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Topic: Did someone tell you they love you today? - part 9
Rusty_Knight's photo
Wed 10/05/11 11:23 AM

I got 3 kisses in an email message, does that count? blushing

no photo
Wed 10/05/11 11:43 AM

Love you too Jeff
Love you Lee

luv2roknroll's photo
Wed 10/05/11 02:57 PM

I got 3 kisses in an email message, does that count? blushing
Wooooo Hooooo, you go boyfriend!

lionsbrew's photo
Wed 10/05/11 02:58 PM
Yep and it felt good each and every time.

Simonedemidova's photo
Wed 10/05/11 05:18 PM
Yes, someone told me and showed me some love today, and yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that....etc...LOL

machug's photo
Wed 10/05/11 05:35 PM
Noooooo, but I'm used to it.

Simonedemidova's photo
Wed 10/05/11 05:39 PM

Noooooo, but I'm used to it.

Ah Machug, you know we love you and Your sexiness

machug's photo
Wed 10/05/11 06:17 PM

Noooooo, but I'm used to it.

Ah Machug, you know we love you and Your sexiness

LOL. Yeah, I know some of ya'll love me...but sexiness????: I'm laughing.

muziclvr's photo
Wed 10/05/11 08:15 PM
No...someone actually hurt me today!! sad

txmomof2's photo
Wed 10/05/11 08:18 PM

No...someone actually hurt me today!! sad

Awww Simon.....I love you

muziclvr's photo
Wed 10/05/11 08:20 PM

No...someone actually hurt me today!! sad

Awww Simon.....I love you

Thanks sweetie!!flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 10/05/11 08:20 PM
not today:cry: :cry:

machug's photo
Wed 10/05/11 09:08 PM

No...someone actually hurt me today!! sad

WHAT! That is unacceptable.
I love you sweetie!! :heart: :heart:

txmomof2's photo
Wed 10/05/11 09:14 PM

No...someone actually hurt me today!! sad

Awww Simon.....I love you

Thanks sweetie!!flowerforyou

Big Hugs and smooched

pennyg281's photo
Wed 10/05/11 09:14 PM
Yep. :) My daughter and her boyfriend stopped by for a few minutes today and both said I Love you Mom before they left.

txmomof2's photo
Wed 10/05/11 09:45 PM
15 minutes still left in today enough time for someone else to tell me

machug's photo
Wed 10/05/11 09:47 PM

15 minutes still left in today enough time for someone else to tell me

I love you Princess.
:smile: flowerforyou

txmomof2's photo
Wed 10/05/11 09:49 PM

15 minutes still left in today enough time for someone else to tell me

I love you Princess.
:smile: flowerforyou

Awww I love you too Machflowerforyou

topherj37's photo
Thu 10/06/11 12:26 PM
Nope, don't want anyone to.

txmomof2's photo
Thu 10/06/11 12:29 PM
Yes they did several times today

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