Topic: Extreme Happenings | |
Imagination at its best or worst...however you will take it! 1st Question: What would happen if by tomorrow the entire population of the world decided to become Atheist. It just happens and everyone agrees there are no gods. Would this world be a better world or worst? Explain why! 2nd Question: What would happen if by tomorrow morning the entire population of the world decided to become Christians. Christians in that sense of one denomination only. Would it be a good thing or bad? Would this world be a better world or worst? Explain why! Also consider that as an option that the world could be the same as it is today even if the world's population agreed on a belief system. Take a moment and contemplate on the questions. :) IF everyone decided there was noone greater than themself, I think we would see more chaos and greed. IF everyone decided to become Christians, the answer varies. If , by christian, we mean CHRIST LIKE,,,then I imagine it would be quite peaceful and lovely. If, by christian, we mean professing to be christ like,,,,I dont think a thing would change because people would still find other reasons to do or not do what they wanted to do or not do, which can be anything from adultery to murder. Although I'm Agnostic, not Atheist (most Atheists are very sure of their non-belief, I can't help thinking that that's too much like religion for my comfort... ![]() Why do Christians think they've cornered the market on good character/attributes? Seriously this p*sses me off, and I see it most often from those who claim to follow Christ's example (I guess 'judge not lest ye be judged' is one He picks up and puts down at whim?) I live my life without lying, cheating, stealing or otherwise behaving like scum because I like me that way and I don't need a manual or big brother figure warning me about some future punishment to make it easy. As for the future reward if I am good, what would happen if the entire population decided this wasn't going to materialize when the clock runs down, and started living for today (thanks John Lennon ![]() the question was IF the world became ATHEIST atheism, from what I understand from miriam webster means a disbelief in the existence of deity b : the doctrine that there is no deity my response didnt judge anyone, it took into account the definition and what I think would happen if everyone subscribed to it I also said there would be MORE CHAOS AND GREED, not implying at all a monopoly on those traits by any group |
Yes that was the question, and the one I replied to. Stating that I'm Agnostic does not disqualify me from answering that question from an Atheist POV.
And yes you did say there would be more chaos and greed if all became Atheist, can you tell me why you think there would be more chaos and more greed? I think I just found that statement to smack of a generally held belief I`ve run into (many, many times) that no one can live a good upstanding life with integrity without the bible and it's doctrine. Maybe I read too much into your comment, probably based on past encounters with others ![]() |