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Topic: Did someone tell you they love you today? - part 9
adanu's photo
Thu 05/05/11 05:53 AM

I called my Dad for his Birthday

We both said it before saying Goodbye :heart:

romee's photo
Thu 05/05/11 11:19 PM
no but almost did!laugh

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 05/06/11 12:07 PM
Yeppiers................:heart: bigsmile :heart: my granddaughter...........

no photo
Fri 05/06/11 02:19 PM

misty_57's photo
Fri 05/06/11 02:58 PM
:heart: My daughter :heart:

mssilverfox's photo
Fri 05/06/11 03:16 PM
Not yet but the days not over...bigsmile

no photo
Fri 05/06/11 08:19 PM
mais oui

thewaterbearer's photo
Fri 05/06/11 10:39 PM
Not today.ohwell

xoangelfacexo's photo
Fri 05/06/11 10:43 PM
My Granny at the end of our phone call:):heart: her.

74Drew's photo
Fri 05/06/11 10:49 PM
i think the dog did. she took it back when i took her to the vet to get her nails clipped.

. . .

no photo
Mon 05/09/11 07:27 PM
One of my male friends did. They said it in a text message. Hmmmm. I don't know if he was just being friendly, just nice of him anyway. We'll know soon enough.

no photo
Mon 05/09/11 08:12 PM

i think the dog did. she took it back when i took her to the vet to get her nails clipped.

. . .


Cheer_up's photo
Mon 05/09/11 08:26 PM
always people should show more love in this cold world love ya all to have a great week :) cheers ^5s and hugssssss

thewaterbearer's photo
Wed 05/11/11 09:20 PM
Yes a very special friendbigsmile :heart:

fireflysgirl's photo
Wed 05/11/11 09:36 PM

My dog licked my face today...does that count as "I love you"? happy

Yes it does ma'am! My boi gives me a hug and kisses everyday & I know I am loved:)

2 very old friends found me on FB!!! One emailed me this morning to say how much he'd missed me over the years and the other just keeps poking me...lol! It's nice when people you actually miss find you and the friendships just pick right back up and carry on!

no photo
Wed 05/11/11 09:38 PM
my lil man did. He turned 6 yesterday. Thats the best ILY

TattooedDude81's photo
Wed 05/11/11 09:46 PM
Yup...my feet did when I got home from work tonight, sat in the chair, logged in on here and opened up a beer!

no photo
Wed 05/11/11 10:04 PM

Yup...my feet did when I got home from work tonight, sat in the chair, logged in on here and opened up a beer!

I Love you TattoedDude. And I mean it. I enjoyed tonight on here.

no photo
Tue 05/17/11 10:01 AM

Goofball73's photo
Tue 05/17/11 07:14 PM
OMG! Did they ever. blushing

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