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Topic: Are Atheists Open for a Chat?
Abracadabra's photo
Thu 03/10/11 04:28 PM
Jeanniebean wrote:

So, I'm not a pure atheist. In fact when I talk to pure atheists, they view me as someone who lives in a fantasy world.

Yet when I talk to Christians, they tag me with "atheist" simply because I don't walk their walk.

So I'm stuck in the middle. Sort of where Abracadabra is.

Truly. The atheists treat me like a "romantic fool". And the Christians treat me like a "non-believing fool" and so I'm stuck in social limbo. laugh

The only people who understand me are the Buddhists and Wiccans. And the Wiccans only understand me because I accept their Moon Goddess and Faery archetypes as being valid ways to commune with spirit and/or worship any "god" that might actually exist.

I actually condone worshiping Jesus as the sacrificial lamb of Yahweh too! I mean, if a person wants to do that for themselves, more power to them! I'm sure that if there is a spiritual essence to reality worshiping Jesus would be cool, especially if they actually do what Jesus himself taught.

I have no problem with any of that. Just don't expect me to support it verbatim, especially if they're going to be tossing things in from the Old Testament and the writings of Paul. I'm totally outta here at that point. flowerforyou

comptech1's photo
Thu 03/10/11 04:31 PM
"The name is jeanniebean not jellybean. "

Don't make her tell you twice .....laugh

no photo
Thu 03/10/11 04:37 PM

"The name is jeanniebean not jellybean. "

Don't make her tell you twice .....laugh

rofl rofl rofl

THAT'S RIGHT. pitchfork rant

no photo
Thu 03/10/11 04:37 PM
The atheists treat me like a "romantic fool". And the Christians treat me like a "non-believing fool" and so I'm stuck in social limbo.
That must be awkward . the issue has never come up with me.

wux's photo
Thu 03/10/11 04:52 PM
As a human, I'm afraid of dying but as an atheist, I am not. There is the nothingness - big deal, so what. Nothing can go wrong with that.

I an more curious to know why christians are NoT afraid to die. They have a lot at stake: eteral happiness or eternal anguish in heaven.

Most christians are sure they will get to heaven, but that's not a given. A lot of things must be fulfilled to gain entrance to the kingdom of heaven. You must not have committed a cardinal sin since your last confession if you're a catholic, must have had the last rites, must have never committed a cardinal sin, such as birth control or going against the will of God in thoughts even. Not easy to do this; you think of your neighbour's ***** or donkey, and bang, you are doomed to eternal hellfire.

If you say, yeah, right, those are the caths, I say, 1. the biggest xtian denomination is RC, and 2. who are you to say the rc-s are wrong about this? Maybe YOU are wrong.

So let's suppose that through some incredible luck, against all odds, you will beat the system and go to heaven. Is that good?

Think: you will have an eternity to do nothing. No pressure, no obligations, no wants, no needs, nothing to look forward to, nothing positive to do. Is that how you want to live the rest of your life? Pretty unproductive. As an atheist at least I know I shan't be idle in the afterlife, since there is no afterlife.

I bet you ahead of time, ten bucks, that the 342,778th time you see "Rambo", you'll scream and rip the eyes of God out and give it to Him in the sockets, because he condemned you to eternal boredom.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 03/10/11 04:54 PM

The atheists treat me like a "romantic fool". And the Christians treat me like a "non-believing fool" and so I'm stuck in social limbo.
That must be awkward . the issue has never come up with me.

Well, it's not really a problem for me either in real life (i.e. person-to-person). It's just on the Internet were people seem to be extremists. I don't know if that's because extremists are attracted to the internet, of if we all just go to extremes on this media. laugh

I've had Jehovah's witness come to my house and so far far they have all been very nice people. In fact, I typically tell them that I'm not interested and I have my own spiritual views. In some cases they have asked me about my spiritual views and I've told them about my Eastern Mystical views. They actually seemed quite interested. :smile:

I think some of those people are actually still searching for their own answers.

no photo
Thu 03/10/11 05:02 PM
Well, it's not really a problem for me either in real life (i.e. person-to-person). It's just on the Internet were people seem to be extremists
People are defensie and protective about their religious positions Just like their politics. You can't really expect to remain unbruised in these places.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 03/10/11 05:02 PM

I an more curious to know why christians are NoT afraid to die. They have a lot at stake: eteral happiness or eternal anguish in heaven.


The Gospels have Jesus saying that the path to heaven is straight and the gate is narrow and few will make it.

Well, gee whiz, if I believed that, and I was concerned about getting into heaven I would be in extreme fear if I was a Christian. If only "few" make, how arrogant would I need to be to confident that I was going to be among the "few"?

I think most Christians just figure that God is "righteous" and since they consider themselves to be pretty nice people, surely a "righteous" God would not condemn them to a nasty fate.

Well, gee. Does a person really need to even be a Christian to believe something like that?

God's going to condemn me just because I don't believe in the biblical stories verbatim?

That doesn't sound very "righteous" to me.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 03/10/11 05:15 PM

Well, it's not really a problem for me either in real life (i.e. person-to-person). It's just on the Internet were people seem to be extremists
People are defensie and protective about their religious positions Just like their politics. You can't really expect to remain unbruised in these places.

I don't expect that.

But I can argue that it's unfair with the hope of planting seeds for future generations. bigsmile

When I was young I wish adults had spoken out about alternative spiritual faiths, and even treated agnosticism and atheism with more respect.

So I guess I'm doing what I wish adults had done in when I was a child.

I'm planting "karma" for the future. Sowing seeds for future generations. That's all I'm doing. I don't expect to see instantaneous change. flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 03/10/11 06:10 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 03/10/11 06:12 PM

The atheists treat me like a "romantic fool". And the Christians treat me like a "non-believing fool" and so I'm stuck in social limbo.
That must be awkward . the issue has never come up with me.

Well, it's not really a problem for me either in real life (i.e. person-to-person). It's just on the Internet were people seem to be extremists. I don't know if that's because extremists are attracted to the internet, of if we all just go to extremes on this media. laugh

I've had Jehovah's witness come to my house and so far far they have all been very nice people. In fact, I typically tell them that I'm not interested and I have my own spiritual views. In some cases they have asked me about my spiritual views and I've told them about my Eastern Mystical views. They actually seemed quite interested. :smile:

I think some of those people are actually still searching for their own answers.

Don't bet on it. Those people are very deeply into what they believe. They are trained to get you talking about what YOU believe so that they can work on their method of turning you around.

They only appear to be interested for them self. They aren't. They need to get to know the opposition and are trained to do so. At such a point when they realize that you are a hopeless cause, they will not return. Been there done that... laugh laugh They never come back.

To save time, just post a pentacle on your door. They will not enter.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 03/10/11 06:31 PM

To save time, just post a pentacle on your door. They will not enter.

I already have one displayed at the end of my driveway. Come to think of it, they haven't been around since. laugh

Although, that wasn't the reason I put the pentacle there. I put it there to protect me from evil, and evidently it's working. glasses

I'm studying the C# minor pentatonic blues scale right now.

I know that has nothing to do with anything, but it's what I'm doing in case anyone's interested. :wink:

Hey, whilst I have you on the line,... Could I learn to paint a picture like this?

no photo
Thu 03/10/11 06:51 PM
Hey, whilst I have you on the line,... Could I learn to paint a picture like this?

If that is your desire, and you are willing to do what it takes to learn.


AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 03/10/11 07:03 PM
Edited by AdventureBegins on Thu 03/10/11 07:04 PM

Whoops, sorry about that. I read your name wrong.

"In answer to your question: I have asked people who say they believe that God created the world in the manner the Bible tells it, to explain to me how exactly they think He did that. Something that would make a smidgen of sense if even in their wildest imaginations."

The Bible is very clear about how man and woman were created. It's covered pretty clearly in the Book of Genesis. Actually, there are two creation accounts, which are used to complement each other.

But, I'll give it a try.

Think of God like a human (and we are created in His likeness) and us as ants. Having us try to understand how God functions would be like ants trying to understand us and how we function. That is one reason (of many) of why He took the form of man, so that we could have some kind of link to him.

And that link today is the Bible, for the Bible is the Word, the living Word, and the Word is God.

Hope this helps,

Oh yes it is covered clearly in the book of Genisis. God created the heavens, the earth, the trees, the animals and then man... He rested and then created adam and the garden.

the link today is way beyond Jesus. For after Jesus came the Comforter ('I shall send you a Comforter) Mohammad... And after Mohammad came others... (Koran = 'Speach of God')

However as in the past when a new messenger comes people are so intwined in the worship of the old messenger they fail to see God in the new one.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 03/10/11 07:14 PM

As a human, I'm afraid of dying but as an atheist, I am not. There is the nothingness - big deal, so what. Nothing can go wrong with that.

I an more curious to know why christians are NoT afraid to die. They have a lot at stake: eteral happiness or eternal anguish in heaven.

Most christians are sure they will get to heaven, but that's not a given. A lot of things must be fulfilled to gain entrance to the kingdom of heaven. You must not have committed a cardinal sin since your last confession if you're a catholic, must have had the last rites, must have never committed a cardinal sin, such as birth control or going against the will of God in thoughts even. Not easy to do this; you think of your neighbour's ***** or donkey, and bang, you are doomed to eternal hellfire.

If you say, yeah, right, those are the caths, I say, 1. the biggest xtian denomination is RC, and 2. who are you to say the rc-s are wrong about this? Maybe YOU are wrong.

So let's suppose that through some incredible luck, against all odds, you will beat the system and go to heaven. Is that good?

Think: you will have an eternity to do nothing. No pressure, no obligations, no wants, no needs, nothing to look forward to, nothing positive to do. Is that how you want to live the rest of your life? Pretty unproductive. As an atheist at least I know I shan't be idle in the afterlife, since there is no afterlife.

I bet you ahead of time, ten bucks, that the 342,778th time you see "Rambo", you'll scream and rip the eyes of God out and give it to Him in the sockets, because he condemned you to eternal boredom.

Think: you will have an eternity to do nothing. No pressure, no obligations, no wants, no needs, nothing to look forward to, nothing positive to do. Is that how you want to live the rest of your life? Pretty unproductive. As an atheist at least I know I shan't be idle in the afterlife, since there is no afterlife.

Who says there will be nothing to do? Heaven is brought to earth after the tribulations. So why would there be nothing to do? Could one not do what they already do? Or even try something new perhaps? It just struck me funny you said that, again why would there be nothing to do and who said there would be nothing to do or where did you get that knowledge?

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 03/10/11 07:51 PM

Hey, whilst I have you on the line,... Could I learn to paint a picture like this?

If that is your desire, and you are willing to do what it takes to learn.


Thank you for your great wisdom and positive inspiration. flowers

I do have the desire, and the willingness to learn. In fact, I'm going to look into taking some art lessons just as soon as I can find a teacher. bigsmile

no photo
Thu 03/10/11 08:18 PM

Hey, whilst I have you on the line,... Could I learn to paint a picture like this?

If that is your desire, and you are willing to do what it takes to learn.


Thank you for your great wisdom and positive inspiration. flowers

I do have the desire, and the willingness to learn. In fact, I'm going to look into taking some art lessons just as soon as I can find a teacher. bigsmile

I learned from books and practice practice practice.

msharmony's photo
Fri 03/11/11 12:58 AM

As a human, I'm afraid of dying but as an atheist, I am not. There is the nothingness - big deal, so what. Nothing can go wrong with that.

I an more curious to know why christians are NoT afraid to die. They have a lot at stake: eteral happiness or eternal anguish in heaven.

Most christians are sure they will get to heaven, but that's not a given. A lot of things must be fulfilled to gain entrance to the kingdom of heaven. You must not have committed a cardinal sin since your last confession if you're a catholic, must have had the last rites, must have never committed a cardinal sin, such as birth control or going against the will of God in thoughts even. Not easy to do this; you think of your neighbour's ***** or donkey, and bang, you are doomed to eternal hellfire.

If you say, yeah, right, those are the caths, I say, 1. the biggest xtian denomination is RC, and 2. who are you to say the rc-s are wrong about this? Maybe YOU are wrong.

So let's suppose that through some incredible luck, against all odds, you will beat the system and go to heaven. Is that good?

Think: you will have an eternity to do nothing. No pressure, no obligations, no wants, no needs, nothing to look forward to, nothing positive to do. Is that how you want to live the rest of your life? Pretty unproductive. As an atheist at least I know I shan't be idle in the afterlife, since there is no afterlife.

I bet you ahead of time, ten bucks, that the 342,778th time you see "Rambo", you'll scream and rip the eyes of God out and give it to Him in the sockets, because he condemned you to eternal boredom.

I am not AFRAID to die anymore than I am afraid to walk out my door in the morning. Nothing is a GUARANTEE, by my belief, in life or in death. Once my time is done, IM fine with it being done. The obstacles and trials and pains of life will exist for me no more. Neither will the 'rewards', but I am comfortable with the need for that balance in life to continue on in death.

I may turn to dust and be no more. I may see my Creator again. But to me, neither of those alternatives are the least bit 'scary.

Monier's photo
Fri 03/11/11 05:52 AM
If there were no Christians, there would be no Aetheists.

It is a counter-viewpoint and nothing more. They would be nothing without a belief to oppose, just as a fanatic Christian would be nothing without their god.

There are Elitist acting people on both sides but they are not truly Elite. A true Elite uses their abilities and thoughts for the betterment of all and sees that arguing beliefs is counterproductive.

In other words, my beliefs are so personal (as they should be) that they do not label my behavior. I don't have a need to advertise a belief or lack theroff in order to feel special.

no photo
Fri 03/11/11 07:06 AM
That's exactly how I feel. When I first peeked into the atheist forum, I saw quite a bit of sentiment that atheists needed to band together take a stand in defending themselves from a bigoted world. I thought. "I guess they must do things differently where these folks live".

There's almost certainly a point where religion should be turned into a political issue. I don't think we're at that point.

no photo
Fri 03/11/11 09:05 AM

If there were no Christians, there would be no Aetheists.

It is a counter-viewpoint and nothing more. They would be nothing without a belief to oppose, just as a fanatic Christian would be nothing without their god.

There are Elitist acting people on both sides but they are not truly Elite. A true Elite uses their abilities and thoughts for the betterment of all and sees that arguing beliefs is counterproductive.

In other words, my beliefs are so personal (as they should be) that they do not label my behavior. I don't have a need to advertise a belief or lack theroff in order to feel special.

Bravo Monier!

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