Topic: John 17:4 | |
Hello all!
This is one of my favorite verses from the Bible. It reads, "I have glorified YOU on Earth. I have completed the work you have given me to do." By us living a life of Christ, we SWAP our old, corrupt lives for new, transformed ones. Here's how I remember it. S (Study) We study our Bibles and use the wisdom in them to help ourselves and those around us. W (Worship) We are worshiping, not because we have to, but because we want to. A (Acts) We are shining examples of Christ. People see Christ in us. P (Prayer) We are praying passionate, heartfelt prayers. As a result, we lead lives with purpose. Whenever we sin, we get the blame. Whenever we do the right thing, God gets the credit and the glory. You live your life that way, you can't go wrong. |
By us living a life of Christ, we SWAP our old, corrupt lives for new, transformed ones. Here's how I remember it. That would only work for corrupt people who have corrupt lives to SWAP. The bible also has Jesus saying: "I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." So clearly by his own proclamation Jesus did not come to call the righteous to repentance. Only unrighteous people are in need of repentance. I know that you're probably going to quote the words of Paul, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" But that quote didn't come from Jesus and it actually flies in the face of Jesus' own words that he did not come for the righteous but for the sinners. If there were no righteous people there would be no need for Jesus to have made such a misleading statement. ![]() |
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Fri 03/18/11 03:35 PM
Abracadabra writes:
"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" But that quote didn't come from Jesus and it actually flies in the face of Jesus' own words that he did not come for the righteous but for the sinners." Romans 3:23 states, "There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Are you saying that St. Paul is contradicting Christ? |
By us living a life of Christ, we SWAP our old, corrupt lives for new, transformed ones. Here's how I remember it. That would only work for corrupt people who have corrupt lives to SWAP. The bible also has Jesus saying: "I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." So clearly by his own proclamation Jesus did not come to call the righteous to repentance. Only unrighteous people are in need of repentance. I know that you're probably going to quote the words of Paul, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" But that quote didn't come from Jesus and it actually flies in the face of Jesus' own words that he did not come for the righteous but for the sinners. If there were no righteous people there would be no need for Jesus to have made such a misleading statement. ![]() "I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." I don't see your point. Jesus came to bring sinners to repentance cause righteous people are already there. If you were going to take people to your house for a party. Would you have to worry about taking the ones that were already there? No they are already home, they are already "righteous". You would have to go out and find people to come to your party, the ones in need for "repentance". |
Abracadabra writes: "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" But that quote didn't come from Jesus and it actually flies in the face of Jesus' own words that he did not come for the righteous but for the sinners." Romans 3:23 states, "There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Are you saying that St. Paul is contradicting Christ? If he is then he's going against the very God he follows. In which case he would eventually turn from God. As Jesus himself said "A house divided against itself cannot stand" |
"I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." I don't see your point. Jesus came to bring sinners to repentance cause righteous people are already there. If you were going to take people to your house for a party. Would you have to worry about taking the ones that were already there? No they are already home, they are already "righteous". You would have to go out and find people to come to your party, the ones in need for "repentance". So? All your doing is going around judging individual people in Jesus' name to not be at his party! Nowhere did Jesus ever say that there would be a religion created in his name and that anyone who refuses to support that religion would be rejecting him. But clearly that's precisely what you are attempting to imply. How many times do I need to tell you that I have no problem with Jesus. I only have problems with hypocritical Christan Paper Popes who have convinced themselves that they speak for Jesus! I don't need your approval Cowboy to be close to Jesus! You and I simply have different views of who Jesus was and what his message was. You accept the narrow-minded views of the authors of the New Testament. I don't. I personally believe that Jesus was a Mahayana Buddhist Bodhisattva. So I have absolutely no problem with Jesus whatsoever. I totally accept him as my loving brother just has he had claimed to be. It's only your narrow-minded view of religion that seems to be the problem here. Who are you to pass judgment on my relationship with Jesus or God? ![]() Who are you to pass judgment on whether or not I might already be at the party of righteousness? ![]() Even according to your religious doctrines, Jesus himself instructed you not to judge others, so why are you spitting in the face of Jesus and going around doing precisely that? ![]() If you would start to actually follow the teachings of Jesus instead of blatantly disobeying his requests of you, you might have a chance to lead people to God by example. |
When did I judge anyone? Did I miss something?
Abracadabra writes: "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" But that quote didn't come from Jesus and it actually flies in the face of Jesus' own words that he did not come for the righteous but for the sinners." Romans 3:23 states, "There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Are you saying that St. Paul is contradicting Christ? If he is then he's going against the very God he follows. In which case he would eventually turn from God. As Jesus himself said "A house divided against itself cannot stand" And the church hasn't stood. It's clearly divide against itself. The Jews, Muslims, Catholics and Protestants are all divided against themselves when it comes to what these ancient Hebrew writings have to say. The Protestants protested against Catholicism, and then continued to protest against each other forming countless various sects and denominations of this religion. So the Abrahamic picture of God is indeed a "house" that is clearly divided against itself. Let there be no doubt about that. It's carved in the tombs of history. ![]() |
Abracadabra writes:
"And the church hasn't stood. It's clearly divide against itself. The Jews, Muslims, Catholics and Protestants are all divided against themselves when it comes to what these ancient Hebrew writings have to say." Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are three different religions, so of course there are going to be differences. The Church does not refer to Judaism and Islam. It refers to Christianity, when Jesus said, "On this rock (Peter), I will build my Church." Within Christianity, there are different denominations, and yes, we don't always agree. But, we are a family. Think of it this way. You may have brothers and sisters, and you may fight with them from time to time. Does that mean you are not a family? Of course not. Does that mean you are divided? I hope not. |
When did I judge anyone? Did I miss something? I was speaking to Cowboy. He's constantly suggesting, implying, and often outright accusing people of not being at God's "party of righteousness" simply because they refuse to acknowledge his personal views and interpretations of the ancient Hebrew scriptures. ![]() |
"I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." I don't see your point. Jesus came to bring sinners to repentance cause righteous people are already there. If you were going to take people to your house for a party. Would you have to worry about taking the ones that were already there? No they are already home, they are already "righteous". You would have to go out and find people to come to your party, the ones in need for "repentance". So? All your doing is going around judging individual people in Jesus' name to not be at his party! Nowhere did Jesus ever say that there would be a religion created in his name and that anyone who refuses to support that religion would be rejecting him. But clearly that's precisely what you are attempting to imply. How many times do I need to tell you that I have no problem with Jesus. I only have problems with hypocritical Christan Paper Popes who have convinced themselves that they speak for Jesus! I don't need your approval Cowboy to be close to Jesus! You and I simply have different views of who Jesus was and what his message was. You accept the narrow-minded views of the authors of the New Testament. I don't. I personally believe that Jesus was a Mahayana Buddhist Bodhisattva. So I have absolutely no problem with Jesus whatsoever. I totally accept him as my loving brother just has he had claimed to be. It's only your narrow-minded view of religion that seems to be the problem here. Who are you to pass judgment on my relationship with Jesus or God? ![]() Who are you to pass judgment on whether or not I might already be at the party of righteousness? ![]() Even according to your religious doctrines, Jesus himself instructed you not to judge others, so why are you spitting in the face of Jesus and going around doing precisely that? ![]() If you would start to actually follow the teachings of Jesus instead of blatantly disobeying his requests of you, you might have a chance to lead people to God by example. Nowhere did Jesus ever say that there would be a religion created in his name and that anyone who refuses to support that religion would be rejecting him. I follow no religion. I know not of what you speak. I follow the teachings of Jesus. And in doing so, people have given me and other's alike the title Christian. But in all honesty, I follow no "religion", just merely the teachings of Jesus. Who are you to pass judgment on my relationship with Jesus or God? ![]() I passed no judgment. Heck you two may sit down Saturday nights drinking wine and playing play poker for all I know. You may have a relationship with Jesus, I know not if you do or not. It is not my place to know either way. You take things to personal Abra. We are merely having a DISCUSSION. Who are you to pass judgment on whether or not I might already be at the party of righteousness? ![]() I never said you weren't part of it. Even according to your religious doctrines, Jesus himself instructed you not to judge others, so why are you spitting in the face of Jesus and going around doing precisely that? ![]() Again I judged no one. I NEVER said you did not know Jesus and or have a relationship with him. I NEVER said you weren't going to share in the glory of heaven. Seems to me you have something on your conscience. Not insinuating anything, not infering anything, but I would seriously look into that. Cause you go off out in left field claiming things that never were even slightly mentioned. |
Abracadabra writes:
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are three different religions, so of course there are going to be differences. The Church does not refer to Judaism and Islam. It refers to Christianity, when Jesus said, "On this rock (Peter), I will build my Church." I respect your right to have this opinion for yourself. However, I do not personally accept your view. Christianity itself stands on the foundation of Judaism. It was an offshoot of that very religion. Jesus himself has no feet of his own to stand on. Jesus only has meaning to the Christians when he is standing on the shoulders of the God of Abraham. Take away Judaism and Christianity falls. The central theme of Christianity is that Jesus was the sacrificial lamb of the God of Judaism. They can't be different religions. They are clearly simply different version of the very SAME religion. The Abrahamic religion (which include Islam) are already a house that it grossly divided against itself. Therefore this Abrahamic religion cannot be based on the word of God. Otherwise God's own word would be divided against itself. So the Abrahamic religion can clearly be nothing more than a false mythology made up by mankind similar to the mythologies of ancient Greece. That's my personal opinion and view. I'm not asking you to accept my view as any sort of "absolute truth" (although I personally think it should be apparent as such). And all I ask from the Christians is that they offer me the same respect. If they want to believe that the Christian religion is the only way to God for THEM, then more power to them. ![]() I have no problem with that. But if they are going to become obnoxious about it and try to ram their views down my throat by suggestion that I'm somehow at odds with God if I don't accept THEIR VIEWS, then their religoin has become overbearingly arrogant, and disgusting, from my point of view. In other words, you can believe whatever you want. ![]() Offer me this very same respect and we can all live happily ever after. |
When did I judge anyone? Did I miss something? I was speaking to Cowboy. He's constantly suggesting, implying, and often outright accusing people of not being at God's "party of righteousness" simply because they refuse to acknowledge his personal views and interpretations of the ancient Hebrew scriptures. ![]() I NEVER said that or inferred that. Especially for just the sake of my interpretation. I've said many times if anyone else has a different interpretation to speak and we would discuss. You and I have done as such before even in the past. But as soon as I disagree you fly off ranting about paper popes and saying that I claim to know everything. So when you are ready to have an adult form of conversation about God, look me up and we'll discuss. |
Abracadabra writes:
"Christianity itself stands on the foundation of Judaism. It was an offshoot of that very religion. Jesus himself has no feet of his own to stand on. Jesus only has meaning to the Christians when he is standing on the shoulders of the God of Abraham. Take away Judaism and Christianity falls." Christians are very reverential to our Jewish brothers and sisters. Jesus is Jewish, so by us not respecting Jewish people, we do not respect Christ. However, Jesus came before the Jews. In fact, the trinity (of which Jesus is a part of) is mentioned in Genesis 1, when God says, "Let US make man in OUR own image." Also, John 1 states that Jesus is God. "The central theme of Christianity is that Jesus was the sacrificial lamb of the God of Judaism. They can't be different religions. They are clearly simply different version of the very SAME religion." This is a fantastic point of view. Christianity is the completion of Judaism. If you can go with that, I can go with them being the same religion. "The Abrahamic religion (which include Islam) are already a house that it grossly divided against itself. Therefore this Abrahamic religion cannot be based on the word of God. Otherwise God's own word would be divided against itself." Don't get me started on Islam. "And all I ask from the Christians is that they offer me the same respect. If they want to believe that the Christian religion is the only way to God for THEM, then more power to them. Offer me this very same respect and we can all live happily ever after." No problem. Again, I hope you didn't get from me anything other than acceptance and tolerance. |
Edited by
Mon 03/21/11 11:16 AM
Cowboy wrote:
I follow no religion. I know not of what you speak. I follow the teachings of Jesus. And in doing so, people have given me and other's alike the title Christian. But in all honesty, I follow no "religion", just merely the teachings of Jesus. So your agreeing with me that it's not important to acknowledge Christianity or support it in any way? Interesting indeed. I follow no religion either. As far as the teachings of Jesus are concerned, I see no difference between his teachings and the teachings of Buddha, Confucius, Lao Tzu and many others. And I agree with all of them. I don't feel an need to 'follow' any of them since I'm naturally in agreement with all of them. How can you follow someone else when they are thinking the very same thoughts that you are? I view all of these men as my cosmic brothers. ![]() |
Abracadabra writes:
"I view all of these men as my cosmic brothers." And what does this have to do with John 17:4? |
No problem. Again, I hope you didn't get from me anything other than acceptance and tolerance. No I haven't. Don't get me started on Islam. Many of the things that you don't like about Islam can usually be traced back to behaviors and/or directives that the Biblical God gave to men in the Old Testament. I don't like the teachings of the Old Testament either. ![]() Abracadabra writes:
"I view all of these men as my cosmic brothers." freakyshiki asks: And what does this have to do with John 17:4? Well this man John is claiming to speak on behalf of Jesus. I personally don't accept John's second-hand hearsay opinions as the precise views or words of Jesus. John could have very easily misunderstood what Jesus had been attempting to say or teach. However, whenever you quote John from the New Testament you're typically implying that John's words supposedly correctly reflect that teachings of Jesus verbatim. So that's what John has to do with my cosmic brothers. ![]() Of course, John would also be my cosmic brother too, but I don't necessarily agree with everything that John had to say. John could have been confused, deluded, or preoccupied with his own conclusions concerning who or what Jesus might have been or stood for. I simply don't place much value in the words of John. John was simply giving his own hearsay views and opinions about what someone else might have taught. |
The Royal Law Commandment has never and will never change.. clearly it says if you deny my Father then you deny Yahshua and you hate him as you hate his father because those say Yahweh made a mistake and Yahshua had to correct it. By living an example contry to the life example Yahshua lived and showed us. You reject him willingly so he allows this because its your choice you must Desire him no matter what or get out because it is worse to say you believe and then bring shame on the Father and Son showing you really do not believe. JC is The Light of deceptive ministers teaching a another Evangel that is not of Yahweh and Hates Yahweh..
John 14:23-24 23 Yahshua answered and said to him, "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. 24 He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father's who sent Me. NKJV John 15:23 23 He who hates Me hates My Father also. NKJV John 8:28-29 28 Then said Yahshua unto them, When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am he, and that I do nothing of myself; but as my Father hath taught me, I speak these things. 29 And he that sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone; for I do always those things that please him. KJV John 10:37 37 If I do not the works of my Father , believe me not. KJV John 14:20-21 20 At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father , and ye in me, and I in you. 21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father , and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. KJV John 14:28 8 Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I. KJV John 15:15 for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you. KJV Matt 12:50 50 For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother. KJV Gen 1:1 - 1 John 2:7 Now by this we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments. 4 He who says, "I know Him," and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. 5 But whoever keeps His word, truly the love of Elohim is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him. 6 He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked. 7 Brethren, I write no new commandment to you, but an old commandment which you have had from the beginning. The old commandment is the word which you heard from the beginning. NKJV NOT WORDS THAT SAY YAHWEH CHANGED AND IS NOT FAIR BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT JC TEACHES Gen 1:1 - 2 John 6 I rejoiced greatly that I have found some of your children walking in truth, as we received commandment from the Father. 5 And now I plead with you, lady, not as though I wrote a new commandment to you, but that which we have had from the beginning: that we love one another. 6 This is love , that we walk according to His commandments. This is the commandment, that as you have heard from the beginning, you should walk in it NKJV Walk as Yahshua walked not as a broken down Greek/Horus/zues/JC follower of evil. Isa 5:20 20 Woe to those who call evil good , and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! NKJV This is what JC's message is run from it and it will flee you |