Topic: Military not getting pay....
rlynne's photo
Sun 03/20/11 04:53 PM
Fueled by recent reports that the DoD would not be send ing mil i tary pay­checks if the gov ern ment shuts down, many ser vice mem bers are grow ing fear ful about their finan cial future.

Sev eral news out lets have picked up on a report that troops may miss pay­checks in a gov ern ment shut down. The reports are based on a 13-page DoD doc u ment which is being cir cu lated around the Pen ta gon. The doc u ment lays out a plan for deal ing with the shut down and includes details on how mil i tary pay may be dealt with.

But there are still con flict ing reports. For exam ple a recent Boston Globe arti­cle lists all the areas of gov ern ment which have been exempt in the past. The list includes mil i tary pay.

Here are the facts as we know them:

Mil i tary pay was exempt from the ten shut downs that occurred between 1980 and 1996, and only the 21-day shut down in 1996 lasted more than three days.
Con gress passed another extension, which if agreed to by the Pres i dent will buy another three weeks (April 8) – the fifth con tin u ing res o lu tion for the FY2011 bud get.
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz), recently called on Con gress to pass a bill that would fund the mil i tary regard less of whether an agree ment can be reached on the full fed eral bud get.
To be clear, nobody can be cer tain about what will hap pen next, but if the past is any indi ca tion, active duty ser vice mem bers are not likely to miss any pay checks.

As blog ger Kate Hor rell explains in her lat est install ment in the Pay check Chron i cles — ‘Pre pare for the Worst, & Hope for the Best’ — this is a good oppor tu nity to “think long and hard about how large an emer gency fund is nec es sary to fund [your] family’s day-to-day life.”

I think this is just a scare at least for active duty military due to the food and forage act of 1861, however if there is a grain of truth I believe it could have real implications on families and veterans.....


no photo
Sun 03/20/11 05:27 PM
Girl don't scare me with that i've been in 16 years just got back from Afghan, so i better get paid

rlynne's photo
Sun 03/20/11 05:41 PM
I don't actually know if its a joke or not...but come april first it should be known...

Its not the first time i've heard wind of this but the article came from

i still say its a big scare..but i does make me pause

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 03/20/11 06:01 PM
Hey, if our troops don't get paid, congress should not get paid either! If they do well our boys need to know who's side they should rally on if we have to take our own government on!

no photo
Sun 03/20/11 06:13 PM
It's an easy solution. All Congress has to do is make all the budget cuts that the Republicans demand, and Mitch McConnell will let the Government keep running.

rlynne's photo
Sun 03/20/11 06:18 PM
so one man, not elected by the nation, can determine whether its armed forces receive their pay?

Nothing is favorable about that...and its consequences for this nation could be dire....

unless were truly are a country that has learned to roll over and die....

but last i understood we were a nation of fighters

no photo
Sun 03/20/11 06:21 PM
Well even if we don't get paid we will still serve this great country just hope the amiercian people can vote a new president in next year

AdventureBegins's photo
Sun 03/20/11 07:13 PM
Government shut down does not include 'lack of checks' to either social programs...

Or the Military.

Those type of items are 'payed' for...

They tried this same type of 'scare' tactic when I was on active duty twice...

I still got my checks when it actually 'shutdown'.

What I wonder is when they will get a clue...

If Government keeps spending money it does not have 'shutdown' will be inevitable... and NO amount of 'legislation' or grandstanding will fix THAT.

rlynne's photo
Sun 03/20/11 07:16 PM
Edited by rlynne on Sun 03/20/11 07:18 PM
money in and of itself has no value its an idea or confidence that others recognize and accept

should governments really collapse money would have no more power or value than what people give it...

currency is an idea...

but as noted a number of acts keep things "paid" for

hence why i say its merely a big scare and rather close to the deadline to be surfacing...

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 03/20/11 07:28 PM
funny how liberals can so easily ask of us to give up more and more but our leadership has given up nothing but they did give themselves a pay increase recently. So let us do some math, if we have to make sacrifices what does Congress and the Senate wish to sacrifice with us? It is only fair if they take a pay cut of at least 50%.

no photo
Sun 03/20/11 07:29 PM
Here is an article that discusses the implications of a Government shut-down.

Lpdon's photo
Sun 03/20/11 09:17 PM

Well even if we don't get paid we will still serve this great country just hope the amiercian people can vote a new president in next year

Oh trust me, we will. Obama Bin Laden is done.

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/20/11 09:26 PM

Well even if we don't get paid we will still serve this great country just hope the amiercian people can vote a new president in next year

although its not the president threatening to shut down the government or implying you wont get paid,,,,,u realize that dont you?

perhaps if there is a shut down, there should be new CONGRESSMEN voted in,,,,just saying

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 03/20/11 10:04 PM
the real implications of a government shut down could lead to Martial law. In Obama's hands I can see that escalating to a real fuqued up civil war. One where there is no North and South. It would give Obama free reign to pull the use of the Emergency powers act granting him unsurpassed power! Obama has NO business acumen. In a situation like that all our congressmen would just go home. In all reality if a shut down happens Congress needs to roll up its sleeves and fix the mess pronto or face all of us turning on them. The real problem is there is no real unifying lines in the event something like that happens. That leaves us ripe for a military leader to step in and take over unless someone actually managed to garner enough support among military ranks to pull a Julius Caesar on congress. Then what? The new Rome???

Wanna talk about the ultimate setup for the Anti Christ????



heavenlyboy34's photo
Sun 03/20/11 10:57 PM

money in and of itself has no value its an idea or confidence that others recognize and accept

should governments really collapse money would have no more power or value than what people give it...

currency is an idea...

but as noted a number of acts keep things "paid" for

hence why i say its merely a big scare and rather close to the deadline to be surfacing...

Some truth to that. Fiat currencies are only valued to the extent that they are accepted. However, commodity based currency is redeemable in a real asset (usually gold or silver).

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/20/11 11:14 PM
they shut it down on clinton and life went on and military got paid,,,,I wouldnt sweat too much