Topic: When a Country Goes Insane | |
Over 30% of Conservatives believe that President Obama is the Anti-Christ....that tells you how ignorant they are.....or brainwashed. OMG... he he he. Lawyers on the one side. Doctors on the other. (both requiring education)... Such balderdash. and then there is the constant hammering about how the Republicans are all rich businessmen and corporater 'executives' (the majority of which have degree's)... as far as the 'poll'... 30 % of what... I read several polls... I have not seen these numbers except in unspecific polls conducted by pushin the right buttons on a left lean web site... Which of course is done by the people that visit that site (and its doubtfull if many conservatives visit such). |
"All across the Middle East in the streets, people are demanding democracy. It's amazing. In America, the only way you get people to get worked up like that is to threaten to give them health care." ~~~ Bill Maher