also have no benefits and are also jokes. Brokers offer stock trading services and make $0 as we know. The list goes on and on. Wait.. he thinks the people that run his Unions have joke jobs. That is a service. Gasp and so is the president. Man he thinks the president is a joke. What rule of thumb? We just gave a ton of examples that totally crush your idea. Most educated jobs are service oriented. Scientists, Researchers, Teachers, Doctors, Lawyers, Psychologists, Dentists, People with Business Degrees, Engineers, Physical Therapists, Nurses, Radiologists, etc etc etc. The list goes on and on. You know why all these professions don't need a union? Because their abilities are actually desired and people are willing to pay for it. Not just anyone can do that job much less finish the degree. Some people just don't have the skill set. Like I could have never made it in an art program because I just have not talent for it though if I could I might have gone into computer animation. |
Maybe I am old fashioned but I get a kick out manufactureing and actualy makeing something. The service jobs are a joke for the most part they pay nothing and offer little benefits. hmmmmmm. health care is a service industry. doctors and nurses offer little benefit? you get a kick out of manufacturing. i know several doctors and nurses who get a real kick out of serving their patients. a former neighbor was an auto service manager who loved serving his customers. as a pilot i couldn't wait to go to work and take my passengers from point a to point b. none of us ever manufactured anything for a living yet you see that we offer little benefit? my career was a joke? Yes what a joke those careers are. Dentists and lawyers offer services too and also have no benefits and are also jokes. Brokers offer stock trading services and make $0 as we know. The list goes on and on. Wait.. he thinks the people that run his Unions have joke jobs. That is a service. Gasp and so is the president. Man he thinks the president is a joke. let's take a look at how the issue at hand became sidetracked. you began the issue, 'thank you for not serving' as an aside to the 4th of july. at some point it was you who brought your praise for unions into the mix and continued with you being a dinasaur and now have sidetracked further down the line of how wonderful it makes you feel to be working in manufacturing and actually creating something while others work in joke jobs. you said these absurdities, nobody else said them and now you moan about the rest of us taking things literaly and sidetracking the thread. if this thread is sidetracked you're the one done gone and done it. |
Oh I have got to answer the above response but at this moment I don't have the time. I'll get to it later for sure though!
Oh this is going to be GOOD! ![]() |
Oh I have got to answer the above response but at this moment I don't have the time. I'll get to it later for sure though! Oh this is going to be GOOD! ![]() |
Oh I have got to answer the above response but at this moment I don't have the time. I'll get to it later for sure though! Oh this is going to be GOOD! ![]() That character seems like someone that would work a union job. |
Oh I have got to answer the above response but at this moment I don't have the time. I'll get to it later for sure though! Oh this is going to be GOOD! ![]() That character seems like someone that would work a union job. I would say maybe wallmart security ![]() |
Oh I have got to answer the above response but at this moment I don't have the time. I'll get to it later for sure though! Oh this is going to be GOOD! ![]() That character seems like someone that would work a union job. I would say maybe wallmart security ![]() Dude you set it up I had to take that shot you know. ![]() |
It is clear to me you never reads the Principles of Rule! Also the concept of Deterrent Force seems to mean nothing to you. And how does China conduct politics? Why not ask Tibet what is up? How about S Korea? HOW ABOUT VIETNAM? Vietnam found out they have oil on and off shore and guess who threatened them if they tapped their reserves especially off shore? Hint, IT ISN'T AMERICA! And I can ask you why you seem to think this "Peace Always" mentality does us any good? Sometimes the good guy has to get pissed off and strike back. And also you seem to confuse passion with hate. I can clearly see when I am hating something and have reasons for it and I can explain those reasons but people like you just grab onto the word and cling to it like a life raft in angry seas. WE ALL HATE SOMETHING! And as far as American world domination, don't make me laugh! And on top of that isolation is not good for us either. Making it clear our neighbors had better play fair with us or else is the only message these other nations understand! So far the only two nations on this world with any honor to them are Germany and Japan and BOTH got their ***** stomped in place and now they are model citizens! America stands to learn a lot from both! AMERICA LED THE WAY! But likewise total control is a joke. It is not possible! if anything we need to clean house and become world leaders again by example, not sell our souls to ideals like yours or Globalization! And now???? I've never said "Peace Always", ever. In fact, when GWB wanted to jump on Hussein again like Daddy did, I was making the argument "why are we kicking around in Iraq again instead of focusing on N Korea (who was actually openly threatening all its neighboring countries and was as well refusing security council inspectors)?" The only thing I've said is a kind of equivalent to "we shouldn't be jumping into schoolyard brawls and beating up the kids". We went to Iraq for oil and somehow GWB convinced everyone it was for "WMDs" and "links to Al-Qaeda". Striking back? Fine, but we haven't been struck first? Yes, yes, Al-Qaeda on 9/11, but that wasn't Hussein, it wasn't the Pakistani people, it wasn't Iran ... honestly, there is more connection to Saudi Arabia than there is to Iraq, but did we beat on the royal family there? Nope, they were evacuated from the U.S. by Bush and Co. within 6 hours of 9/11. I wasn't for Iraq 1 or 2 becasue I seen both actions for what they were. We should have been done in Iraq the first pass but I said from the start then we would leave it as unfinished business. Now you talk about focusing on N Korea, HOW EXACTLY? COMMIT TROOPS AND RESOURCES TO FAKE WE WILL TAKE THEM ON? No, we need top bust N Korea's azz the next time they shoot their mouths off. They rattle the saber, we launch a cruise missile on their palace. they start an artillery barrage on Seoul we nuke the artillery fields and then their military bases. China sends their army in we nuke them too. China attempts to sink a carrier group, we use SMIII to shoot the missile down and then we nuke them too! The UN pisses blood. We tell them to put up or shut up and we get to the business of mopping up what is left and let Korea enjoy some peace for a change and China gets a big mouth full of "SHUT THE HELL UP!" That is how to conclude this. Show the world we GOT the balls to deal with a nuclear threat. Think Iran will be so ready to shoot their mouths off if they see us level N Korea's military and put China in their place? Like i said before, Russia is not stupid enough to risk getting nuked over China getting their fingers burned screwing with us. the only people I would feel sorry for is the Civilians caught in the middle of their ruling body's BS. The time for talk is over. We need to cut their aid off completely. Like Pakistan they deserve nothing! Proof positive you DON'T know me at all and have no way of knowing anything about me other than what YOU make up. I love how you can turn passion into hatred. I hate hypocrisy. I hate stupid people. I hate my share of things I feel deserve spite. Now about this lumping everyone up, it goes like this, if people are living under a fuqued up regime and they likewise tolerate it then the population is complacent. Now how many Syrian and Pakistani towns had flag waving celebrations when the World Trade Center got knocked down? That was a total show of complacency and had I the chance I would have tossed cruise missiles and fully laden B-52s at each of those towns while they cheered our losses. Again you are speaking ignorantly. I feel sympathy for refugees fleeing their homes from groups like the Taliban or Al-Quieda. Afghanistan is also proof of MY thinking. Our soldiers drive the Taliban out of a town and we leave. A week later they are back and the people living in the town are cursing us while they are there but praising us while WE are there. Sorry but I have heard Afghan immigrants even accuse their own people of being two faced liars! Ask those same immigrants if they want to see their homeland nuked or at the very least, the towns where they grew up carpet bombed. I sincerely doubt it. There are several reasons to sentence someone to death, celebration of any event isn't one of them. BTW, I've not made up anything about you, I'm contesting the views you've put forth in this thread. I once again offer up Waco as an example that you ignored the first time. Should it have been bombed because of David Koresh? Janet Reno, A DEMOCRAT! MASSIVELY overstepped her authority and used Military assets against civilians in direct contradiction of the Constitution. She should have been put before criminal charges for what she ordered!!! David Koresh could have been arrested peacefully but the FBI chose to do it the hard way and impose their power on a group of people who handed them their azzes! How about Ruby Ridge too? And neither does coming off intellectual when you really are spewing ignorance under the veil of PEACE AND CIVILITY! You can't be offended because that is EXACTLY how you come off with your challenges to my arguments. You CAN'T prove me wrong and I bet that drives you crazy but that you will never admit! Its not for me to decide when or if I've proven you wrong, its yours. I can only argue the point, but you're hardwired into some sort of "only I and those who think exactly like me deserve to live" mentality. Besides, I already know that even if I do manage to open your eyes to the hatred you're spouting, YOU would never admit it. I'm still in this because ... well, I'm not sure why. Maybe I'm bored this early in the morning and this is my entertainment. Presentation is everything. You chose to bring up racism. Not me. You also seem to be under some impression I am a republican. And one more time, I likewise am against being used as the police force of the world. But the fact is a nation starts to threaten us we need to stop talking and go over to their land and break their azzes like cheap whores! it is time we ponied up some nukes, got in n Korea's face. Push them to striking the first blow, nuking ALL of their military assets, invade them, drag the Il family in front of a military tribunal as a formality AND EXECUTE THEM, AND END THIS GOD DAMN WAR ONCE AND FOR ALL![COLOR] If China wants to shoot their mouths off we let them and ignore them like they have done to us for so long. The second they send troops over the border we nuke their troops and nuke their military bases and tell them straight to their faces they brought this on themselves and should have invested more effort in getting the N and S of Korea to negotiate in good faith rather than support dictators. I know you are going to argue we support dictators too. WE DO but when they fall out of favor with the UN we get called in to take them out like Libya. In all reality the UN Support dictators and so do globalist corporations! The fact here is we don't have the balls to make real war. the fact is we should stop holding back the nukes on piss ant nations who threaten us WITH NUKES. China and Russia are not about to engage us if we nuke N Korea becasue they stand to loose too much when they strike at us and we retaliate. They will complain but then they will not act either. Not for N Korea. They would if we nuked them first and if China was smart and we did nuke N Korea they would sue for peace and keep their troops out of it this time. N Korea has NO REDEEMING QUALITIES. The civilians who live there are the one suffering and if you got a better answer to end this war I am all ears but don't say diplomacy. This war has been going on for over 60 years and diplomacy has not ended it yet! "Bully other nations into wars" and "let's throw nukes around". That'll get respect ... right. And "no redeeming qualities" ... anyone can say that about any other country and use any justification to do so. Have you lived there? Have you even been there? Do you know any North Koreans? I'm sure they, too, would be remiss to consider a nuclear solution. Your argument seems to always boil down to the point that oppressed people should rebel. I agree. However, you seem to think this happens instantaneously the moment people realize they're oppressed (and if they don't, they deserve death ... just as those regimes promise them for non-compliance). It doesn't, especially when the oppressed are OUTGUNNED by those in power. Sometimes several generations pass before the people realize they can overpower through numbers or just get tired enough not to care about the consequences anymore. Egyptians finally did after 30 years of Mubarak's rule. It was also a MOSTLY peaceful revolution. No nukes, no outside help to get them started. Oh, and the American revolution wasn't instantaneous either ... look it up. First of all GUNBOAT DIPLOMACY WORKS! Nothing gets belligerent nation leaders to pay attention when they know they are about to gt pulverized. N Korea has a 1M man army. Pretty meaningless when we can dump NEUTRON BOMBS, Safe clean non polluting Neutron Bombs and vaporize their military assets. Why do you think Russia hates our Star Wars programs? We can nuke them and they CAN'T NUKE US! That is the idea and that has them in negotiations with us. I can see eventually sharing that tech once Russia and the US can stabilize relations and put China in its place rather than wait for their impending world conquest. Before the end of the rule of the Chinese emperors they actually felt they already were in control of the world. Their arrogance got their azzes handed to them. Some of them still want to rule the world like so many short sighted men adn women! And now for your dose of humble pie. If congress said no and voted against the war Bush would have not led us into war BUT since congress blessed it guess what, CONGRESS ACCEPTED RESPONSIBILITY! MOVING ON! I've nowhere stated that Congress was free and clear for the vote. Hell, I condemned them as they made it because I knew what the move against Iraq was really all about and I say they should have seen it too. However, you seem to be making the argument that, since Congress voted for it, GWB is free and clear and holds no responsibility for anything that's occurred. He's not. He paved the way. That was my point. He begged everyone and their mother to let him go into Iraq like Daddy did, falsified data from the CIA to do it and then said "to hell with the UN" when they didn't agree and convinced Congress to let him do it anyway. I do agree with George Dubbaya, screw the UN! they are a bunch of two faced shittheads! Largest organization of self important self aggrandizing men and women I ever seen! Like I said, Congress could have said no and where would George Dubbya be today? Like Clinton didn't falsify his share of data? And Obama isn't a walking falsification? BLAH BLAH BLAH YOU DON'T CARE. You never did! You see only what you want to see and believe only what you want to believe is relevant. And again your knowledge of foreign cultures is no surprise to me. Its irrelevant because we're not arguing the nature of Pakistan's founding. We're arguing whether it deserves to be nuked. I (and every other nation in the UN) says "no". Sorry. Pakistan deserves to be dissolved as a nation and India should deal with the region! We could make huge points helping India reclaim their territory and we can deal with the Taliban and Al Quieda in a way that keeps our hands free of some of the dirty work. At least India would have handed Bin Laden to us if they had the chance. "I'm a bad guy. How does this make me a bad guy?" Why did that have to be explained? And so? Would you like a biscuit with that order of Chicken? Resorting to the absurd ... how mature. You don't like Chicken and biscuits? You are a racist! (Want to talk about absurd now?) And again your ignorance shows. At least I read a Quaran. If you never did and you are going to start spewing tolerance it is time for you to shut the hell up becasue ignorance of a religions tenants is stupid. Just becasue it is poison doesn't mean we should not learn about it to prevent us from falling back into the dark ages thanks to religious piety taking over common sense. But there is something worst than Religious ignorance and that is EDUCATED IGNORANCE! here you are educated but again your lack of understanding outside of the classroom shows! I grew up with the bible pounded into me. There are moral guidelines that are good within most religion and we would not have the civilization we have now had it not have been for the religions you revile. Time to quit trying to see the world through a drinking straw! You're right, I've never read the Qur'an and no, I'll not be spewing "tolerance" on this level ... my previous statement should have been an indicator. I was raised Southern Baptist and I know more about Christianity and the Bible than the majority of Christians to whom I've ever spoken. As a book, fine, I'm not going to say "burn all bibles" ... as a religious doctrine, it is poison, just as any other religious text. As for the Qur'an, do you think the Bible carries no history of blood to rival its teachings? If so, then I'd be willing to put money on "you're wrong". Also, you, like every religious fanatic I've encountered, are making an incorrect assumption that without religion, there is no morality. This is false. Read up on Progressive Social Evolution. Yes, there are a few good morals spread throughout the Bible and probably the Qur'an as well, but they're buried under a lot of hate and oppression and silly myths stolen from other cultures that too many people find believable and center their lives around. Out of curiosity ... is it this upbringing and the idea that God was so wanton with destruction that makes YOU so sure in your judgment of other nations and the "necessity" of nuking them? NICE TRY! AGAIN YOU PROVE YOUR INTELLECTUAL IGNORANCE! I have even read the Book of Mormon. I find that one book to be a supreme lie unto itself. But of all of the Mormons I met most of them were decent people trying to make good lives for themselves and their community. And of all the religions what do you know of Buddhism? Chances are nothing. It is the least Hypocritical religion out there. How about India's Pantheon Animism? It isn't about war or killing people. Their gods are facets of nature and mankind. It is about personal growth and enlightenment and peace. Religion is a way for people to grapple with the unknown but like anything it can and has been perverted by evil people. I spent years having people tell me God is Love when I seen the flip side of God constantly. If God made everything God also had to make evil. So now I am like a religious fanatic? Hey, look in the mirror here! Your hatred is showing! You dare try to compare religion to my desire to see us use the big stick against some of these deserving punk nations? Come on, that is false equivocation! On top of that Religion has been a part of human culture since we walked upright and began to conspire against one another. I could tolerate Islam like any other religion even though I don't agree with them if it was not for their tenants about dealing with Infidels like me. How do you make a dictator scared? Wipe out his army. How do you do that? Hit them with the needed force to kill them without risking the lives of your own soldiers. We nuke the N Korean Artillery Fields THEY WILL HAVE TO SUE FOR PEACE OR WE KEEP HITTING THEM UNTIL THEY DO! We don't have to nuke cities unless they surround a military base. But since N Korea wants to threaten us with nukes lets show them the folly of such threats! Lets give them a good reason to want to end the war! LETS HIT THEM LIKE THE HAND OF GOD ITSELF! All the UN will do is huff and puff and make noise but when the smoke settles we will get peace from it. And the rest of the world ganging up on us? Yeah, right. I could see it if we went crazy and nuked some poor undeserving nation for no reason. Iran and N Korea got it coming! Let us look back to 1971 when Egypt struck Israel on their sabbath. Israel was about to nuke Egypt but our reconnaissance planes took pictures of the Jericho Missile being aimed at them and Egypt sued for peace before they got their azzes handed to them. Time for America to grow a pair! ![]() Hoo RA! |
My oh my! I would have thought I would have had some whitty answer to my argument by now!
I don't sit on my computer all day. Sorry.
I wasn't for Iraq 1 or 2 becasue I seen both actions for what they were. We should have been done in Iraq the first pass but I said from the start then we would leave it as unfinished business. Now you talk about focusing on N Korea, HOW EXACTLY? COMMIT TROOPS AND RESOURCES TO FAKE WE WILL TAKE THEM ON? No, we need top bust N Korea's azz the next time they shoot their mouths off. They rattle the saber, we launch a cruise missile on their palace. they start an artillery barrage on Seoul we nuke the artillery fields and then their military bases. China sends their army in we nuke them too. China attempts to sink a carrier group, we use SMIII to shoot the missile down and then we nuke them too! The UN pisses blood. We tell them to put up or shut up and we get to the business of mopping up what is left and let Korea enjoy some peace for a change and China gets a big mouth full of "SHUT THE HELL UP!" That is how to conclude this. Show the world we GOT the balls to deal with a nuclear threat. Think Iran will be so ready to shoot their mouths off if they see us level N Korea's military and put China in their place? Like i said before, Russia is not stupid enough to risk getting nuked over China getting their fingers burned screwing with us. the only people I would feel sorry for is the Civilians caught in the middle of their ruling body's BS. The time for talk is over. We need to cut their aid off completely. Like Pakistan they deserve nothing! Read: Hate, hate, hate. Your answer to everything is kill a $#!t ton of civilians so YOU and others LIKE you can be satisfied. You "feel sorry" for civilians caught in the middle, but you have no qualms slaughtering them in the hundred thousands or millions ... ![]() Janet Reno, A DEMOCRAT! MASSIVELY overstepped her authority and used Military assets against civilians in direct contradiction of the Constitution. She should have been put before criminal charges for what she ordered!!! David Koresh could have been arrested peacefully but the FBI chose to do it the hard way and impose their power on a group of people who handed them their azzes! How about Ruby Ridge too? You STILL didn't answer the question. Would you nuke a US city because of a small contingent of troublemakers hiding among the population? Presentation is everything. You chose to bring up racism. Not me. You also seem to be under some impression I am a republican. I'm convinced you have no idea what racism is. As far as your political affiliations, you're constantly making remarks against "liberals", so the only thing I'm assuming is that you're not. However, you do little more than spew anti-Democrat rhetoric like a Republican, though, and mimic their "I'm more important than everyone else" attitude with perfect clarity. Kudos. First of all GUNBOAT DIPLOMACY WORKS! Nothing gets belligerent nation leaders to pay attention when they know they are about to gt pulverized. N Korea has a 1M man army. Pretty meaningless when we can dump NEUTRON BOMBS, Safe clean non polluting Neutron Bombs and vaporize their military assets. Why do you think Russia hates our Star Wars programs? We can nuke them and they CAN'T NUKE US! That is the idea and that has them in negotiations with us. I can see eventually sharing that tech once Russia and the US can stabilize relations and put China in its place rather than wait for their impending world conquest. Before the end of the rule of the Chinese emperors they actually felt they already were in control of the world. Their arrogance got their azzes handed to them. Some of them still want to rule the world like so many short sighted men adn women! And not a word of this is an actual response to anything I said. Just the same "bomb them!" repetition. I do agree with George Dubbaya, screw the UN! they are a bunch of two faced shittheads! Largest organization of self important self aggrandizing men and women I ever seen! Like I said, Congress could have said no and where would George Dubbya be today? Like Clinton didn't falsify his share of data? And Obama isn't a walking falsification? Actually, I'm curious on that mark, as well. We'll never know, but I have the feeling Iraq was going to happen with or without Congressional approval. Pakistan deserves to be dissolved as a nation and India should deal with the region! We could make huge points helping India reclaim their territory and we can deal with the Taliban and Al Quieda in a way that keeps our hands free of some of the dirty work. At least India would have handed Bin Laden to us if they had the chance. So long as we're "returning territory", lets go nuts and give Israel back to the Palestinians. We can recreate Yugoslavia as well. Poland goes back to Germany, etc. and we "Americans" can go back to Europe, Asia and Africa and give the entirety of the U.S. back to the Native American tribes that are left. That'll solve everything, right? You don't like Chicken and biscuits? You are a racist! (Want to talk about absurd now?) You've been talking absurd all along. NICE TRY! AGAIN YOU PROVE YOUR INTELLECTUAL IGNORANCE! I have even read the Book of Mormon. I find that one book to be a supreme lie unto itself. But of all of the Mormons I met most of them were decent people trying to make good lives for themselves and their community. And of all the religions what do you know of Buddhism? Chances are nothing. It is the least Hypocritical religion out there. How about India's Pantheon Animism? It isn't about war or killing people. Their gods are facets of nature and mankind. It is about personal growth and enlightenment and peace. Religion is a way for people to grapple with the unknown but like anything it can and has been perverted by evil people. I spent years having people tell me God is Love when I seen the flip side of God constantly. If God made everything God also had to make evil. So now I am like a religious fanatic? Hey, look in the mirror here! Your hatred is showing! You dare try to compare religion to my desire to see us use the big stick against some of these deserving punk nations? Come on, that is false equivocation! On top of that Religion has been a part of human culture since we walked upright and began to conspire against one another. I could tolerate Islam like any other religion even though I don't agree with them if it was not for their tenants about dealing with Infidels like me. How do you make a dictator scared? Wipe out his army. How do you do that? Hit them with the needed force to kill them without risking the lives of your own soldiers. We nuke the N Korean Artillery Fields THEY WILL HAVE TO SUE FOR PEACE OR WE KEEP HITTING THEM UNTIL THEY DO! We don't have to nuke cities unless they surround a military base. But since N Korea wants to threaten us with nukes lets show them the folly of such threats! Lets give them a good reason to want to end the war! LETS HIT THEM LIKE THE HAND OF GOD ITSELF! All the UN will do is huff and puff and make noise but when the smoke settles we will get peace from it. And the rest of the world ganging up on us? Yeah, right. I could see it if we went crazy and nuked some poor undeserving nation for no reason. Iran and N Korea got it coming! Let us look back to 1971 when Egypt struck Israel on their sabbath. Israel was about to nuke Egypt but our reconnaissance planes took pictures of the Jericho Missile being aimed at them and Egypt sued for peace before they got their azzes handed to them. Time for America to grow a pair! Again, read: Hate, hate, hate. "Bomb them all so I and others like me feel warm and fuzzy." You do nothing but consistently back your own hatred for anyone who disagrees with your world view with "nuke". I've lost interest. Like every fundamentalist (and most hardcore political party affiliates), every argument I have and will make you will respond with "you show your ignorance!" Presentation doesn't matter, because unless I say "we need to nuke everyone who hates America", it will not be a presentation you'll agree with. A closed mind cannot breathe. I'll leave discussion with the only fact I know you can agree with: you are not the only person on the planet. |
I don't sit on my computer all day. Sorry. I wasn't for Iraq 1 or 2 becasue I seen both actions for what they were. We should have been done in Iraq the first pass but I said from the start then we would leave it as unfinished business. Now you talk about focusing on N Korea, HOW EXACTLY? COMMIT TROOPS AND RESOURCES TO FAKE WE WILL TAKE THEM ON? No, we need top bust N Korea's azz the next time they shoot their mouths off. They rattle the saber, we launch a cruise missile on their palace. they start an artillery barrage on Seoul we nuke the artillery fields and then their military bases. China sends their army in we nuke them too. China attempts to sink a carrier group, we use SMIII to shoot the missile down and then we nuke them too! The UN pisses blood. We tell them to put up or shut up and we get to the business of mopping up what is left and let Korea enjoy some peace for a change and China gets a big mouth full of "SHUT THE HELL UP!" That is how to conclude this. Show the world we GOT the balls to deal with a nuclear threat. Think Iran will be so ready to shoot their mouths off if they see us level N Korea's military and put China in their place? Like i said before, Russia is not stupid enough to risk getting nuked over China getting their fingers burned screwing with us. the only people I would feel sorry for is the Civilians caught in the middle of their ruling body's BS. The time for talk is over. We need to cut their aid off completely. Like Pakistan they deserve nothing! Read: Hate, hate, hate. Your answer to everything is kill a $#!t ton of civilians so YOU and others LIKE you can be satisfied. You "feel sorry" for civilians caught in the middle, but you have no qualms slaughtering them in the hundred thousands or millions ... ![]() Janet Reno, A DEMOCRAT! MASSIVELY overstepped her authority and used Military assets against civilians in direct contradiction of the Constitution. She should have been put before criminal charges for what she ordered!!! David Koresh could have been arrested peacefully but the FBI chose to do it the hard way and impose their power on a group of people who handed them their azzes! How about Ruby Ridge too? You STILL didn't answer the question. Would you nuke a US city because of a small contingent of troublemakers hiding among the population? Presentation is everything. You chose to bring up racism. Not me. You also seem to be under some impression I am a republican. I'm convinced you have no idea what racism is. As far as your political affiliations, you're constantly making remarks against "liberals", so the only thing I'm assuming is that you're not. However, you do little more than spew anti-Democrat rhetoric like a Republican, though, and mimic their "I'm more important than everyone else" attitude with perfect clarity. Kudos. First of all GUNBOAT DIPLOMACY WORKS! Nothing gets belligerent nation leaders to pay attention when they know they are about to gt pulverized. N Korea has a 1M man army. Pretty meaningless when we can dump NEUTRON BOMBS, Safe clean non polluting Neutron Bombs and vaporize their military assets. Why do you think Russia hates our Star Wars programs? We can nuke them and they CAN'T NUKE US! That is the idea and that has them in negotiations with us. I can see eventually sharing that tech once Russia and the US can stabilize relations and put China in its place rather than wait for their impending world conquest. Before the end of the rule of the Chinese emperors they actually felt they already were in control of the world. Their arrogance got their azzes handed to them. Some of them still want to rule the world like so many short sighted men adn women! And not a word of this is an actual response to anything I said. Just the same "bomb them!" repetition. I do agree with George Dubbaya, screw the UN! they are a bunch of two faced shittheads! Largest organization of self important self aggrandizing men and women I ever seen! Like I said, Congress could have said no and where would George Dubbya be today? Like Clinton didn't falsify his share of data? And Obama isn't a walking falsification? Actually, I'm curious on that mark, as well. We'll never know, but I have the feeling Iraq was going to happen with or without Congressional approval. Pakistan deserves to be dissolved as a nation and India should deal with the region! We could make huge points helping India reclaim their territory and we can deal with the Taliban and Al Quieda in a way that keeps our hands free of some of the dirty work. At least India would have handed Bin Laden to us if they had the chance. So long as we're "returning territory", lets go nuts and give Israel back to the Palestinians. We can recreate Yugoslavia as well. Poland goes back to Germany, etc. and we "Americans" can go back to Europe, Asia and Africa and give the entirety of the U.S. back to the Native American tribes that are left. That'll solve everything, right? You don't like Chicken and biscuits? You are a racist! (Want to talk about absurd now?) You've been talking absurd all along. NICE TRY! AGAIN YOU PROVE YOUR INTELLECTUAL IGNORANCE! I have even read the Book of Mormon. I find that one book to be a supreme lie unto itself. But of all of the Mormons I met most of them were decent people trying to make good lives for themselves and their community. And of all the religions what do you know of Buddhism? Chances are nothing. It is the least Hypocritical religion out there. How about India's Pantheon Animism? It isn't about war or killing people. Their gods are facets of nature and mankind. It is about personal growth and enlightenment and peace. Religion is a way for people to grapple with the unknown but like anything it can and has been perverted by evil people. I spent years having people tell me God is Love when I seen the flip side of God constantly. If God made everything God also had to make evil. So now I am like a religious fanatic? Hey, look in the mirror here! Your hatred is showing! You dare try to compare religion to my desire to see us use the big stick against some of these deserving punk nations? Come on, that is false equivocation! On top of that Religion has been a part of human culture since we walked upright and began to conspire against one another. I could tolerate Islam like any other religion even though I don't agree with them if it was not for their tenants about dealing with Infidels like me. How do you make a dictator scared? Wipe out his army. How do you do that? Hit them with the needed force to kill them without risking the lives of your own soldiers. We nuke the N Korean Artillery Fields THEY WILL HAVE TO SUE FOR PEACE OR WE KEEP HITTING THEM UNTIL THEY DO! We don't have to nuke cities unless they surround a military base. But since N Korea wants to threaten us with nukes lets show them the folly of such threats! Lets give them a good reason to want to end the war! LETS HIT THEM LIKE THE HAND OF GOD ITSELF! All the UN will do is huff and puff and make noise but when the smoke settles we will get peace from it. And the rest of the world ganging up on us? Yeah, right. I could see it if we went crazy and nuked some poor undeserving nation for no reason. Iran and N Korea got it coming! Let us look back to 1971 when Egypt struck Israel on their sabbath. Israel was about to nuke Egypt but our reconnaissance planes took pictures of the Jericho Missile being aimed at them and Egypt sued for peace before they got their azzes handed to them. Time for America to grow a pair! Again, read: Hate, hate, hate. "Bomb them all so I and others like me feel warm and fuzzy." You do nothing but consistently back your own hatred for anyone who disagrees with your world view with "nuke". I've lost interest. Like every fundamentalist (and most hardcore political party affiliates), every argument I have and will make you will respond with "you show your ignorance!" Presentation doesn't matter, because unless I say "we need to nuke everyone who hates America", it will not be a presentation you'll agree with. A closed mind cannot breathe. I'll leave discussion with the only fact I know you can agree with: you are not the only person on the planet. Tisk tisk tisk. This is your answer? This is always what you will fall back on instead of countering with non violent solutions that would stand a chance of working. OH NO LADDYBUCK! You act smart but instead you are not that smart at all! Here you had an opportunity to offer solutions that we may or may not have heard of at all to dealing with the situation. Sadly you have no ideas or answers. All you do is come here and say "You are hateful and all you do is hate." If anyone is wasting time here it is me. Likewise I have a job too. I just get odd days off. Sorry if that offends you but work is tight these days. Now back to the issue at hand. At least I have ideas to get these Brinksmanship games to end. All you want to to is TALK TALK TALK and talk is doing nothing. Also there is a huge difference in using nukes on Military assets vs. Just Nuking any ol' city just becasue. But in a war if you are going to nuke a huge concentration of troops and they happen to think massing them up in the middle of a population center will prevent us from taking them out, well, any leader with balls would say damn the enemy and let them have it rather than risk letting them fan out making it harder to get them all in one big blast! We don't make a point of having Military bases among population centers. Also Naval Harbors tend to be isolated anyways as well. So what do you do to a bully who is in your face all the time? Take is like a girly boy or arm up, man up, and nut up! Sorry but the White Fleet worked! Can you look that up or do I have to do that for you too? Likewise our handouts are breaking us, all the aid we pay for is breaking us, all the military actions the UN has us on are breaking us, the fight for oil is breaking us, Liberal politics are breaking us, N Korea is still at war with us! China is playing games with us, and our assets are not focused on the right targets. So come on, what is your great idea? More aid, more hand outs? More trying to BUY friends? And now you dare to bring up giving Israel back to Palestine? BLAME ENGLAND FOR THAT ONE MY FRIEND! But then again they were chased out by Islamics murdering them wholesale in a genocide close to the Holocaust I bet you think didn't happen. Israel has a right to be where "Palestine" is and Palestine is lucky the Jews actually are willing to put up with them! OH and about Poland, Poland annexed Cilesia and a couple of other Territory from Germany in Reparation for the invasion. GET YOUR HISTORY STRAIGHT!!! I hate people who would be a threat to me. I hate two faced liars. I hate ignorant populations that would kill educators and praise clerics and god over living a good life. I hate people who hate me!!! So what I hate? Like I said we all hate something. I don't hate people cause their skin color is different or they have tattoos or listen to rap music. I don't hate people becasue they are really religious. I hate IDIOTS! And Idiots come in all color and flavor of mankind. And no I do not value Human life above any other kind of life. I think there are way too many of us anyways and we can thin things down by getting rid of some of the human trash we have to put up with. We as a species are a HORRID Steward of this planet. As a species we are violent and self serving by nature. Unfortunately weeding out the waste of society leads to what happened in Germany becasue **** like that ALWAYS goes out of control! The frightening thing to me is I can see the world going the rout of Soilent Green! Look that movie up if you have not seen it. And I hope Libya does get a few good shots off on the EU! They got it coming! |
BTW, Cruise Missiles don't always carry nukes!