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Topic: If you could know the exact date of your death
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Thu 02/10/11 01:25 PM

Would you want to?

I'd seek out a hospital that supplied ECT, have that knowledge zapped and continue living to my last breath in bliss.

navygirl's photo
Thu 02/10/11 08:32 PM

Would you want to?

I see these ads all over the place.

Me, I guess that's one area where I would say,"Just surprise me."

How about ya'll?

Would ya' wanna' know?

If I could know it; yes I would want to know because then I would make it a point to have a hell of a lot more fun instead of working all the time.

Ash36's photo
Thu 02/10/11 11:53 PM
Nope., i'll live my life happily. Death will come for me when it has to come n thier would be a smile on my face when i face it., i'll readily die coz it would be written in my fate., there's no point knowing the date of death bcoz we cant change it...lol

boredinaz06's photo
Fri 02/11/11 01:37 AM

I would want to what, snake, shark, bear, large cat or raptor would do me in so I could stay home that day.

no photo
Sat 02/12/11 02:48 AM

Would you want to?

I see these ads all over the place.

Me, I guess that's one area where I would say,"Just surprise me."

How about ya'll?

Would ya' wanna' know?

I already know. But for obvious reasons I can not say when. That just wouldn't be correct.

oldsage's photo
Sat 02/12/11 05:47 AM
Think a man wrote a song about this...

"Live Like You Were Dying"

Try to everyday, lose a soulmate & maybe you can understand.

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