Topic: bridges without walking across | |
I respect all religions, each one in its own purpose can serve a higher need to find God. But what I dislike is when one feels theirs is the only way. I believe in a universal God, for a universal world. I wish there was a spiritual post chat, because sometimes the spirit and religion have nothing to do with one another.
Thats interesting, because another user suggested a "Philosophy" section, because he felt the religionists would disrupt philosophical conversations he tried to have in this religion forum.
I see this opinion a lot, but Christians must believe that only Christianity is the correct religion. Jesus taught that lesson very clearly in John 14:6 "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me."
Believe me, I don't want to offend anyone or hurt anyones feelings, but I must first be sure that I don't offend God or deny Christ's truth. |
Again, a touchy subject, one that leads to war and death.
At what level in our Country does this kind of thinking stop? Does this have to be mandated by our Government - Oh wait, how silly of me, does the constitution not have something in it about FREEDOM OF SPEECH. FREEDOM OF RELIGION. Need your own forum?????Philosophy, Religion, Science, Hey how ya doing. My names Different Kind of Wench. Welcome to this world and the what 21st Century???? If we allow this kind of thought of only one religion without standing up and saying uh-uh NO!!!!
That's NOT HOW IT WORKS HERE. Come on all you other religions and spiritual beliefs tell us about yourself or ask questions here if that is what you need to do. God, please give me patience with people who have the intelligence to know how to interact with each other on an adult level. Just because something led to religious wars in the past, is it also written that this must always be the case. If people don't stand up and say NO THAT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE - you bet, history will repeat itself and whose fault will it be this time around?? For anyone who sits silently and allows this kind of crap --- Check that face in the mirror please - you'll only have yourself to blame. Here's a thought - why not learn how to discuss differences here first. Why not learn to allow those differences in others here first. For every difference held, if you take the time to look and talk and find out - you may just find more commonalities than differences. Spider, if someone chooses NOT to follow your religion are you then told to eliminate that person from the world? Are you bidden to FORCE your religion on anyone not willing to accept it? These questions I'm asking you may sound silly, but lets figure out just where your religious duties end can we please? If I'm the only one ballsie enough to stand up with this opinion, so be it, but I'm sure hoping there are more people who feel the same and are willing to stand up and scream it if necessary. |
The main reason for me being turned off of religion is the arrogant attitudes of some believers that they are the only ones that are right. This type of thinking scared me when I was a kid and it's never left me. I can't be a part of narrow minded views and still look others in the eye and say that I can accept their beliefs. It just feels wrong the whole way through. I can't believe that any god would ever want you to lie to yourself or try to force your convictions upon others. I'm all for free speech and freedom of religion but that has to apply to all, not a select few. |
Yes, Kid, I agree 100%. You don't have to accept their beliefs as correct or right for you. I think people should be allowed to have their say and move on with the discussion. If they think they have not been heard or understood, they can always ask. If someone wants more information or clarification on a post, they too are welcome to ask for it. Does that sound fair?
When it comes down to following a religion - what really matters in the long run - I suppose, it what it is exactly that one hopes to GET out of the religion. Self betterment, is the goal of a number of religions, salvation is the goal of many others. Often times the people who consider themselves the most religios, are the ones who know the least about their religion. It's interesting how many people on these threads equate Christianity with religion - as though the two are inseperable. However to a Christian - this is what "religion" really is
James 1: 27 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." I consider myself a Christian, but I am not religious by any means. I struggle with that on a daily basis - and I don't think I could possibly recall the last time I looked out for an orphan or widow in their distress - other than my mother. And more often than not - I am the cause of her distress. But if one follows a religion in the hopes of spending eternity in the presence of God (and in my reality there is only one God the Father) then I hope it is one that has chosen the right one, and not one that the religion itself has created. |
I see that as being very fair and thought those were the "rules" right from the beginning.
I've enjoyed reading some of the threads in this area but it does get tiring when discussion breaks down and turns into an arguement. It's a shame when the point being made by differing parties is the same other than wording. The essence is lost over semantics. It boils down to the need to feel superior or to always be right. Sad when the same message might be there and we could all learn or grow from it and it's lost because of someone's ego. |
Shalom and Blessings. I understand where you are comming from. I turned from mainstream religion as a child. I once remember going to a fall festival in my home town and thier was a stand that had a blinking red light. Above the light it said "every time this light blinks someone is going to hell". I could not believe it. I stopped and told that preacher what i thought. What a scare tactic. Spider is right that the bible says thier is only one way. But it also says my sheep hear my voice and anouther they will not follow.Also trying to slam it down someones throat(which i am sure i am accused of) does no good. We have free will. If someone does not accept you then they just don't. I have tried to relay my beliefs on here which i am sure are very foriegn to most. To debate and prove your point is scriptual as the Apostles themselves did. peter had a problem with non jews(gentiles.)Untill the end of Acts 10 and he realized he could not anymore stray away from them. When he saw Cornilious had the spirit also and wanted baptism. We are at that same point today. These forms are full of people trying to figure out what the heck is going on in this world. Alot turn to the Holy Scriptures for answers. And they do well to. But listen to his voice. It is a voice a reasoning. A voice of compassion, and caring. You are doing what you need to do. Just as Paul did as he needed to do.Or any of the disciples as all of them deserted Yahshua. So we should not expect anything any different. May Yahweh's Grace and Shalom Fill Your House... Blessings... Miles |
Thanks Miles
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What would you talk about if there was a spirituality forum instead of a religious one? Go for it. Just start talking about it here in this thread or start a new one. My point is: If you have a topic you want to discuss, start it. You may be surprised at how many others on the site are interested too. Go ahead - Try It!!!!!
God so loved us, he gave us a choice........
Differentkindofwench wrote:
Spider, if someone chooses NOT to follow your religion are you then told to eliminate that person from the world? Are you bidden to FORCE your religion on anyone not willing to accept it? These questions I'm asking you may sound silly, but lets figure out just where your religious duties end can we please? ============================================================= SpiderCMB replied: I missed this... My duties to spread Christianity ends at the tip of my tongue and the ends of my fingers. I am a messenger, I deliver the message and that's it. A true Christian would never attempt to force their religion on another or kill someone who rejected Christianity. God gave everyone the freedom to choose, who am I too take that away? I'm sorry that my post confused you and made you think that Christianity teaches murder or forced conversion. I'm not sure how you got that out of my post, but that was not the intent at all. |
Would you mind telling me what I said that made you go into that rant? What did I say that made you believe that I would support forced conversion or murder? I can't see anything that I have EVER said that comes across like that. |
You didn't Spider. That was my point, but I wanted you to state it so I couldn't be accused of putting words in your mouth. My rant was directed at the thought processes behind the Crusades and the Inquisition. I do not believe all Christians have this thought process. You answering my rant proves this point beautifully. The other point I was making was this is NOT a forum for just Christians but for all faiths, spiritualists, and religions or lack of in the sense of the athiests being welcome here too.