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Topic: Celebrity Look alikes- Who do you look like?
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Wed 06/01/11 11:19 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 06/01/11 11:20 AM
After I finish my mission to get to my desired weight I am going to go to glamor shots and have some professional pictures done.

If all goes as planned that will be by March of next year.

I intend to post them here and in my profile.

luv2roknroll's photo
Wed 06/01/11 12:10 PM

After I finish my mission to get to my desired weight I am going to go to glamor shots and have some professional pictures done.

If all goes as planned that will be by March of next year.

I intend to post them here and in my profile.

YOU GO GIRL!!!:banana:

I cant wait to see em!!happy

Cinderella75's photo
Mon 06/13/11 01:03 PM
What happend to this thread?? Where are the celebs of mingle? ;)

luv2roknroll's photo
Mon 06/13/11 04:20 PM

What happend to this thread?? Where are the celebs of mingle? ;)
Have her do you Cinderella!!

Cinderella75's photo
Tue 06/14/11 12:11 AM

What happend to this thread?? Where are the celebs of mingle? ;)
Have her do you Cinderella!!

I've already been done.. haha! People have told me I look like Cameron Diaz.. haha

74Drew's photo
Tue 06/14/11 12:33 AM

What happend to this thread?? Where are the celebs of mingle? ;)
Have her do you Cinderella!!

I've already been done.. haha! People have told me I look like Cameron Diaz.. haha

yeah, if cameron diaz was hot.

i think you look like a blonde version of the girl who plays rachel on glee. but better.

. . .

no photo
Tue 06/14/11 01:31 AM
Edited by mg1959 on Tue 06/14/11 01:34 AM
Girl on Glee, What?? I went back through this and found it interesting. 75 you are right there with Cameron. Cameron in my book is one of the all time hottest blondes. Good for you Cinderella. Your pics rocked.

Jeanniebean, hello what a talent!

All the pics were great. I just wanted to make comments on two people. Don't get mad at me cause I have no idea who thinks what about who on the site. I don't pay attention so I may miss it all.

1) lionsbrew: Russel Crow all the way, you should be in the movies

2) Artgurl: are you like the cutest girl on the planet or what, you look like a star without being next to one

Now here's where I could get in trouble. I'm not match making or anything OK. Could you guys picture our lionsbrew on the red carpet with artgurl. Jeannie is that possible? They would look so good together.

Sorry OK send your cards and letters, it's just what I see.

d24's photo
Tue 06/14/11 01:37 AM
Edited by d24 on Tue 06/14/11 01:54 AM
mg1959 looks like Travis Tritt

no photo
Tue 06/14/11 01:41 AM
Edited by mg1959 on Tue 06/14/11 02:08 AM
O O Oh

I'm not done. There are 2 actresses I think LUVs looks like. One I think was on Law and Order and the other I have seen with both Richard Gere and Harrison Ford.

Remember when roadhouse came out. Well Sam Elliot and I almost looked identical except my hair was a lot longer than his at that time. Sam, Gregg Allman and I went to a bar together after a show in Miami. Standing beside these two guys is a trip. I could not believe how many women came after them.

d24's photo
Tue 06/14/11 02:14 AM
Cindelrela75 looks alot like Mera Suvari

no photo
Tue 06/14/11 02:15 AM
Alrighty... These first 2 are not me, I deny my resemblance to anyone...

My dad

Some religious dude from the 1600's???

And this is me...

no photo
Tue 06/14/11 02:21 AM
When did you cut the hair? You look good both ways but differently a rocker in the pic posted.

no photo
Tue 06/14/11 02:21 AM
Edited by mg1959 on Tue 06/14/11 02:22 AM
sorry double

no photo
Tue 06/14/11 02:31 AM

When did you cut the hair? You look good both ways but differently a rocker in the pic posted.

thank you.

I cut it about 3 years ago, buzzed for the last 1 1/5 and the last 4 months been letting it grow back.

I honestly didn't like the ppl the short hair attracted nor did I like the fact that it may have repelled the ones I might have been interested in. Can you say "player" with a capital D?

Holly4459's photo
Tue 06/14/11 06:21 AM

Yep he does! Try to pick him out from his lookalike here:

Omg! I never noticed this ! Very good likeness!!

WordWalker's photo
Tue 06/14/11 08:23 AM
Malcolm X?

74Drew's photo
Tue 06/14/11 09:06 AM

Alrighty... These first 2 are not me, I deny my resemblance to anyone...

My dad

Some religious dude from the 1600's???

And this is me...

dude your dad looks like the werewolf leader guy from underworld.
just sayin.

. . .

no photo
Tue 06/14/11 11:59 AM

When did you cut the hair? You look good both ways but differently a rocker in the pic posted.

thank you.

I cut it about 3 years ago, buzzed for the last 1 1/5 and the last 4 months been letting it grow back.

I honestly didn't like the ppl the short hair attracted nor did I like the fact that it may have repelled the ones I might have been interested in. Can you say "player" with a capital D?


You are so right on the money here. Isn't that something how big of a difference the lentgh of hair makes in meeting people? And what I found interesting is that the people who talk to you when you have long hair are so much nicer than the people that talked to you when you had shorter hair. Boy that should be a thread topic.

luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 06/14/11 05:21 PM

O O Oh

I'm not done. There are 2 actresses I think LUVs looks like. One I think was on Law and Order and the other I have seen with both Richard Gere and Harrison Ford.

There is an actress I look exactly like, but I cant think of her name. Someone told me this in an email long ago, and I was shocked.
We looked like twins.All I remember is she has 3 names in her name.

no photo
Tue 06/14/11 05:36 PM
Luv it's Mariska Hargitay

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