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Topic: Lost Actor Marries Child
Lpdon's photo
Mon 06/20/11 04:03 PM

So would you call this a February-October romance?

Newly married “Lost” star Doug Hutchinson and his child bride are defending their relationship in light of their age difference.

Which would be 35 years.

Last month, Hutchinson, 51, married a 16-year-old aspiring country singer and former beauty queen named Courtney Alexis Stodden.

“We’re aware that our vast age difference is extremely controversial,” the couple told E! News via their rep. “But we’re very much in love and want to get the message out there that true love can be ageless.”

Hutchinson, who has also appeared in “The Green Mile” and “The X-Files” married Stodden on May 20 in a ceremony in Las Vegas.

Stodden, whose website features photos of her naked and wrapped in an American flag on a beach, is a former Miss Washington USA contestant.

The aspiring singer, who looks rather, ahem, mature for her age, has written songs like “Car Candy” and “Hurting People.”

In one of her videos, “Don’t Put It On Me,” she appears to be holding a yard glass, most often used for drinking alcohol.

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Lpdon's photo
Wed 06/22/11 10:25 PM
Not only is this disgusting, but it should be illegal.

msharmony's photo
Wed 06/22/11 11:36 PM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 06/22/11 11:37 PM
IF its not illegal, I guess its not our business,,,
who are we to decide who people should love,,,,

being totally pc, that is

being HUMAN, not all 16 year olds are equally immature and not all 51 year olds are equally mature,,,its possible that they have totally compatible levels of maturity in which case it might work

its also possible that , once her career takes off, someone a bit closer to her peer group will offer her whatever he can and more and that will be the end of that

he doesnt look like he will age well,,,,

Kleisto's photo
Thu 06/23/11 12:03 AM

Not only is this disgusting, but it should be illegal.

It's your business......why? That's what I thought.

msharmony's photo
Thu 06/23/11 09:14 AM
laugh laugh laugh

I think Im becoming psychic,,,,lol

Lpdon's photo
Thu 06/23/11 08:12 PM
It's disgusting.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 06/23/11 08:15 PM

Courtney Alexis Stodden, 16, married “Lost” actor Doug Hutchison, 51, in Las Vegas last month.

The marriage was legal because Las Vegas law states that as long as one parent or legal guardian consents, one can marry at the age of 16.

Stodden got that parental consent from her mom and dad, Alex and Krista Stodden. talked to Krista Stodden, and she explained why she allowed her 16-year old daughter to marry her 51-year old manager.

“We all needed a good man in our lives,” said Krista, adding the 35-year age gap does not faze her. “After a while you don’t look at the age. You look at the love they started to have towards each other. He became more than a number to us.”

Courtney, an aspiring actress, model and pop singer, met her husband when he began managing her career. Her parents welcomed Hutchinson, who is four years older than his new father-in-law, into their lives when he started dating their daughter.

“He was her manager, and then as we got to know him, we got to see what kind of person he was,” Krista said. “He just became a wonderful person in our eyes, and he’s a great Christian man.”

Courtney and Doug did not want to wait the two years until she turned 18 to marry. (Once you are 18, you do not need parental consent.)

“I think probably because the distance, they didn’t want to wait,” explained Krista. “They lived in different areas and, you know, they just wanted to be together and we supported her on that.”

Without that support, Courtney and Doug would not have been able to marry.

Las Vegas attorney Robert Massi gave the legal guidelines for minors getting married.

“A person at least 16 years of age, but less than 18 years of age, may marry only if the person has the consent of either a parent or legal guardian,” said Massi.

Most 16-year olds are not focused on finding a husband. According to mother Krista, her daughter was no different. She said Courtney, home schooled since the 6th grade, was not looking for love.

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Pervert. I could never be with someone more then ten years younger then I am, let alone someone half my age. Someone at 16 doesnn't know what they want and he is taking advantage of a little girl.

The parents should be prosecuted for child endangerment and neglect.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 06/23/11 08:16 PM

Not only is this disgusting, but it should be illegal.

It's your business......why? That's what I thought.

Because it's in the news, which makes it my business.

msharmony's photo
Thu 06/23/11 09:54 PM
not all 16 year olds are the same,,,and if we are 'ok' with them dating and having sex as part of their (natural) development

why should we then place AGE limits on who that partner should be,,,?

I think its GROSS, personally, but her parents know her better than I do,,, if they consented,,, thats the end of the story pretty much...

Lpdon's photo
Thu 06/23/11 10:09 PM

not all 16 year olds are the same,,,and if we are 'ok' with them dating and having sex as part of their (natural) development

why should we then place AGE limits on who that partner should be,,,?

I think its GROSS, personally, but her parents know her better than I do,,, if they consented,,, thats the end of the story pretty much...

I'm not ok with 16 year olds having sex at all.

msharmony's photo
Thu 06/23/11 10:17 PM

not all 16 year olds are the same,,,and if we are 'ok' with them dating and having sex as part of their (natural) development

why should we then place AGE limits on who that partner should be,,,?

I think its GROSS, personally, but her parents know her better than I do,,, if they consented,,, thats the end of the story pretty much...

I'm not ok with 16 year olds having sex at all.

at least that sends a consistent message

I feel kids have a confusing environment these days where they are told sex is 'natural' and 'necessary'

but sex with CERTAIN ages of people is not,,,,

we bombard them with sex, they learn from us how to see 'relationships' and 'sex' and they emulate,,,

this girls family obviously feel all that should matter is 'love' and are convinced the two do share this emotion for each other,,,,

Kleisto's photo
Thu 06/23/11 10:18 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Thu 06/23/11 10:19 PM

not all 16 year olds are the same,,,and if we are 'ok' with them dating and having sex as part of their (natural) development

why should we then place AGE limits on who that partner should be,,,?

I think its GROSS, personally, but her parents know her better than I do,,, if they consented,,, thats the end of the story pretty much...

I'm not ok with 16 year olds having sex at all.

But it's their choice, not yours, get over it. If both are consenting as it appears, it's a non story. If you ask me, it's just being publicized to create controversy and division once again.

msharmony's photo
Thu 06/23/11 10:24 PM

not all 16 year olds are the same,,,and if we are 'ok' with them dating and having sex as part of their (natural) development

why should we then place AGE limits on who that partner should be,,,?

I think its GROSS, personally, but her parents know her better than I do,,, if they consented,,, thats the end of the story pretty much...

I'm not ok with 16 year olds having sex at all.

But it's their choice, not yours, get over it. If both are consenting as it appears, it's a non story. If you ask me, it's just being publicized to create controversy and division once again.

Noone can argue its their choice. People getting high on coke are making a choice too, but others will have an opinion about it.

Opinions are natural, as natural as 'sex' they should be expected.

Kleisto's photo
Thu 06/23/11 10:29 PM

not all 16 year olds are the same,,,and if we are 'ok' with them dating and having sex as part of their (natural) development

why should we then place AGE limits on who that partner should be,,,?

I think its GROSS, personally, but her parents know her better than I do,,, if they consented,,, thats the end of the story pretty much...

I'm not ok with 16 year olds having sex at all.

But it's their choice, not yours, get over it. If both are consenting as it appears, it's a non story. If you ask me, it's just being publicized to create controversy and division once again.

Noone can argue its their choice. People getting high on coke are making a choice too, but others will have an opinion about it.

Opinions are natural, as natural as 'sex' they should be expected.

I understand, but if you ask me, unless it's effecting you or the harm is obvious to everyone, one should stay out of it.

msharmony's photo
Thu 06/23/11 10:31 PM

not all 16 year olds are the same,,,and if we are 'ok' with them dating and having sex as part of their (natural) development

why should we then place AGE limits on who that partner should be,,,?

I think its GROSS, personally, but her parents know her better than I do,,, if they consented,,, thats the end of the story pretty much...

I'm not ok with 16 year olds having sex at all.

But it's their choice, not yours, get over it. If both are consenting as it appears, it's a non story. If you ask me, it's just being publicized to create controversy and division once again.

Noone can argue its their choice. People getting high on coke are making a choice too, but others will have an opinion about it.

Opinions are natural, as natural as 'sex' they should be expected.

I understand, but if you ask me, unless it's effecting you or the harm is obvious to everyone, one should stay out of it.

and thats YOUR opinion,,, see how that works?,,,:tongue:

907daydreamer's photo
Thu 06/23/11 11:21 PM
I always found it funny that a person can consent to sex at 16, but not to marriage until 18. It sends a message that is a little...inconsistent, given the "one nation under God" theme. As for the age issue...frankly, it gives me the creeps. It sounds a little like her parents sold her off which is equally creepy. If this man really loved her even slightly beyond the flesh he would have enough respect to not pursue her physically until she is mentally capable of making that decision. By mentally capable I mean considered an equal, and by no fault of her own she is not. It might just be a state law but here the age of consent is 16 but ony if their partner is not in a position of authority. Although her "manager" is really her employee, not the other way around, so it's a very different dynamic. Legal or otherwise, it's still pretty creepy.

Lpdon's photo
Fri 06/24/11 10:52 PM

not all 16 year olds are the same,,,and if we are 'ok' with them dating and having sex as part of their (natural) development

why should we then place AGE limits on who that partner should be,,,?

I think its GROSS, personally, but her parents know her better than I do,,, if they consented,,, thats the end of the story pretty much...

I'm not ok with 16 year olds having sex at all.

But it's their choice, not yours, get over it. If both are consenting as it appears, it's a non story. If you ask me, it's just being publicized to create controversy and division once again.

Well then they shouldn't flaunt it to the media, then I can weigh my opinion on it.

Not to mention I have a daughter almost at that age, so yes I do have an opinion on it and not only would I now allow her to marry someone who was more then twice her age while she was a minor, I would discourage who marrying ANYONE until she is legal age and would strongly discourage it when she turns 18. I would and will even try to scare the guys off once she tries to start dating, and I would press charges until the day she turns 18.

Lpdon's photo
Fri 06/24/11 10:54 PM


not all 16 year olds are the same,,,and if we are 'ok' with them dating and having sex as part of their (natural) development

why should we then place AGE limits on who that partner should be,,,?

I think its GROSS, personally, but her parents know her better than I do,,, if they consented,,, thats the end of the story pretty much...

I'm not ok with 16 year olds having sex at all.

But it's their choice, not yours, get over it. If both are consenting as it appears, it's a non story. If you ask me, it's just being publicized to create controversy and division once again.

Noone can argue its their choice. People getting high on coke are making a choice too, but others will have an opinion about it.

Opinions are natural, as natural as 'sex' they should be expected.

I understand, but if you ask me, unless it's effecting you or the harm is obvious to everyone, one should stay out of it.

and thats YOUR opinion,,, see how that works?,,,:tongue:

You right it'a MY opinion and it is the majority of peoples opinion based on the responses I have read to this story on a number of websites.

It is sick, disgusting and I do believe this guy is taking advantage of a minor. His money nd celebrity status is what influenced the parents and they should be prosecuted or at the very least have their a$$es whipped.

s1owhand's photo
Sun 06/26/11 02:42 AM
Edited by s1owhand on Sun 06/26/11 03:00 AM

"Every father can only pray to have such a man behind their daughter," Alex Stodden, 47, told "Courtney is one of the most level-headed girls out there, and I'm not just saying that because she's my daughter. ... Doug is the nicest man I've ever met in my life."


Kleisto's photo
Sun 06/26/11 06:11 AM


not all 16 year olds are the same,,,and if we are 'ok' with them dating and having sex as part of their (natural) development

why should we then place AGE limits on who that partner should be,,,?

I think its GROSS, personally, but her parents know her better than I do,,, if they consented,,, thats the end of the story pretty much...

I'm not ok with 16 year olds having sex at all.

But it's their choice, not yours, get over it. If both are consenting as it appears, it's a non story. If you ask me, it's just being publicized to create controversy and division once again.

Noone can argue its their choice. People getting high on coke are making a choice too, but others will have an opinion about it.

Opinions are natural, as natural as 'sex' they should be expected.

I understand, but if you ask me, unless it's effecting you or the harm is obvious to everyone, one should stay out of it.

and thats YOUR opinion,,, see how that works?,,,:tongue:

You right it'a MY opinion and it is the majority of peoples opinion based on the responses I have read to this story on a number of websites.

It is sick, disgusting and I do believe this guy is taking advantage of a minor. His money nd celebrity status is what influenced the parents and they should be prosecuted or at the very least have their a$$es whipped.

Belief and fact are two different things. Again, unless there's actual proof of her being harmed or coerced, it's a non story. If they're happy, God Bless em.

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