Topic: Another of my Arrests makes the paper! | |
• A woman was cited at Safeway at 4:01 p.m. for shoplifting. It was a little more then that. The charge got updated by the District Attorney's Office to Burglary. She had previous offenses within the past few weeks. She was also babysitting a friends kid when she came in to steal and the child with her. The choice since we couldn't get a hold of the parents would be wait for Child Protective Services for 2 hours and the cop would then take her for Burglary or cite her with a Petty Larceny with priors and file with the DA for Burglary. If CPS would have came that innocent child of the innocent couple would go into the system, and I didn't want that. I do have a heart. Either way she is getting the same charge and they are going to pick her up by next week. Feedback would be cool................... |
Anybody that involves kids in crimes should be hung.
Wow..time to start weeding out the gene pool lol.
You made the right wouldn't have been fair on the child for paying for the idiocy of the babysitter...did the parents know what the babysitter was doing? There's been a few cases similiar to this one but in those cases,the parents were actually having the children commit the crime or where sticking the stolen items underneath a baby in the stroller |
I plain on talking to the Deputy District Attorney in the morning about this case, and I will provide all details.
Wow..time to start weeding out the gene pool lol. You made the right wouldn't have been fair on the child for paying for the idiocy of the babysitter...did the parents know what the babysitter was doing? There's been a few cases similiar to this one but in those cases,the parents were actually having the children commit the crime or where sticking the stolen items underneath a baby in the stroller That is actually quite common, or concealing the merchandise on the childrens person or using the children as lookouts. |
I think I speak for consumers everywere and we thank you for your heroric efforts.
Edited by
Tue 05/17/11 10:59 AM
I think I speak for consumers everywere and we thank you for your heroric efforts. We help keep the costs down in the stores, if it wern't for Loss Prevention Agents items would cost double to triple what they cost now to make up for the loss. Hell Liquor and items like make up are marked up anywhere between 40%-85% jut to cover losses. |
I knew a clepto who was always stealing with her's f-ing sad...I think clepto's they steal just for the high, like crackheads...they are not in control and dont thunk about the repercussions. They often take things that do not fit them nor have any use to their household...for instance wrong colored make-up, ill fitting shirts. or candelabras. it's so sad.
I knew a clepto who was always stealing with her's f-ing sad...I think clepto's they steal just for the high, like crackheads...they are not in control and dont thunk about the repercussions. They often take things that do not fit them nor have any use to their household...for instance wrong colored make-up, ill fitting shirts. or candelabras. it's so sad. They don't get a high off it. |
My line of work is not entirely different from yours. I'm not sure i'd be posting online with such specific information about an individual case though. We're not from the same country so maybe i dont quite understand how things work where you are, but i'd be sacked in an instant if i was found to be doing that. I have said stuff in the past and have regretted it later when i have considered the risks. Be careful, thats my only point. Keep up the good work!
My line of work is not entirely different from yours. I'm not sure i'd be posting online with such specific information about an individual case though. We're not from the same country so maybe i dont quite understand how things work where you are, but i'd be sacked in an instant if i was found to be doing that. I have said stuff in the past and have regretted it later when i have considered the risks. Be careful, thats my only point. Keep up the good work! It's public knowledge, especially when it's in the papers. |
You have a point. I would still get my arse chewed off for it though.
You have a point. I would still get my arse chewed off for it though. You should be fine if it is public knowledge from the paper. As long as they are over 18 and you don't give out names, addresses or any personal information about them your good. |
I wouldnt risk it, it would only take one pissed off client to complain, even if technically i hadnt done anything illegal. I have said stuff before about one particular case(one of the biggest ever robberies, so i guess i was probably just bragging about having any involvement, and my involvement was VERY minor anyway), and realised i was being a fool. Its been made into a film even and i still dont feel comfortable saying too much. My company is happy to sack people as they wish.
I sued the cops and WON! No need to brag at others misfortunes...when in doubt, keep it anonymous...
they do get high on being clepto-maniacs, that is why so often they take useless things they dont need. Some people are not clepto's. they are poor and desperate and therefore steal for what they have to have to survive, some people are purely sick and have cleptomania-they do it for the high! |
No they actually don't get high from it..its a severe form of OCD. The mania in this disoder is different from bipolar bipolar disoder the mania is a high due to out of control endorphins
In cleptomania,they have to steal or they feel that something really bad is going to happen.This disorder isusually accompanied with the disorder of hoarding and children who have this disorder usually start out by hoarding food underneath their bed. |
No they actually don't get high from it..its a severe form of OCD. The mania in this disoder is different from bipolar bipolar disoder the mania is a high due to out of control endorphins In cleptomania,they have to steal or they feel that something really bad is going to happen.This disorder isusually accompanied with the disorder of hoarding and children who have this disorder usually start out by hoarding food underneath their bed. yep, she was also a hoarder, now that you mentioned that....I just thought it was because she took so much crap she had no use for and didnt know what to do with it all though. but that makes sense. |
It usually stems from a traumatic experience..such as something or someone being taken from them and them not having any control over it...I've come across it a few times in my 16 yrs of experience working with special needs children.When the objects are taken away,they lose it really bad due to anxiety.