Topic: Delusion | |
Agreed, God isn't in a book.
Then ditch the book. Stop worshiping the book. No one worships a book. Yep they do. Now go to bed. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Agreed, God isn't in a book.
Then ditch the book. Stop worshiping the book. No one worships a book. Yep they do. Now go to bed. ![]() ![]() ![]() How do we worship a book? We don't bow to the book, we don't pray to the book, we don't do anything to the book but read it. |
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Wed 05/18/11 11:46 PM
You tout it as the word of God. You bet your life and your soul that it is the truth. You spend your lives "spreading the word."
You worship it. You need to realize what worship means. Its not just bowing and praying. |
You tout it as the word of God. You bet your life and your soul that it is the truth. You spend your lives "spreading the word." You worship it. I bet nothing, betting is gambling of the unknown. I know it's the word of God, I know it's the truth. But how does that constitute worshiping the bible? Here are the definitions of worship, none of which apply to the bible. 1. a. The reverent love and devotion accorded a deity, an idol, or a sacred object. b. The ceremonies, prayers, or other religious forms by which this love is expressed. 2. Ardent devotion; adoration. 3. often Worship Chiefly British Used as a form of address for magistrates, mayors, and certain other dignitaries: Your Worship. v. wor·shiped or wor·shipped, wor·ship·ing or wor·ship·ping, wor·ships 1. To honor and love as a deity. 2. To regard with ardent or adoring esteem or devotion. See Synonyms at revere1. v.intr. 1. To participate in religious rites of worship. 2. To perform an act of worship. |
You tout it as the word of God. You bet your life and your soul that it is the truth. You spend your lives "spreading the word." You worship it. You need to realize what worship means. Its not just bowing and praying. And in that case, we definitely don't worship the bible, we neither bow nor pray to the bible. |
Every time we give an example of the evils of the Church someone says, "Oh they do not represent Christians." Blame them as individuals, don't blame Christianity. Or they say: "They are not true Christians." Yet they all cling to and worship the same book. You don't need that book to love God. You don't need that book to have faith. If I see evil acts connected to an organized religion at its core, (which in Christianity is the Catholic Church,) I have to assume that evil begets evil. Why do you suppose the church broke up? Because people, good people saw that evil also. They thought they could do better. So they went off and formed their own denomination. Then the denominations broke apart and divided many times until there are so many you can't keep track of them. They all point at each other and say "They are not true Christians" or "Only our church has been given the authority to baptize." It goes on and on. We non Christians are astonished at what we see. What we hear coming out of people's mouths is sometimes frightening and unbelievable and we think to ourselves.... are these people insane?" Where do they get these ideas? Why are they all different from each other? How can they possibly expect people to believe that stuff? How can so many nice people be persuaded to serve such evil? And they have the nerve to tell me I serve evil. I am so ashamed of America right now for having assassinated a man and his family in the way that they did and I see Christian Americans saying things like "Nuke them all." I am so ashamed and so very sad for this country. Sometimes I just want to cry. ![]() Exactly and it won't stop. I could post 10 more verses from the bible that are appalling and you will have a "christian" say that is not us. I don't represent this or it is not true...or we (meaning us non believers) don't understand, yet it states clearly in the bible these verses and what they mean and they try hard to go around it. Instead just see it as it is! Horrible insane people at the times dealing with people that they believed to be barbaric and unreasonable just because they don't live or think the same way they do. We are in the 21st century and it looks like it will take some time before people finally realize that the bible is nothing on how we want our world to be. We want peace, love, and responsibility in keeping our earth healthy and clean. We want to preserve every Earthling and make it safe for everyone. We don't want tyranny or to have to live in fear because someone says so. Will it happen? Maybe not in our lifetime, but I surely hope so when technology keeps advancing. Today we can send a text message across the world, put up cams and talk to different cultures, and learn other cultures without leaving our house. I prefer to visit the countries, but if you can't afford it reach out through the internet. The more people can do this the more we as a people can accept other lifestyles, cultures, and understandings. Hopefully we can open our minds to other philosophies and understandings and not be limited to one book and one understandings that Christians usually choose to support and teach. I once talked to a christian about space and he says look into the bible...all the answers are there. Then I started talking about our planet's natural catastrophes.. and guess what he said the bible tells you why they happen. Then I talked about the dinosaurs...and he said that god sent them here to test our loyalty and faith to him. Then I talked about how old the world can be and he said it is RIGHT THERE in the bible .....only 6000 years old! A tear fell down my face that moment. Christians as of Muslims and the Jews are all very dangerous people, but we have to stand up to them and show them a new light on how we should see our planet, the universe, life in general, and morales. We have to try to make them understand that many people have found evidence for a great deal of things. I am not saying scientists have all the answers, but they have discovered many things that prove the bible wrong. Why not look into it and see for yourself. It is fascinating and interesting to see different discoveries in our lifetime. Anyway yes Jeannie I agree. It is sad and I am sorry you feel this way. I would give you a hug if I was there and tell you it is people like us that can make a difference. One by one if you like. And if you have no energy find it from your friends and family. It is what they are there for. |
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Thu 05/19/11 01:39 AM
Christianity is about RELATIONSHIP.
NOT Religion. Please....Take time to study the bible BEFORE discussing it . We NO LONGER live under Mosaic law. I would LOVE to see a Peaceful exchange on this forum, from now on. ![]() ![]() I have shared from the heart...hope it has helped in some way. But since my time is limited, I must move on now. In closing.... Here is a message that I think speaks to us all.. Be Blessed now. ![]() ....... ......What does the Bible say about the Power of Words........ Answer: Words are not simply sounds caused by air passing through our larynx. Words have real power. God spoke the world into being by the power of His words (Hebrews 11:3), and we are in His image in part because of the power we have with words. Words do more than convey information. The power of our words can actually destroy one’s spirit, even stir up hatred and violence. They not only incite wounds but inflict them directly. Of all the creatures on this planet, only man has the ability to communicate through the spoken word. The power to use words is a very unique and powerful gift from God. Though it is a gift, our words have the power to destroy and the power to build up (Proverbs 12:6). The writer of Proverb tells us: “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit” (Proverbs 18:21). Are we using words to build up people or destroy them? Are they filled with hate or love, bitterness or blessing, complaining or compliments, lust or love, victory or defeat? Like tools they can be used to help us reach our goals or to send us spiraling into a deep depression. Furthermore, our words not only have the power to bring us death or life in this world, but in the next as well. Jesus said: “But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matthew 12:36-37). Words are so important, that we are going to give an account of what we say when we stand before the Lord Jesus Christ. The apostle Paul wrote: “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen” (Ephesians 4:29). In this passage, Paul is emphasizing the positive over against the negative. The Greek word translated “unwholesome” means “rotten” or “foul.” It originally referred to rotten fruit and vegetables. Being like Christ means we don't use foul, dirty language. For some reason, many people today think it is macho or liberating to use vulgar humor, dirty jokes, and foul language, but this kind of talk has no place in the life of a Christian. Paul continues: “ . . . but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” This is reminiscent of his words to the Colossians: “Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone” (Colossians 4:6; see also Colossians 3:16). There is a remarkable parallel between Ephesians 4:25, lying; Ephesians 4:28, stealing; and Ephesians 4:29, unwholesome talk. In each case Paul is urging us to be a blessing for those with whom we have daily contact. Paul is emphasizing that merely refraining from telling lies, stealing, or unwholesome speech is not enough. The truth is that Christianity is not a mere “don't” religion. As followers of Christ we should emulate the example of Jesus whose words were so filled with grace that the multitudes were amazed (Luke 4:22). Jesus reminds us that the words we speak are actually the overflow of our hearts (Matthew 12:34-35). When one becomes a Christian there is an expectancy that a change of speech follows because living for Christ makes a difference in one’s choice of words. The sinner’s mouth is “full of cursing and bitterness” (Romans 3:14); but when we turn our lives over to Christ, we gladly confess that “Jesus is Lord” (Romans 10:9-10). As condemned sinners, our mouths are silenced before the throne of God (Romans 3:19), but as believers, our mouths are opened to praise and glorify God (Romans 15:6). Christians are those whose hearts have been changed by the power of God, a change which is reflected in our words. Remember, before we were saved, we lived in spiritual death (Ephesians 2:1-3). Paul describes those who are dead in sin: “Their throats are open graves” (Romans 3:13). Our words are full of blessing when the heart is full of blessing. So if we fill our hearts with the love of Christ, only truth and purity can come out of our mouths. Peter tells us: “In your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:1). Let the power of our words be used of God to manifest the power of our faith. Be prepared to give the reason for why we love the Lord—at anytime, to anyone. Our words should demonstrate the power of God’s grace and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in our lives. May God enable us to use our words as an instrument of His love and saving grace. ........ God Loves You All..... ![]() ![]() ![]() So Do I. ![]() ![]() ![]() Take Care Now. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Thu 05/19/11 12:53 AM
Real life is you don't kill someone for working on the Sabbath. THATS REAL LIFE. Even if they did back then, real life is that is a pretty harsh punishment and it is evil to ask the guys friends and relatives to pick up stones and commit murder just because some crazy guy named Moses who claims to talk to God and tells them to. That is evil. KNOW EVIL BY THEIR DEEDS. What is more evil, stoning a man to death, or working on Sunday? Use your mind and your common sense. Forget the claim about "God's law." There was NO SUCH LAW! EVER! This. And let me say something too, in government there are so many laws anymore. Do they all make sense to you? Are they all fair? Are the punishments just? I certainly don't think so. What makes "God's" laws any different? Because He's some divine authority supposedly, they can't be wrong? I don't care WHO the laws come from, if they don't make sense the first time, they aren't gonna make sense the 20th time. If it walks and talks like a duck......... |
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Thu 05/19/11 01:25 AM
Christianity is about RELATIONSHIP. NOT Religion. Please....Take time to study the bible BEFORE discussing it . We NO LONGER live under Mosaic law. Ok, we don't now. Wonderful. But HOW can you defend some of the absolutely barbaric things done in the name of God and in the name of Mosaic law in the past? What we live under now doesn't matter in that sense. You cannot tell me that these "punishments" were the works of a loving God. If that's what you think love is......then I suggest you reexamine the definition of the word, because that is not it. |
It is the will of God that you murder anyone who picks up a stick on a Saturday: Now while the sons of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering wood on the sabbath day. Those who found him gathering wood brought him to Moses and Aaron and to all the congregation, and they put him in custody, because it had not been declared what should be done to him. Then the LORD said to Moses, “The man shall surely be put to death. All the congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp.” So all the congregation brought him outside the camp and stoned him to death with stones, just as the LORD had commanded Moses. Numbers 15:32-36 Please explain how one can follow these orders of a God that punishes mortals in such a manner. If the man wasn't allowed to work couldn't he just be punished with a spanking instead! Were the people suppose to freeze to death because they couldn't use wood that day? Maybe he needed it to start a small fire to roast a duck! Come on folks such a punishment as death. surely had a odd way of punishment. Through fear you can control minds. That he surely did at that moment after he killed the man with stones although it states in the bible "thou shall not kill". Okay another contradiction right there. "These are the things the LORD has commanded you to do: For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a Sabbath of rest to the LORD. Whoever does any work on it must be put to death….” (Exodus 35:1-2) this man was shown great favor previously, and being an israelite was necessarily like a soldier for God, who (much like our own soldiers) suffer great consequence for dissodance which could cause the army to fail if repeated too often by too many Sorry to tell you but putting someone to death for working is not logical. In that case there should be millions of deaths in the world occuring now according to the christian religion because many people including soldiers work on Sundays. So in the end fundamental christians find that logical. Fortunately the rest of the world finds it illogical. certainly treason is considered a 'crime' punishable by death,, even if it is merely 'sharing secrets' because of the potential harm it places on others I dont find it illogical that a people with such a EXTREMELY SIGNIFICANT responsibility(to be chosen) should be held to an extreme expectation to follow the laws given THEM and that blatant disregard for those laws(especially in cases with individuals who have previously been shown favor) would be a similar 'crime' |
Are we delusional to believe our mortal fathers to be our fathers,, after all, we werent there to see it? should we all first get a DNA Test before we start espousing who our fathers are? are we delusional to trust the word and the history and the experience of those around us who confide in us about the history we could not possibly remember for ourself? I find it sad that there is such a philosophy that faith has to somehow be 'delusional', its as sad as the assumption that a lack of faith is 'selfish' Carrying the metaphor a step further: If my father and mom adopted me, and have been good parents, in my esteem, I view them with as much adoration and respect and love as if they were my own blood. So whether or not my parents are really my parents (you can't be sure about your mom, either -- you were there, but did not see much did you), I love them for how they behave, then I don't care how true my religion is, whether it can be wrestled to the ground or not, by other religions or by atheists (ahem), if my religion provides me with a faith and an understanding of the world that I can live with and blossom in with my religion's help, then I keep the religion and view it as my own, much like I would my parents, regardless whether they are blood-related to me or not. (how is this for a long-overdue heartfelt apology, MsHarmonY?) (I don't know how to do fancy smilies. Imagine the following: A blushing smiley, and a bouquet of flowers.) no need for apology, you are sincere and respectful in my opinion, and IM sure that as much as my experiences create my conclusions about life, so do your own and everyone elses,,, I appreciate hearing about others experiences, even if our conclusions are different, when they are mature enough to be both sincere and respectful thank YOU ![]() |
So if you got a message from God to kill your neighbors little child of 3 years old to save mankind from would do it???? Really??? Now this was a message from God walking down from the clouds and must kill the little child and you will be saved to go to heaven as of all mankind. I find it sad.....that many people would do this. because.... they do not think for themselves and believe blindly on a faith of no reasons, no feelings, and no sincerity in life. MorningSong you are like the devil asking people to follow a book that in reality hurts, deceits, contradicts, and kills innocent people. I feel sorry for you as I do for so many people who follow such brainwashing methods. God would never do that. All judgment lies in the hands of Jesus. That is why in the "old testament" times, people judged others. Because "Jesus" wasn't in the picture yet, Jesus hadn't been made flesh to carry out the judgment(s). But now that the word has been made flesh eg., Jesus, it can carry out the judgment(s) on his own and we are no longer to judge others. Greeneyman, you are like a lost child afraid of the dark. Instead of coming out of the dark, you bring your teddy bear, your stuffed dog, and everything else you can find in the dark with you to keep you comforted. Why try to bring other's into the blinding dark? So you know personally god would never do that. I find that illogical that people claim this also. I find it also surely illogical that one follows such doctrines to live a life full of happiness. Your religion has forced their belief system destroying many cultures throughout history. I am afraid I am more open to a wide range of belief systems and ideas then you are. You have been stuck reading the bible while I was enjoying different philosophies. So who truly is god fearing and scared??? I think it would be you. It is you that is in the dark for believing it. Afterall it was the Christians who created the ((dark)) ages. They brought fear into the people blaming "witches" , "infidels", "heathens", for the butonic plague or other catastrophes that we can explain scientifically why they happened. I feel very sorry for you. While you go read your ridiculous verses, I shall enjoy my life without acting as if I am a sinner like you people do. I shall not repent or walk around in fear if god will judge me on that day. I shall walk knowing life is good at this moment and never look back. Good luck with your fairy tale book. If you want to read a really good fairy tale book the brother Grimm's work. They are very entertaining. :).....and don't forget to bring your teddy bear since you mentioned it. Your religion has forced their belief system destroying many cultures throughout history. I am afraid I am more open to a wide range of belief systems and ideas then you are. You have been stuck reading the bible while I was enjoying different philosophies. So who truly is god fearing and scared??? I think it would be you. My religion did no such thing. The people that claimed to be of the belief did, yes. But the religion itself does not teach to behave as such. And not scared of God nor do I "fear" God. Growing up, were you "Scared" of your parents and or feared them? I would assume not, you were obedient to them out of love. Same as I am with God. I am obedient through my love I possess for God, not out of fear. My parents raised me without the bible and I came out great. Better then most who were forced to believe such fairytales. Your religion is but 1 of the 38,000 denominations that has altered the bible's stories. That people believe in it without looking at other religions and spiritual practices first amazes me. Open your mind and see the many lifestyles, cultures, belief systems. Listen to scientists on what they are showing you physically often. Look into other possiblities. Become a Socrates and question everything. You will see more and experience more then a book full of fables. You will be surprised! Anyway if not now...maybe later...and if not later then good luck with that one book. believe it or not, millions who were raised WITH The bible turn out great too(perhaps billions) its whats inside and for some 'the book' illuminates the good and for others it does not,,, not everyone needs insulin injections, and for some insulin may actually damage them whereas for others inuslin can save their life the bible is not for everyone, and what is in it is not only found inside the bible,, people come by their knowledge and wisdom in different ways,,, |
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Thu 05/19/11 02:18 AM
It is the will of God that you murder anyone who picks up a stick on a Saturday: Now while the sons of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering wood on the sabbath day. Those who found him gathering wood brought him to Moses and Aaron and to all the congregation, and they put him in custody, because it had not been declared what should be done to him. Then the LORD said to Moses, “The man shall surely be put to death. All the congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp.” So all the congregation brought him outside the camp and stoned him to death with stones, just as the LORD had commanded Moses. Numbers 15:32-36 Please explain how one can follow these orders of a God that punishes mortals in such a manner. If the man wasn't allowed to work couldn't he just be punished with a spanking instead! Were the people suppose to freeze to death because they couldn't use wood that day? Maybe he needed it to start a small fire to roast a duck! Come on folks such a punishment as death. surely had a odd way of punishment. Through fear you can control minds. That he surely did at that moment after he killed the man with stones although it states in the bible "thou shall not kill". Okay another contradiction right there. "These are the things the LORD has commanded you to do: For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a Sabbath of rest to the LORD. Whoever does any work on it must be put to death….” (Exodus 35:1-2) this man was shown great favor previously, and being an israelite was necessarily like a soldier for God, who (much like our own soldiers) suffer great consequence for dissodance which could cause the army to fail if repeated too often by too many Sorry to tell you but putting someone to death for working is not logical. In that case there should be millions of deaths in the world occuring now according to the christian religion because many people including soldiers work on Sundays. So in the end fundamental christians find that logical. Fortunately the rest of the world finds it illogical. certainly treason is considered a 'crime' punishable by death,, even if it is merely 'sharing secrets' because of the potential harm it places on others I dont find it illogical that a people with such a EXTREMELY SIGNIFICANT responsibility(to be chosen) should be held to an extreme expectation to follow the laws given THEM and that blatant disregard for those laws(especially in cases with individuals who have previously been shown favor) would be a similar 'crime' But do these laws make sense? If you can show me how they do, than I am more than willing to take them up as legitimate. Thing is though, it really can't be done. Laws such as: "do no work this day" or "do not wear this or eat that", are controlling and quite petty. That's to say nothing of the punishments that come with them, which are even worse yet. If you're gonna make a law, you best have a damned good reason for creating it number one as opposed to "do as I say cause I told you to", and two, the punishment for breaking a law should be consistent with the crime. The old testament laws fail on both of these counts. As such they really don't deserve any consideration as any type of truth. |
It is the will of God that you murder anyone who picks up a stick on a Saturday: Now while the sons of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering wood on the sabbath day. Those who found him gathering wood brought him to Moses and Aaron and to all the congregation, and they put him in custody, because it had not been declared what should be done to him. Then the LORD said to Moses, “The man shall surely be put to death. All the congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp.” So all the congregation brought him outside the camp and stoned him to death with stones, just as the LORD had commanded Moses. Numbers 15:32-36 Please explain how one can follow these orders of a God that punishes mortals in such a manner. If the man wasn't allowed to work couldn't he just be punished with a spanking instead! Were the people suppose to freeze to death because they couldn't use wood that day? Maybe he needed it to start a small fire to roast a duck! Come on folks such a punishment as death. surely had a odd way of punishment. Through fear you can control minds. That he surely did at that moment after he killed the man with stones although it states in the bible "thou shall not kill". Okay another contradiction right there. "These are the things the LORD has commanded you to do: For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a Sabbath of rest to the LORD. Whoever does any work on it must be put to death….” (Exodus 35:1-2) this man was shown great favor previously, and being an israelite was necessarily like a soldier for God, who (much like our own soldiers) suffer great consequence for dissodance which could cause the army to fail if repeated too often by too many Sorry to tell you but putting someone to death for working is not logical. In that case there should be millions of deaths in the world occuring now according to the christian religion because many people including soldiers work on Sundays. So in the end fundamental christians find that logical. Fortunately the rest of the world finds it illogical. certainly treason is considered a 'crime' punishable by death,, even if it is merely 'sharing secrets' because of the potential harm it places on others I dont find it illogical that a people with such a EXTREMELY SIGNIFICANT responsibility(to be chosen) should be held to an extreme expectation to follow the laws given THEM and that blatant disregard for those laws(especially in cases with individuals who have previously been shown favor) would be a similar 'crime' But do these laws make sense? If you can show me how they do, than I am more than willing to take them up as legitimate. Thing is though, it really can't be done. Laws such as: "do no work this day" or "do not wear this or eat that", are controlling and quite petty. That's to say nothing of the punishments that come with them, which are even worse yet. If you're gonna make a law, you best have a damned good reason for creating it number one as opposed to "do as I say cause I told you to", and two, the punishment for breaking a law should be consistent with the crime. The old testament laws fail on both of these counts. As such they really don't deserve any consideration as any type of truth. I doubt I could make it make sense to most non believers because I find that there is a different frame of focus. Namely, it seems to me that most non believers I speak with place the focus and significance on the flesh,,,which makes it quite logical to find death or killing in any case a horrid and illogical thing for me, the sense comes in trying to imagine(and I can only try)the great responsibility and privilege that accomodated being 'chosen' its indeed extremely hard to imagine in the modern culture which is SO MUCH MORE excessive, spoiled, gluttonous, and lazy than what was expected in those times,,,when instant gratification , instant answers, instant explanations, instant rewards, etc,,, were probably much less the norm for me, the sense comes in trying to understand how significant our SOUL/SPIRIT is to the creator than our flesh,, although we are not to abuse the flesh which houses our soul, it is still not MORE imporant to him( I imagine) than our soul. I imagine this because our flesh has an existence which is a mere drop in the bucket compared to the potential ETERNAL life of our soul/spirit so though in my mortal flesh, death and destruction of flesh may seem like the worst possible, unexcusable thing for a creator to do in my faith, I understand that losing our soul forever would be far worse and was avoided on some occasions by protecting them from the world that our FLESHly homes required them to be exposed to and potentially corrupted forever by,,, but Id bet the house that, as I said, that would not make sense to most non believers |
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Thu 05/19/11 02:36 AM
It is the will of God that you murder anyone who picks up a stick on a Saturday: Now while the sons of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering wood on the sabbath day. Those who found him gathering wood brought him to Moses and Aaron and to all the congregation, and they put him in custody, because it had not been declared what should be done to him. Then the LORD said to Moses, “The man shall surely be put to death. All the congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp.” So all the congregation brought him outside the camp and stoned him to death with stones, just as the LORD had commanded Moses. Numbers 15:32-36 Please explain how one can follow these orders of a God that punishes mortals in such a manner. If the man wasn't allowed to work couldn't he just be punished with a spanking instead! Were the people suppose to freeze to death because they couldn't use wood that day? Maybe he needed it to start a small fire to roast a duck! Come on folks such a punishment as death. surely had a odd way of punishment. Through fear you can control minds. That he surely did at that moment after he killed the man with stones although it states in the bible "thou shall not kill". Okay another contradiction right there. "These are the things the LORD has commanded you to do: For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a Sabbath of rest to the LORD. Whoever does any work on it must be put to death….” (Exodus 35:1-2) this man was shown great favor previously, and being an israelite was necessarily like a soldier for God, who (much like our own soldiers) suffer great consequence for dissodance which could cause the army to fail if repeated too often by too many Sorry to tell you but putting someone to death for working is not logical. In that case there should be millions of deaths in the world occuring now according to the christian religion because many people including soldiers work on Sundays. So in the end fundamental christians find that logical. Fortunately the rest of the world finds it illogical. certainly treason is considered a 'crime' punishable by death,, even if it is merely 'sharing secrets' because of the potential harm it places on others I dont find it illogical that a people with such a EXTREMELY SIGNIFICANT responsibility(to be chosen) should be held to an extreme expectation to follow the laws given THEM and that blatant disregard for those laws(especially in cases with individuals who have previously been shown favor) would be a similar 'crime' But do these laws make sense? If you can show me how they do, than I am more than willing to take them up as legitimate. Thing is though, it really can't be done. Laws such as: "do no work this day" or "do not wear this or eat that", are controlling and quite petty. That's to say nothing of the punishments that come with them, which are even worse yet. If you're gonna make a law, you best have a damned good reason for creating it number one as opposed to "do as I say cause I told you to", and two, the punishment for breaking a law should be consistent with the crime. The old testament laws fail on both of these counts. As such they really don't deserve any consideration as any type of truth. I doubt I could make it make sense to most non believers because I find that there is a different frame of focus. Namely, it seems to me that most non believers I speak with place the focus and significance on the flesh,,,which makes it quite logical to find death or killing in any case a horrid and illogical thing for me, the sense comes in trying to imagine(and I can only try)the great responsibility and privilege that accomodated being 'chosen' its indeed extremely hard to imagine in the modern culture which is SO MUCH MORE excessive, spoiled, gluttonous, and lazy than what was expected in those times,,,when instant gratification , instant answers, instant explanations, instant rewards, etc,,, were probably much less the norm for me, the sense comes in trying to understand how significant our SOUL/SPIRIT is to the creator than our flesh,, although we are not to abuse the flesh which houses our soul, it is still not MORE imporant to him( I imagine) than our soul. I imagine this because our flesh has an existence which is a mere drop in the bucket compared to the potential ETERNAL life of our soul/spirit so though in my mortal flesh, death and destruction of flesh may seem like the worst possible, unexcusable thing for a creator to do in my faith, I understand that losing our soul forever would be far worse and was avoided on some occasions by protecting them from the world that our FLESHly homes required them to be exposed to and potentially corrupted forever by,,, but Id bet the house that, as I said, that would not make sense to most non believers No it wouldn't, and it's for the simple reason, that your God is making the suffering happen while they are still alive. There is nothing you can tell me, that is gonna justify that, nothing. I understand the soul argument, but it does not justify allowing the flesh to suffer. Why couldn't God come up with a more humane way of taking the souls from the bodies if this was the case? Why did it have to be by say a great flood for example? |
It is the will of God that you murder anyone who picks up a stick on a Saturday: Now while the sons of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering wood on the sabbath day. Those who found him gathering wood brought him to Moses and Aaron and to all the congregation, and they put him in custody, because it had not been declared what should be done to him. Then the LORD said to Moses, “The man shall surely be put to death. All the congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp.” So all the congregation brought him outside the camp and stoned him to death with stones, just as the LORD had commanded Moses. Numbers 15:32-36 Please explain how one can follow these orders of a God that punishes mortals in such a manner. If the man wasn't allowed to work couldn't he just be punished with a spanking instead! Were the people suppose to freeze to death because they couldn't use wood that day? Maybe he needed it to start a small fire to roast a duck! Come on folks such a punishment as death. surely had a odd way of punishment. Through fear you can control minds. That he surely did at that moment after he killed the man with stones although it states in the bible "thou shall not kill". Okay another contradiction right there. "These are the things the LORD has commanded you to do: For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a Sabbath of rest to the LORD. Whoever does any work on it must be put to death….” (Exodus 35:1-2) this man was shown great favor previously, and being an israelite was necessarily like a soldier for God, who (much like our own soldiers) suffer great consequence for dissodance which could cause the army to fail if repeated too often by too many Sorry to tell you but putting someone to death for working is not logical. In that case there should be millions of deaths in the world occuring now according to the christian religion because many people including soldiers work on Sundays. So in the end fundamental christians find that logical. Fortunately the rest of the world finds it illogical. certainly treason is considered a 'crime' punishable by death,, even if it is merely 'sharing secrets' because of the potential harm it places on others I dont find it illogical that a people with such a EXTREMELY SIGNIFICANT responsibility(to be chosen) should be held to an extreme expectation to follow the laws given THEM and that blatant disregard for those laws(especially in cases with individuals who have previously been shown favor) would be a similar 'crime' But do these laws make sense? If you can show me how they do, than I am more than willing to take them up as legitimate. Thing is though, it really can't be done. Laws such as: "do no work this day" or "do not wear this or eat that", are controlling and quite petty. That's to say nothing of the punishments that come with them, which are even worse yet. If you're gonna make a law, you best have a damned good reason for creating it number one as opposed to "do as I say cause I told you to", and two, the punishment for breaking a law should be consistent with the crime. The old testament laws fail on both of these counts. As such they really don't deserve any consideration as any type of truth. I doubt I could make it make sense to most non believers because I find that there is a different frame of focus. Namely, it seems to me that most non believers I speak with place the focus and significance on the flesh,,,which makes it quite logical to find death or killing in any case a horrid and illogical thing for me, the sense comes in trying to imagine(and I can only try)the great responsibility and privilege that accomodated being 'chosen' its indeed extremely hard to imagine in the modern culture which is SO MUCH MORE excessive, spoiled, gluttonous, and lazy than what was expected in those times,,,when instant gratification , instant answers, instant explanations, instant rewards, etc,,, were probably much less the norm for me, the sense comes in trying to understand how significant our SOUL/SPIRIT is to the creator than our flesh,, although we are not to abuse the flesh which houses our soul, it is still not MORE imporant to him( I imagine) than our soul. I imagine this because our flesh has an existence which is a mere drop in the bucket compared to the potential ETERNAL life of our soul/spirit so though in my mortal flesh, death and destruction of flesh may seem like the worst possible, unexcusable thing for a creator to do in my faith, I understand that losing our soul forever would be far worse and was avoided on some occasions by protecting them from the world that our FLESHly homes required them to be exposed to and potentially corrupted forever by,,, but Id bet the house that, as I said, that would not make sense to most non believers No it wouldn't, and it's for the simple reason, that your God is making the suffering happen while they are still alive. There is nothing you can tell me, that is gonna justify that, nothing. I understand the soul argument, but it does not justify allowing the flesh to suffer. Why couldn't God come up with a more humane way of taking the souls from the bodies if this was the case? Why did it have to be by say a great flood for example? how would this be explained to us if it did happen, the bodies being taken from the souls? how do we know they were not? I dont know that they were or werent , or if the flesh suffered or not, but I believe those times required much more SACRIFICE as a way of life than we can imagine in such technological times when EASINESS Is the goal perhaps its an unavoidable consequence, like the guy who fell down the whole and had to suffer cutting his hand off to get out alive with the rest of his body,,, perhaps there was not suffering of the flesh, but as a payment for saving the soul, I would understand the trade,, |
Edited by
Thu 05/19/11 10:53 AM
I doubt I could make it make sense to most non believers because I find that there is a different frame of focus. Namely, it seems to me that most non believers I speak with place the focus and significance on the flesh,,,which makes it quite logical to find death or killing in any case a horrid and illogical thing for me, the sense comes in trying to imagine(and I can only try)the great responsibility and privilege that accomodated being 'chosen'
Death and killing IS a horrid and illogical thing. There is no way you can diminish that fact. And we are not "non believers." We believe in God. Don't try to take that away from us. You are not in possession of GOD and you do not own GOD. It is your doctrine and dogma we reject. It is your alien god we reject. Yes, it is your god who is the false god. Being 'chosen' to serve what I view as an evil alien posing as god is no privilege. Sorry if this sounds a bit harsh to you, but evil beget evil and the foundation of the Church is 'evil.' for me, the sense comes in trying to understand how significant our SOUL/SPIRIT is to the creator than our flesh,, although we are not to abuse the flesh which houses our soul, it is still not MORE imporant to him( I imagine) than our soul. The true source of creation is not after your soul to have as it as its own. Your SOUL IS FREE! It is only the apposing false gods who want your souls. If the body, and LIFE was not extremely important, we would not be here living in the flesh. in my faith, I understand that losing our soul forever would be far worse and was avoided on some occasions by protecting them from the world that our FLESHly homes required them to be exposed to and potentially corrupted forever by,,, If you ARE your soul, you cannot lose it. You can either be free or you can be in bondage to an alien god. but Id bet the house that, as I said, that would not make sense to most non believers If I am a non believer, it is your alien god that I do not believe in. |
Edited by
Thu 05/19/11 11:00 AM
You tout it as the word of God. You bet your life and your soul that it is the truth. You spend your lives "spreading the word." You worship it. You need to realize what worship means. Its not just bowing and praying. And in that case, we definitely don't worship the bible, we neither bow nor pray to the bible. Most Christians worship the Bible as a holy object. If you don't think you do, then good for you. But you don't represent all Christians so how can you say "we?" |
There goes morningsong asking us to read the bible again like a school teacher telling her students to do their homework. lol
Morningsong I tried to help you but it isn't working but I will say it again. Explore other spiritual practices that are far more logical and peaceful. There is so much out there concerning such practices. Start with buddhism first. Go ahead and do it! Now you go on your merry way now. Bye bye. :) |
You tout it as the word of God. You bet your life and your soul that it is the truth. You spend your lives "spreading the word." You worship it. You need to realize what worship means. Its not just bowing and praying. And in that case, we definitely don't worship the bible, we neither bow nor pray to the bible. Most Christians worship the Bible as a holy object. If you don't think you do, then good for you. But you don't represent all Christians so how can you say "we?" and they often preach it as if it is the only logical source we humans need to live a good and happy life on this planet. I don't see it as positive or logical at all with such verses as slaughter the children, women, and men until nothing is left living in a town. |