Topic: Paul Ryan is Quite a Comedian. | |
As a tea bagger I say salutations to you, the tea bagged! If the left wasn't full of irresponsible idiots hell bent on printing money and spending it that we cannot afford (so long gold standard and hello Cantonese) we wouldn't have to worry about deficits or anything. Everything wrong with America today is directly related to DUMBacRATS! |
This country is having a severe crisis of cognitive ability for example: What does it mean to ANYONE to read the words "create new jobs" on anything congressional? OH YEA MAN - the repubs, man, they gonna create a million new jobs, while those liberals are crying about defunding planned parenthood and lowering corporate taxes. While that alone is cause for intellectual concern, there is still more that comes from the mouths of those who seem to be intellectually challenged at the moment. OH YEA MAN - we have to give those big corporation incentives to stay here in the U.S. and provide more jobs. So we have to lower taxes man - those liberals don't get how the free market works... So here's the big queston folks - what kind of jobs are we talking about here? Second question - has anyone considered the possibility that the government knows exactly what's going to happen? Bestinshow brought up the topic of class. It's a good subject but I doubt that few on these forums or in the general population have any clue how class is defined today or even what it means in today's economy. We are not stuggling alone in this economic storm - the world, with precious few exceptions, are with us. When all the Federal entitlements cease or are stripped to bare budgets (of personal agenda), the bureaucracy will shrink (more people out of work & fewer people receiving benefits) equates to less consumerism. Less consumerism equates to those Major Corporations closing up unprofitable areas of business – more people out of work, less consumerism. The pattern does not stop, but all the while those few who are at the top of the class chain will still be at the top and those (in government) who have been of most use to that corporate class will be required to keep the people placid and country all together as mass unrest becomes eminent. As I said – this is not a U.S. problem – this is world economic crisis. Day by day the poor become poorer and their options become fewer and fewer and their apathy becomes a mindset. WE THE PEOPLE are the majority, but poverty, denial, misinformation, fear, and EGO are preventing WE THE PEOPLE from acting for our own good – the good of the many who are the people and not just the consumers of debt that keep the money, and the power, in the hands of the Corporate class. We are currently being primed to become the wage slaves that once drove this country to unions. Wisconson, Ohio and others are leading by example - break the chain, lower pay and benefits, and at some point the current minimum wage will be a commodity many will sell their labor for, regardless the demands placed upon that work force. Education - do you realize that in this country those with a four year degree are few - do you realize how few there will be when getting a position that would pay for that education is a matter of who you know? EGO is the first thing that needs to go - it seems to be preventing higher cognitive functions. yeah, this is a theory that my mom, a retired accountant, has explained to me many times fewer jobs and fewer benefits = less money to spend= less profit for business= less money to hire= less jobs and fewer benefits,,,etc,,etc,,, we do better when we can ALL(relatively, not absolutely) play a part in production AND profit,,,,,, |
As a tea bagger I say salutations to you, the tea bagged! If the left wasn't full of irresponsible idiots hell bent on printing money and spending it that we cannot afford (so long gold standard and hello Cantonese) we wouldn't have to worry about deficits or anything. Everything wrong with America today is directly related to DUMBacRATS! I say deficits will always be a concern, in America and elsewhere, relatively speaking we could be better and we could be worse,,, switzerland has many programs which might be considered 'socialist' in america, like healthcare and unemployment compensation or up to two years and paid maternity leave of three months ,,the types of things american taxpayers would most likely be up in arms about funding,,,, I think its not the spending, so much as where its spent and the actual RETURN on the investment,,, |
As a tea bagger I say salutations to you, the tea bagged! If the left wasn't full of irresponsible idiots hell bent on printing money and spending it that we cannot afford (so long gold standard and hello Cantonese) we wouldn't have to worry about deficits or anything. Everything wrong with America today is directly related to DUMBacRATS! I say deficits will always be a concern, in America and elsewhere, relatively speaking we could be better and we could be worse,,, switzerland has many programs which might be considered 'socialist' in america, like healthcare and unemployment compensation or up to two years and paid maternity leave of three months ,,the types of things american taxpayers would most likely be up in arms about funding,,,, I think its not the spending, so much as where its spent and the actual RETURN on the investment,,, all of these things would be affordable if the government would quit wasting money... was the war bill total 2 or 3 trillion dollars? the government is controlled by big business, but yet they refuse to run it like a business... i have never seen any corporation that spends more than it earns...seems like that should be a basic business 101... |
As a tea bagger I say salutations to you, the tea bagged! If the left wasn't full of irresponsible idiots hell bent on printing money and spending it that we cannot afford (so long gold standard and hello Cantonese) we wouldn't have to worry about deficits or anything. Everything wrong with America today is directly related to DUMBacRATS! I say deficits will always be a concern, in America and elsewhere, relatively speaking we could be better and we could be worse,,, switzerland has many programs which might be considered 'socialist' in america, like healthcare and unemployment compensation or up to two years and paid maternity leave of three months ,,the types of things american taxpayers would most likely be up in arms about funding,,,, I think its not the spending, so much as where its spent and the actual RETURN on the investment,,, all of these things would be affordable if the government would quit wasting money... was the war bill total 2 or 3 trillion dollars? the government is controlled by big business, but yet they refuse to run it like a business... i have never seen any corporation that spends more than it earns...seems like that should be a basic business 101... I get what you are saying but I dont think there is one style that fixes anything by itself. After all, businesses are run by individuals who usually have their own self interest at heart, to make profit and create stability for themself and their loved ones that is a bit different than actually being responsible for the profit and stability of others,,,, |
As a tea bagger I say salutations to you, the tea bagged! If the left wasn't full of irresponsible idiots hell bent on printing money and spending it that we cannot afford (so long gold standard and hello Cantonese) we wouldn't have to worry about deficits or anything. Everything wrong with America today is directly related to DUMBacRATS! I say deficits will always be a concern, in America and elsewhere, relatively speaking we could be better and we could be worse,,, switzerland has many programs which might be considered 'socialist' in america, like healthcare and unemployment compensation or up to two years and paid maternity leave of three months ,,the types of things american taxpayers would most likely be up in arms about funding,,,, I think its not the spending, so much as where its spent and the actual RETURN on the investment,,, all of these things would be affordable if the government would quit wasting money... was the war bill total 2 or 3 trillion dollars? the government is controlled by big business, but yet they refuse to run it like a business... i have never seen any corporation that spends more than it earns...seems like that should be a basic business 101... I get what you are saying but I dont think there is one style that fixes anything by itself. After all, businesses are run by individuals who usually have their own self interest at heart, to make profit and create stability for themself and their loved ones that is a bit different than actually being responsible for the profit and stability of others,,,, we are talking about politicians... they are not in it for themselves? |
As a tea bagger I say salutations to you, the tea bagged! If the left wasn't full of irresponsible idiots hell bent on printing money and spending it that we cannot afford (so long gold standard and hello Cantonese) we wouldn't have to worry about deficits or anything. Everything wrong with America today is directly related to DUMBacRATS! I say deficits will always be a concern, in America and elsewhere, relatively speaking we could be better and we could be worse,,, switzerland has many programs which might be considered 'socialist' in america, like healthcare and unemployment compensation or up to two years and paid maternity leave of three months ,,the types of things american taxpayers would most likely be up in arms about funding,,,, I think its not the spending, so much as where its spent and the actual RETURN on the investment,,, all of these things would be affordable if the government would quit wasting money... was the war bill total 2 or 3 trillion dollars? the government is controlled by big business, but yet they refuse to run it like a business... i have never seen any corporation that spends more than it earns...seems like that should be a basic business 101... I get what you are saying but I dont think there is one style that fixes anything by itself. After all, businesses are run by individuals who usually have their own self interest at heart, to make profit and create stability for themself and their loved ones that is a bit different than actually being responsible for the profit and stability of others,,,, we are talking about politicians... they are not in it for themselves? in part, I think most jobs people take on they do mostly for themself and loved ones, and politicians are no different, neither are businessmen its just finding politicians who care about their constituency as much as their own bottom line(winning) or finding businessmen who care about their employees as much as their own bottom line (profits) ,,,both are an equally rare find,,, |
As a tea bagger I say salutations to you, the tea bagged! If the left wasn't full of irresponsible idiots hell bent on printing money and spending it that we cannot afford (so long gold standard and hello Cantonese) we wouldn't have to worry about deficits or anything. Everything wrong with America today is directly related to DUMBacRATS! I say deficits will always be a concern, in America and elsewhere, relatively speaking we could be better and we could be worse,,, switzerland has many programs which might be considered 'socialist' in america, like healthcare and unemployment compensation or up to two years and paid maternity leave of three months ,,the types of things american taxpayers would most likely be up in arms about funding,,,, I think its not the spending, so much as where its spent and the actual RETURN on the investment,,, all of these things would be affordable if the government would quit wasting money... was the war bill total 2 or 3 trillion dollars? the government is controlled by big business, but yet they refuse to run it like a business... i have never seen any corporation that spends more than it earns...seems like that should be a basic business 101... I get what you are saying but I dont think there is one style that fixes anything by itself. After all, businesses are run by individuals who usually have their own self interest at heart, to make profit and create stability for themself and their loved ones that is a bit different than actually being responsible for the profit and stability of others,,,, we are talking about politicians... they are not in it for themselves? in part, I think most jobs people take on they do mostly for themself and loved ones, and politicians are no different, neither are businessmen its just finding politicians who care about their constituency as much as their own bottom line(winning) or finding businessmen who care about their employees as much as their own bottom line (profits) ,,,both are an equally rare find,,, exactly... ![]() |