Topic: The on going story! | |
Okay, there are the rules. our main character is Dyne the squire. you write a paragraph and submit it, the mext person picks it up from there and we go on to see what kinda things we can Get Dyne into.
Remebe,r wait for three posts before you post a new one. and have fun with it. Standing at the center of a grove, that lies in the center of the woods, the young, lithe squire, Dyne, looks out with his bright green eyes, holding his shortsword, he shakes his head softly, thinking he heard the sound of a beauitful woman singing, but perhaps he was mistaken, until he catches a waterfall out of the corner of his eye and he walks twoards said waterfall, and he hears that angelic voice singing once more. |
As he enters the clearing at the base of the waterfall, Dyne sees a beautiful maden chained to the rock at the edge of the pool. As she sees him she moitons him to silence and finishes her song. She is well cared for and in very good health. In fact appeares to be in no distress at all. As she finishes her song she checks a cave barley seen next to the falls. Seeming satified she motions him closer. " I am held here by a pact between the king and this monster" she tells our hero. My singing quiets the monster and he leave our people alone.
Sitting down next to the maiden, and talking to her in a quiet gentle voice, he says I am Dyne, what may I do to help you? She replies, my name is Starlight.....and I must stay here to keep my people safe. Alas a stirring arises from the cave...........Starlight begins her song again, and Dyne steps back into the watch what may occur
the forest seems deep and endless okay thats all i have lol
ok it's been 3 posts and 3 days and I want to write more so here goes
![]() As Starlight sees the monster settle down she quiets her song and motions Dyne close again. She explaines" This poor creature is no monster at all,he is my brother. One day while hunting for our families' dinner he was confronted by a large mangey creature,he killed it only to discover it belonged to a powerful witch.She cast this evil spell on him and the only way to break it is to........ |
This is a hijacking........carebear and I are going to try and get this story join need to wait to post or it will die a quick death......
![]() find the one that will love him for who he is........the person must accept my brother in his monster form........if the love proves to be true.......then the spell will be broken......but....... |
.... every one within 10 leagues knows of the monster and is afraid to come within a days journy of here. Surley it will not be possible to find such a person."
As the monster lies quietly asleep in his cave Starlight continues to explain that even though in 10 leagues people know about my brother, there is somewhere out there that special someone who will allow him to be him again.......but alas the evil witch has foiled every plan......who knows what she will do next...........
Dyne understands the situation and promises Starlight he will do all he can to help. He sets off through the forest tward the main road, where he has left his horse at the stable.
Mounting his stallion, Dyne realizes that to be with the woman he loves, he must find a way to break the evil witches spell.......unbeknowst to him the evil witch who is named Cherish takes the form of a.................
tick and buries her evil fangs in the very underbelly of Dyne's steed. With Cherish sceretly and safely attached, Dyne heads for the coast some 25 leauges distant. He has only ridden a few leagues when ......
His steed begins to stumble around, Dyne checks his hooves, and finds nothing wrong, no cracks, no stones caught........he removes the saddle and says what a perfect spot for an evening of rest.......brushing down his steed......he finds the tick.......and
and passes out like the wimp he really is....he is awaken by the evil laugh of Lord Video Tape who will sell this tape on ebay to the highest bidder....
Cash thats too funny
![]() ![]() ![]() but we had a good story going here ![]() |
time out for a good laugh.................and then back to the story.........come on Cashay you can do this
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ok ok I'll be serious or at least try....
as Dyne attempts to remove the tick from is erie chilling wind...blows pass his cheek like a sweet soft kiss...from the lips of.... |
the one he loves, but Dyne in his trancelike state of thought is only thinking of helping his steed, while he plans how to rescue his love's brother...........thoughts filled with the love he has for Starlight, Dyne doesn't realize the danger he is in.......the tick is removed and.........
it latches on to his arm before he can remove it.....his thoughts become hazy as he tries to remember his mission....he starts to question, who is this Starlight that haunts my memory...
as Starlight begins to fade from his mind Cherish appears to him.............long flowing red hair, lavender that looks like the dew from a morning rose............she begins to weave her spell of..............
lust and deceit....she tells him that she is his true...he smiles at his love....his smile means her spell is working and she precedes to tell him....your mission is to kill the monster (Starlight's brother)....she begins to seduce him but he can't shake the girl that haunts his memory or his heart.....