Topic: Helloooo from NY
ImRu2's photo
Sun 06/26/11 06:01 PM
Snarky wiseass but friendly woman looking for friends and what ever.

The reason I find myself single is..Blah blah blah

I am looking for ...Yahda yada..

Looking for a man to.....:banana: :heart: smooched

no photo
Sun 06/26/11 06:04 PM
Welcome to the site wishing you luck in your search.

ImRu2's photo
Sun 06/26/11 06:05 PM

no photo
Sun 06/26/11 06:11 PM

ImRu2's photo
Sun 06/26/11 06:13 PM
nice "stash" can I pet you?

no photo
Sun 06/26/11 06:17 PM
You are a PISTOL!!! Welcome aboard, or welcome a broad!! drinker

ImRu2's photo
Sun 06/26/11 06:50 PM
TY and I resemble that remark:tongue:

no photo
Mon 06/27/11 08:21 PM