Topic: Teacher Had Orgy WIth Students
challengingmind's photo
Tue 05/17/11 05:13 PM
See? Not thinking lol..imagining

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 05/17/11 05:16 PM

I agree with challengingmind

I live in Arlington (where the teacher lives) and used to live in Kennedale (the town next to Arlington)

My son went to school in Arlington and I sent him to school to learn from the teachers, nothing else.

These teachers know the law...18 y/o or not. This teacher decided she didn't have to follow the law. IMO the law is there to prevent coercion, abuse of power, etc. Wait until they graduate AT LEAST. If they can't follow the law, then teach in another state or face the consequences.

Imagine all the things these guys learned from an older woman.......drool

ya dork laugh

ok...let's turn this around. If your daughter was 18 and in HS and a male teacher (27 y/o) has sex with her and videos it or has an orgy with your daughter and other 18 y/o students....would you feel the same?

The age of consent in Texas is 17 (as long as the other person isn't more than 3 yrs older)

The teachers are paid with tax dollars. I don't want any teacher using a high school to pick up guys as if she was in a bar. Lord knows we have plenty of bars here to do that in. They just have to go to Cowboys in Arlington. That place is a meat market.

She used her position as a teacher and got students to have sex with her

Lpdon's photo
Tue 05/17/11 05:19 PM

I agree with challengingmind

I live in Arlington (where the teacher lives) and used to live in Kennedale (the town next to Arlington)

My son went to school in Arlington and I sent him to school to learn from the teachers, nothing else.

These teachers know the law...18 y/o or not. This teacher decided she didn't have to follow the law. IMO the law is there to prevent coercion, abuse of power, etc. Wait until they graduate AT LEAST. If they can't follow the law, then teach in another state or face the consequences.

Imagine all the things these guys learned from an older woman.......drool

ya dork laugh

ok...let's turn this around. If your daughter was 18 and in HS and a male teacher (27 y/o) has sex with her and videos it or has an orgy with your daughter and other 18 y/o students....would you feel the same?

The age of consent in Texas is 17 (as long as the other person isn't more than 3 yrs older)

The teachers are paid with tax dollars. I don't want any teacher using a high school to pick up guys as if she was in a bar. Lord knows we have plenty of bars here to do that in. They just have to go to Cowboys in Arlington. That place is a meat market.

She used her position as a teacher and got students to have sex with her

noway My daughter will NEVER have sex! noway

Besides, it's different for guys. If I had a son, I would be so proud if he bagged his hot teacher.

challengingmind's photo
Tue 05/17/11 05:21 PM
What?! Why is it ok to have a double standard?

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 05/17/11 05:21 PM
now it's clear...double standard laugh

My son turned 18 half way through his senior year. He was there to get an education....NOT that kind of education.

msharmony's photo
Tue 05/17/11 05:23 PM
Edited by msharmony on Tue 05/17/11 05:25 PM

now it's clear...double standard laugh

My son turned 18 half way through his senior year. He was there to get an education....NOT that kind of education.

in our culture, was there any doubt of the double standards involved?


I dont think the teacher should work there anymore but I dont think it should be a matter for a court(unless she contests her employers decision)

whats strange to me is that , actually, a younger girl (17 and up) is more likely to be on an intellectually and emotionally capatible level with a college Guy,, than a young guy is to be with a college girl,,,,because girls mature much quicker (generally)

ITs probably not a good idea to have college students teaching those who are just about to enter college anyway,,,,just my opinion

mightymoe's photo
Tue 05/17/11 05:24 PM

I agree with challengingmind

I live in Arlington (where the teacher lives) and used to live in Kennedale (the town next to Arlington)

My son went to school in Arlington and I sent him to school to learn from the teachers, nothing else.

These teachers know the law...18 y/o or not. This teacher decided she didn't have to follow the law. IMO the law is there to prevent coercion, abuse of power, etc. Wait until they graduate AT LEAST. If they can't follow the law, then teach in another state or face the consequences.

Imagine all the things these guys learned from an older woman.......drool

ya dork laugh

ok...let's turn this around. If your daughter was 18 and in HS and a male teacher (27 y/o) has sex with her and videos it or has an orgy with your daughter and other 18 y/o students....would you feel the same?

The age of consent in Texas is 17 (as long as the other person isn't more than 3 yrs older)

The teachers are paid with tax dollars. I don't want any teacher using a high school to pick up guys as if she was in a bar. Lord knows we have plenty of bars here to do that in. They just have to go to Cowboys in Arlington. That place is a meat market.

She used her position as a teacher and got students to have sex with her

that's kinda the whole point... if it was my daughter, i would personally take care of the teacher myself, but if was my son, and a female teacher, i really wouldn't care all that much... 19 is 19, that's old enough to go to prison for the rest of your life, old enough to join the military, and old enough to make your own decisions...(however good or bad) by law, they are adults.. and what is the charge? can't be sex with a minor, or child molestation, because they are not children...

challengingmind's photo
Tue 05/17/11 05:26 PM
Oh shyte!...we fell right into it!...don! Quit laughing

Simonedemidova's photo
Tue 05/17/11 05:27 PM
I would def be concerned. For one thing, I have 2 daughters and a son.

I would not want my son involved with a teach anymore than i would want my daughters..

Second of all--if she was that big of a whore than they might want to consider running out ad getting some std testing....becuase there is no age discrimination on that.

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 05/17/11 05:28 PM

now it's clear...double standard laugh

My son turned 18 half way through his senior year. He was there to get an education....NOT that kind of education.

in our culture, was there any doubt of the double standards involved?


I dont think the teacher should work there anymore but I dont think it should be a matter for a court(unless she contests her employers decision)

ITs probably not a good idea to have college students teaching those who are just about to enter college anyway,,,,just my opinion

as far as I am concerned...if she was a swinger, had orgies, whatever in her house....that really is her business, BUT she met these guys from the school were she was a teacher and they were students. That's where I have the problem. She used the school like a bar instead of as a school.

Agree with the law or is the law and she knew it. My aunt taught here. The teachers know these things. It's like the pot law. You may not agree with the law but if you decide to break the law, then deal with the consequences.

She didn't pick these kids up somewhere else. She picked them up from the school she taught at making her a city employee on city property

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 05/17/11 05:30 PM

that's kinda the whole point... if it was my daughter, i would personally take care of the teacher myself, but if was my son, and a female teacher, i really wouldn't care all that much... 19 is 19, that's old enough to go to prison for the rest of your life, old enough to join the military, and old enough to make your own decisions...(however good or bad) by law, they are adults.. and what is the charge? can't be sex with a minor, or child molestation, because they are not children...

Not sure of the exact charge.

As far as the double standard....a girl can join the military, vote, etc at 18 too, just like a boy.

mightymoe's photo
Tue 05/17/11 05:31 PM

now it's clear...double standard laugh

My son turned 18 half way through his senior year. He was there to get an education....NOT that kind of education.

in our culture, was there any doubt of the double standards involved?


I dont think the teacher should work there anymore but I dont think it should be a matter for a court(unless she contests her employers decision)

ITs probably not a good idea to have college students teaching those who are just about to enter college anyway,,,,just my opinion

as far as I am concerned...if she was a swinger, had orgies, whatever in her house....that really is her business, BUT she met these guys from the school were she was a teacher and they were students. That's where I have the problem. She used the school like a bar instead of as a school.

Agree with the law or is the law and she knew it. My aunt taught here. The teachers know these things. It's like the pot law. You may not agree with the law but if you decide to break the law, then deal with the consequences.

She didn't pick these kids up somewhere else. She picked them up from the school she taught at making her a city employee on city property

lol, you know how they are over there on orgies... they didn't even like when the other adults were having their parties in mansfield a few years ago... the stupid church folks almost burned down their house... but you are right, the law is the law...

challengingmind's photo
Tue 05/17/11 05:31 PM
Why is it ok for a male to do it with a female teacher yet not a female to do it with a male teacher?

msharmony's photo
Tue 05/17/11 05:33 PM

Why is it ok for a male to do it with a female teacher yet not a female to do it with a male teacher?

because western culture , men are expected to conquer, women are expected to say no,,,,

figure that one out,,lol

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 05/17/11 05:33 PM

lol, you know how they are over there on orgies... they didn't even like when the other adults were having their parties in mansfield a few years ago... the stupid church folks almost burned down their house... but you are right, the law is the law...

laugh hate to tell you this but do you know how many swingers and sex parties there are around here?

Those church people were fanatics...don't blame all church people laugh

BUT even if the church doesn't like's not illegal

This was illegal

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 05/17/11 05:34 PM

Why is it ok for a male to do it with a female teacher yet not a female to do it with a male teacher?

because western culture , men are expected to conquer, women are expected to say no,,,,

figure that one out,,lol

they are expected to conquer...but do they really? laugh

mylifetoday's photo
Tue 05/17/11 05:36 PM

You can put ur brains back in your pants now



challengingmind's photo
Tue 05/17/11 05:38 PM
Got the answer! can't conquer if there's nothing there..

Oh boys! Say bye bye to ur favorite toys! Lmao

mightymoe's photo
Tue 05/17/11 05:39 PM

Why is it ok for a male to do it with a female teacher yet not a female to do it with a male teacher?

you wouldn't understand, your a woman... it's a man thing

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 05/17/11 05:40 PM
it's amazing that we have evolved past the cave men....or have we?? If we have it's because of the women laugh