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Topic: Can you shed some light on this for me ...
kissablekiss's photo
Tue 05/31/11 04:57 PM
What is the true meaning of LOVE and Being inLove?

no photo
Tue 05/31/11 05:00 PM
I :heart: u flowerforyou

RKISIT's photo
Tue 05/31/11 05:10 PM
Love is like the song "Afternoon Delight",I'm Ron Burgundy,you stay classy San Diego

mightymoe's photo
Tue 05/31/11 05:14 PM

What is the true meaning of LOVE and Being inLove?

it has no meaning, it is a chemical reaction in the brain, about the same as eating lots of chocolate...

Mayhem_J's photo
Tue 05/31/11 05:32 PM
Hold on...looking for my flash light to help you out.

motowndowntown's photo
Tue 05/31/11 05:40 PM
It's something everybody longs for, but few get to know what is.

A lot of folks think they do, but they don't.

I always thought it was composed mostly of emotions and hormones,
or sometimes the right person at the right time saying the right things.

Sometimes it lasts. Sometimes it doesn't.

Any other questions?

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 05/31/11 05:52 PM
Love like life has no meaning or purpose.

Reproduction can happen without love. Life goes on with us and without us.

Unlike most other life we can experience deeper perceptions. We also have more expansive minds. It is more than eat, sleep, dominate, breed, and run from danger in our lives. We have social structure and love could have evolved as part of our social structure.

Oddly Love is a concept for the most part but what people feel is rather universal when in love. It is a strange all consumption compulsion that engulfs us. The thing is we give it purpose and we give it meaning and it is different for everyone. Part of the human condition!


kissablekiss's photo
Tue 05/31/11 05:53 PM

Hold on...looking for my flash light to help you out.
thanks man lmao

lilott's photo
Tue 05/31/11 06:10 PM
Nobody really knows.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 05/31/11 06:39 PM

What is the true meaning of LOVE and Being inLove?

Love serves a purpose in a society of beings that are interdependent. So it is probably an evolutionary effect.

Being in love is the chemical attraction that causes us to copulate more often which might guarantee our survival as a species.

Meaning for me is the experience we have when we feel it.

Although it can and will be extremely painful, it is also the most high a person can feel without drugs.

It helps you know you are alive.

Goofball73's photo
Tue 05/31/11 07:37 PM
Love can mean so many things. Like how you love family. How you love your friends. How you love sports. How you love this or that.

Being IN Love? All I can tell you is that you have to experience it first hand. And when you do, it will be a feeling like no other.

no photo
Tue 05/31/11 08:41 PM

What is the true meaning of LOVE and Being inLove?

it has no meaning, it is a chemical reaction in the brain, about the same as eating lots of chocolate...

I just tried the chocolate experiment and now MY STOMACH HURTS... is this painful stomach feeling what it feels like to be heartbroken???

Ruth34611's photo
Tue 05/31/11 09:04 PM

What is the true meaning of LOVE and Being inLove?

it has no meaning, it is a chemical reaction in the brain, about the same as eating lots of chocolate...

Chocolate. drool

mightymoe's photo
Tue 05/31/11 10:46 PM

What is the true meaning of LOVE and Being inLove?

it has no meaning, it is a chemical reaction in the brain, about the same as eating lots of chocolate...

Chocolate. drool

love love

mightymoe's photo
Tue 05/31/11 10:48 PM

What is the true meaning of LOVE and Being inLove?

it has no meaning, it is a chemical reaction in the brain, about the same as eating lots of chocolate...

I just tried the chocolate experiment and now MY STOMACH HURTS... is this painful stomach feeling what it feels like to be heartbroken???

love can make you sick too...try dark chocolate next time...

laaly44's photo
Wed 06/01/11 12:25 AM
Love is a conscious decision to spread your bounty upon those you care for and are committed to. True love is uncondtional. It is not given and taken away due to a person's failure to meet your expectations. You might remove yourself from their life, but never "take" your love away.

Being in love is infatuation accompanied by strong chemical reactions in the brain and hopeful desires for the future within your imagination. This part is less permanent.

josie68's photo
Thu 06/02/11 02:40 AM
There are so many different types of love..

And you cant really explain it as it's a feeling.
For me its

Feeling like I can just be me and he will love me anyway.
Enjoying his company,
Not finding him annoying,
Wanting to share my life with him.
Being able to imagine spending my life with him happily.
Being able to share my feeling and thoughts openly without fear of rejection.
Needing to talk to him, or hear from him.
It is just knowing that he is a part of you,
Being able to trust him with you heart.

I guess it is also being comfortable with him,
it is not one or two things it is just everythgin,
all together it makes them perfect for you.

axl_rose40's photo
Thu 06/02/11 07:27 PM
Edited by axl_rose40 on Thu 06/02/11 07:29 PM
For me love is a wonderful but senseless thing which can make someone in love a bit insensible while having such a wonderful feeling inside and out. In other words, it is so unexplainable by mere words at all... frustrated but being in love is so a desirable feeling smitten

no photo
Thu 06/02/11 07:30 PM
well since this IS a dating site - love is when you accept someone as they are. period. your best friend is your lover - otherwise, really isn't love!

good luck as that can be hard to find so many accept less

like cheesy sex

lionsbrew's photo
Thu 06/02/11 07:34 PM

What is the true meaning of LOVE and Being inLove?

That is a question that everyone finds their own answer too. To me its a feeling that makes me want to do everything in my power to help that person in any endeavor they may Encounter. Being in love for me is that feeling where I'm so interested in that person that I want to know all about them.

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