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Topic: Never Meant To Be
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Mon 04/18/11 11:01 PM
Edited by Up2Us on Mon 04/18/11 11:26 PM

Never Meant To Be

Mysterious to the touch.
A desire painted across my fantasies.
Every moment was meant to be the realization of a dream.
A seductive thought captured my imagination.
Stillness of night a prelude to what could be.
Like two days we looked upon each other, but never to be together.
Our moment as brief as a midnight glance upon the other.
Never meant to be painted upon a midnight sky of destinies tears.

Never meant to be

With the dawn the memories begin.
A mirror image reflects a mirage of yesterday.
Reading between the line of a broken heart.
A silent tale is told expressed by the tears of falling stars.
A new day shines like the sun, but reflects passion upon the moon.
Across the heavens, and upon the stars each a possibility.
Of what was never to be, torn by what could be.
Still within the silence of a midnights dream.
The dawn still whisper your name upon my heart.
Silently, yet steadily upon still waters of my mind.

Never meant to be

For if time has one true friend it's loneliness.
They walk hand in hand.
Between the silence of each heart beat.
A pendulum swings while reminiscing unspoken dreams.
Upon the thoughts, and fantasies.
A future like a glass spider web.
Still reflects upon a past goodbye kiss.
Yet upon that road loneliness walks, and stands firm.
Quietly within the dawn loneliness yet again holds her firm.
I'm left to be stranger upon this land, never meant to go back home again.

MHS©Copyright 2011

Roseann916's photo
Tue 04/19/11 01:17 AM
Wow! That could be a poem of my heart and what I'm going through now. Very, VERY touching. Thank you for your art.


Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Tue 04/19/11 04:54 AM
The story of my life sad sad

no photo
Tue 04/19/11 06:13 PM
sad nicely written

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Fri 04/22/11 04:40 AM
Edited by Up2Us on Fri 04/22/11 04:41 AM
Thanks all.....sometimes words, and moments flow like a river....smokin

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Wed 05/04/11 09:58 AM
A little about the life of Buddha.