Topic: Oh the Horror of What These Union Thugs are Doing | |
They're standing in front of Tea-partiers' signs so that nobody can read them!
In an e-mail forwarded to me by Lori White, a volunteer named Gerry who was manning a drive-through event in Burlington reported that he was overwhelmed by the union mob. Although they were generally well behaved, “the protesters sucked all the oxygen by strategically blocking our signs from the view of the passerby. Their very real and visible presence effectively hid the fact that we were collecting recall signatures on private property.” Gerry observed that “they were well organized and knew exactly what to do to obstruct our efforts and stay legal.” Sadly, the drive-through site was shut down before noon due to the “unionistas.” |
Just another chicken Shitte tactic by a pack of self righteous shitteheads. Unions are now going to get roughed up as time passes the same way they have been roughing everyone else up. Counter protests are now happening!
Bag on the Tea Party all you like. Just shows me how narrow minded and short sighted you really are. Besides signs can be moved. You act like you have all the solutions to the problems this nation is facing. But so far I have sen no solutions of substance from you that would help improve our economic situation. I take it you are one of those Union Punks who is standing in front of the signs? |
I agree. Someone should beat the snot out these union thugs.
"You wanna block my sighn? I got your sign right here!" WHACK! *lol* |
Bag on the Tea Party all you like. Just shows me how narrow minded and short sighted you really are. Besides signs can be moved. You might want to be careful with those ad hominums. I don't care, but there are some very sensitive people around who will narc you out to an administrator at the drop of a hat.
OH YEAH! Been there! Passive aggressive meets active aggressive! Fine for snitty remarks but not not when they are applied in the reverse direction????
Ad Hominum would apply if I were commenting sight unseen and making indirect insults. You apparently have a deep seated hostility towards the Tea Party which shows so clearly. My statement is based on Observation which is very different! You do come off as very short sighted and narrow minded! Example, Tax the rich huh? as if that is going to make enough money to redistribute to us "Poor" people? The government will just spend more and the money is lost. All I want is financial responsibility BUT NO LADDYBUCK! You want more government, and maintenance of the Status Quo! You can't see past your limited Dogma, short sighted, and you narrow minded cling to idealism in a world where idealism has no place. My money is you were a hippy in the 1960s or were one of those "White Shirts" who secretly wished was a hippy. Well, the 1960s are over. Now you likewise come off as a know it all sometimes. I concede I seem to have that tendency but I probably forgot more than you ever learned. Then again I could be wrong BUT BUT BUT I don't care anymore. I have had my fill of armchair experts and self appointed intellectuals. I know what I know and I did EXCELLENT In history and I can see the same thing happening now that happened in the 1920's and 1930's. It is funny the things you can learn talking to people who lived the nightmare. OH BUT THAT ISN'T BOOK LEARNING IS IT? Likewise you support unions but you have not seen the dark violent side of Unions. My brother worked as Security on a paper mill strike up in Oregon, Smurffitt Paper. While striking the local union members vandalized the site when they could, shot at guards, attacked guards, got into it with the local police, and did a host of crap that was violent and destructive all the while "bargaining" with Smurffitt. Same thing happened here in LA with a strike at the Harbor a few years back. There have been a number of times when strikes turned violent at the hands of the striking union! Hell, even one of the various teacher's strikes here actually got so bad police had to arrest dozens of strikers for throwing rocks, bottles, and whatever else they could throw! So word of caution, don't piss in the wind around me. I will break out a big fan and point it at you! ![]() And ShiningArmor, I was thinking more like Billboards and sky writing myself. You know, a sign so big you can't block it??? Besides, I can see this coming, contract labor, not Union Contract Labor. Smart Businesses are making people suck their own responsibilities down. 1099 baby! "You want a job with us, it is this contract or the door!" That is what will bring labor back to America, when business can shut down these accursed money grubbing unions. If the job sucks you get a better job and move on or shut up and get to work. The other option is not working. If it takes training to get a better paying job, get the training and shut the hell up! This country is too full of whining Beyatches! Time for America to Man Up! Some of us do. Most of us don't. Everyone wants a level playing field but everyone also wants an advantage on everyone else. This is almost Frikken "Rimmerworld" in disguise! Imagine a whole planet of back stabbing caniving cowards... If you do not get this reference look up "Red Dwarf - Rimmerworld" to see the episode. Unions are part of the problem! Not the whole problem! Just a part of it. SO again what is YOUR solution to our economic crisis? How do we get manufacturing back to America??? Special incentives and tax cuts for them maybe? Let's see how smart you think you really are Artlo! So many opinions but how many of them offer real solutions? I have offered solutions but they are hard to swallow like any bitter medicine meant to save your life!!! |
Bag on the Tea Party all you like. Just shows me how narrow minded and short sighted you really are. Besides signs can be moved. You might want to be careful with those ad hominums. I don't care, but there are some very sensitive people around who will narc you out to an administrator at the drop of a hat.
Although ad hominems are often fallacious, they are not necessarily so (such as in the comment you quoted). |
Simple. Revoke all free trade agreements and pass the employee free choice act.. Now, Caaalm yourself, caaaalm yourself. You are hyperventilating.
Likewise you support unions but you have not seen the dark violent side of Unions. My brother worked as Security on a paper mill strike up in Oregon, Smurffitt Paper. While striking the local union members vandalized the site when they could, shot at guards, attacked guards, got into it with the local police, and did a host of crap that was violent and destructive all the while "bargaining" with Smurffitt. Same thing happened here in LA with a strike at the Harbor a few years back. There have been a number of times when strikes turned violent at the hands of the striking union! Hell, even one of the various teacher's strikes here actually got so bad police had to arrest dozens of strikers for throwing rocks, bottles, and whatever else they could throw! And this is a reason that employees should not have the right to organize as a bargaining unit?
My money is you were a hippy in the 1960s or were one of those "White Shirts" who secretly wished was a hippy. Well, you don't know, because I haven't told you. What does this have to do with anything?
You can't see past your limited Dogma, short sighted, and you narrow minded cling to idealism So you think that I'm short-sighted, have a narrow mind and excessively idealistic. I think that people who think like you are naive, brain-washed, largely ignorant and perhaps even brain-dead. Do you really think that you are advancing your position with this kind of stuff?
esides, I can see this coming, contract labor, not Union Contract Labor. Smart Businesses are making people suck their own responsibilities down. 1099 baby! "You want a job with us, it is this contract or the door!" That is what will bring labor back to America, when business can shut down these accursed money grubbing unions. If the job sucks you get a better job and move on or shut up and get to work. this is where envy gets you. The big-money Corporatists have done such a great job of pitting people who have lost ground against those who have been smart enough to hang onto some of their quality of life. They have played you like a fiddle.
Yeah, let's just go back to feudalism and a strict class based society. That will fix the economy.
PHULEASE Artlo, you know not what you say! First of all let us take construction as an example, I made a career of fixing the screw ups union labor done on construction sites. They kept me in work! Worst was I was paid less and did a better job. I was compensated in other ways. Now the thing that really sucks, you likewise have expressed support and tolerance for illegal immigrant labor. I would under cut LICENSED contractors to get desperately needed work in the crunch times and some Juan Paco Fly By Night Illegal Contractor would undercut ME! Then when they screwed the customer I would get called but by then I had to charge a lot more to fix the screwed up work!
And with the work I do now I have spent time on proposals only to loose the job to someone who under cut us by $200 lousy dollars but then we would get called in to do the maintenance and lo and behold if I did not see my design done by someone else and likewise screwed completely up using the cheapest components possible where I use quality parts. And upon seeing this I have left "customers" hanging becasue I hate working in bad faith! I don't spend hours on a proposal to get fuqued like that. I am good enough to afford my attitude problem and thankfully it would be a cold day in hell when an illegal immigrant can do what I do these days. I have been in business for myself and in pseudo partnership for years. I got real field experience and first hand knowledge of the situation from the trenches. I have been against illegal immigration FOR YEARS but people like you do not see the problems it creates becasue you live in some insular fantasy world! First and foremost, it is not bargaining when you try to leverage the employer unfairly! The Teamsters are good at that. Some unions are respectable like the Sprinkler and Pipe Fitter's Union here. Same with the police union of Redondo PD. Sorry but like I said, if the job sucks either move on or quit whining. Sorry if the draconian side of life offends! The fact is all people act on self interest! If that were not true MORE unions would be more concerned with finding ways to keep their jobs rather than try to leverage their employers for more money every year! |
We should actually see some of that 'thuggery' shortly.
When the run arround the building and scream and shout has obviously not worked... The next step in the Union SOP is to quit using the 'rank and file' (because they are GOOD people) and start using brought in thugs to 'intimidate' by threat of, or actual, violence. Before anyone tries to refute that do some research... See how many times Union protests ended with the 'rank and file' going home and the thugs coming out... |