Topic: Deletion? | |
Well adj I obviously dont know much about this i guess I'd better learn...sigh.....
<<---trotting off to read about this moderation thing.... |
It's a free site. Mike and Van have lives outside of this website. If this tool makes their job a little easier, then who are we to complain? If we were paying customers, I could see, but being that we are getting a freebie, I don't think we have the right to complain.
I tend to agree with you spider. After all, we are all adults here....We are not kids in kindergarten.... And we are getting a freebie here....So why complain about anything...I think that Mike and Van do a marvelous job... Cheers..... ![]() ![]() |
they do do a good job
but they want a large membership and some of the adults here can act childish at times and deleting a new member thread cause they are repedative with a hi headline is kinda silly and suggestions are a good thing for everyone larger the membership more people to possibly find someone and the better rate they can get for the advertising they have but hey what do i know |
Well spider, I do agree that they have lives outside of this site..and I do agree that its a fine one, free and fun...but I also believe that if people come to forums to express themselves, and thats what the forum is all about, why would you censor something as innocuous as a poem? or a simple Hi I'm New greeting? What is deletable about that? If I was new and MY post was deleted, I'd be slightly bent and would probably leave...just saying hi should not be an offense..but like your opinion, Im entitled to mine...yes?
Yes Wiz...I completely agree with you.. I do not know why someone would vote to delete any thread, unless they were bashing someone. I do not believe in that...But as far as an introductory thread being vote on for deletion....that is absurd. |
thank you sandy...I dont believe in the posts that bash either, its unnecessary, ignore it if you dont like it...but deletion of a hello is going a little over board in MY opinion...but..its not my site..sooooo.....
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Mike has said several times that they expect good threads to be deleted at first, because people will be playing with the new tools. Once things calm down, it shouldnt' happen anymore. And they will monitor people who delete threads and people whose threads are deleted, to make sure everything is up and up. They will delete some threads, that weren't deleted and they will undeleted other threads that were deleted. The change has been in a couple days, I just think we should all give it a chance to see how it works out. "just saying hi should not be an offense..but like your opinion, Im entitled to mine...yes?" <PUKE> I'm so sick of this kind of thinking... Did I say you weren't entitled your own opinion? Everytime someone offers a DIFFERING OPINION someone(s) starts crying that they have a right to their opinion. I was JUST posting my opinion. I wasn't attacking you or claiming that you don't have a right to an opinion. Chill out a little and let EVERYONE post thier opinion without getting uptight. |
Oh you mistake me, I didnt think you were criticizing me. I was just laying out my thoughts...its a message board...sometimes things get slightly misinterpreted...Im just sort of curious about this whole process because its fairly new to me...if I was getting uptight about it, you'd know it...really....
I'll give you guys an example of a thread that needs deleted... It's a poem. But it's already been was a double post. So it should be deleted, I don't need to read the same poem in two different threads and nobody else needs to either. The other thread with this poem has already become permanent. I would love to see OP given the opportunity to delete their own double posts, but this is the next best thing. |
i can agree with that but obviously he did not realize that
because he was going to leave till we pointed out the other one was up n running has not said he was staying but was still here when i checked |
Okay first of all yeah my poem got at least 3 hits to delete it. But they did not win and the poem stays. Yes it was a tad sexually but... it had no vulgar words within and I did to my utmost keep it that way. the name is "Making Love" But now the voting box only stays so long once it is gone and you do not see it that thread is safe unles Mike and Van find a problem with it.
If u post a topic you can not see the the box to vote on the thread for it is yur thread. Yes I do agree witht the moderation if ya will so kindly visit the thread someone stated to BOYCOTT MODERATION I did post in there gave the do's n don'ts on voting. I have been here a while Van & Mike are as fair as anyone can be. If a thread gets deleted and the reasons do no follow the rules of JSH they will put the thread back. Also for those that are deleting just to delete awwwwwwwwwwwwwww guess what your being monitered too and if they do it and no causees of it they also can be banned from the site or just loose voting privaledgs If all will just give it a chance it might work. If you see a thread that has been voted to take off if there is nothing wrong with it then e-mail Mike and Van they will watch the thread and make sure whats up. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Ohhhhhhh and MsWizard thank you kindly for defending my poem as well I do thank you
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I did not see ur poem TxsGal but after seeing ur note here, the deletion is not right
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frank it did not get deleted was up for but they did not get it and hummmmmmmmmmm pretty sure you posted on it
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i m indeed my remarks must be posted on it
I'm seeing many silly "nominations for deletion" which do NOT get deleted - which to me is a sign that this system is somewhat -working-.
But people are still complaining just because a thread got nominated for deletion. I think they should just chill out and see what happens. |
"Ohhhhhhh and MsWizard thank you kindly for defending my poem as well I do thank you "
You're very welcome honey, I loved it! |