Topic: Americans Favor Health Law Repeal by Double-Digit Margin
AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 02/08/11 07:28 PM

They all 'spin' to the side of ideology
I wouldn't argue with that, but nonetheless, it looks to me like the analysts who have done the research (as per the NY Times article) conclude that Rasmussen is consistenly badly biased toward the Conservative side. They found serious discrepancies between pre-election polls and actual results. (Read the article!) Perhaps you take issue with their methodology. We don't know anything about your methodology. Whose findings should we give credence to? (Sorry for ending the sentence with a preposition).

I did read the article... (NY time is Highly biased)... I also checked the Qinikpiak poll (sorry for the misspelling), and the AP poll, and several other polls.

I also visited web sites, blogs, several news services and their blogs, checked C-Span, and several other data resources. (this takes a bit of time but well worth it).

From all that I have a good impression that public opinion is that AHCA 'as it stands' is not popular at all...

but the IDEA of health care reform is...

and that a MAJORITY of Americans would be quite pleased if they would get rid of the current law... Keep the central ideas of it... and weaved together a true bi-partisian piece of legislation that answered the need for reform... without the 'manipulated math'.

I can also tell you that it is exremely dificult to find the ACTUAL law online... Mostly what you find is someones interpretation of the core parts of it...

no photo
Tue 02/08/11 07:39 PM
Edited by artlo on Tue 02/08/11 07:44 PM
This should suffice as a pretty good rendition of what the ACA says. If you're like me, you couldn't pay me enough to actually read it with any care.
From all that I have a good impression that public opinion is that AHCA 'as it stands' is not popular at all...

but the IDEA of health care reform is...
Once again, you're singing my song.

BUT, what causes you to believe that the NY Times is highly biased? I know that people on the right are saying this all the time, but what's the supporting evidence?

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 02/08/11 08:29 PM
Fox News is BAD!


Fox News is EVIL!


Fox News Rapes young Children!


Fox news is Satan's Boot Lickers!


So what does this have to do with the topic on hand since the source is credible?


Also, why does it look like someone here wants to kill the messenger?


So what Fox News cannot be completely trusted. You can't trust ANY media completely!


That is why I am so sexy, and others are well, eh...

So now I dance!


Does anyone want to touch my Banana?


Lpdon's photo
Wed 02/09/11 06:36 PM

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 02/09/11 11:01 PM

This should suffice as a pretty good rendition of what the ACA says. If you're like me, you couldn't pay me enough to actually read it with any care.
From all that I have a good impression that public opinion is that AHCA 'as it stands' is not popular at all...

but the IDEA of health care reform is...
Once again, you're singing my song.

BUT, what causes you to believe that the NY Times is highly biased? I know that people on the right are saying this all the time, but what's the supporting evidence?

I don't want a 'rendition' of what it says... I read the actual law a while back but can not find it anymore... 'renditions' simply show what the 'renditioner' wants to show.

I read... NY times is full of 'high emotional' index words that (back in the days of WWII) are properly called PROPAGANDA... and that propaganda is very liberal in most of its articles. (i.e 'liberal' causes and 'liberal' politicians are treated with less harsh words than 'conservative' causes and politicians are...

There are also many publications that go the other way... Propaganda is applied 'harshly' for 'liberals' and 'rose colored glasses' for conservatives.

Which is why I must pick through so many different sources to find 'truth'...

Kinda sucks.

Fanta46's photo
Wed 02/09/11 11:14 PM

There are problems with polls like this. 1) Rasmussen consistently gives a pronounced edge to the Conservatives 2) NONE of the polls ask the correct questions. An honest poll would ask:

a) Do you want the ACA to remain?
b) Do you want the ACE to be repealed because it is too liberal?
c) Do you want the ACE to be repealed because it isn't liberal enough?

Ask the right questions and the results change dramatically.

Only 18% favor total repeal.

The rest favor strengthening the bill yet doing away with the mandatory rule.

no photo
Thu 02/10/11 04:27 AM
I read... NY times is full of 'high emotional' index words that (back in the days of WWII) are properly called PROPAGANDA... and that propaganda is very liberal in most of its articles. (i.e 'liberal' causes and 'liberal' politicians are treated with less harsh words than 'conservative' causes and politicians are...
How about their facts? Does the NY Times tilt the deck when it comes to facts? Is it possible that the Times' use of adjectives seems less favorable toward Republicans because Republican actions tend to be more reprehensible? Just askin'.

AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 02/10/11 05:59 AM

There are problems with polls like this. 1) Rasmussen consistently gives a pronounced edge to the Conservatives 2) NONE of the polls ask the correct questions. An honest poll would ask:

a) Do you want the ACA to remain?
b) Do you want the ACE to be repealed because it is too liberal?
c) Do you want the ACE to be repealed because it isn't liberal enough?

Ask the right questions and the results change dramatically.

Only 18% favor total repeal.

The rest favor strengthening the bill yet doing away with the mandatory rule.

Posh... further pish posh...

I have been through a number of polls and such... none of them show the trend stated in you post...

As you continually ask me... Please provide proof of ascertation.

AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 02/10/11 06:03 AM

I read... NY times is full of 'high emotional' index words that (back in the days of WWII) are properly called PROPAGANDA... and that propaganda is very liberal in most of its articles. (i.e 'liberal' causes and 'liberal' politicians are treated with less harsh words than 'conservative' causes and politicians are...
How about their facts? Does the NY Times tilt the deck when it comes to facts? Is it possible that the Times' use of adjectives seems less favorable toward Republicans because Republican actions tend to be more reprehensible? Just askin'.

Republican actions are no more reprehensible than are Democrat actions...

Both have a few (very few) politicians that are worth the high office we place them in...

both have a lot (way to many) politicians that are self serving 'wannabe' roman senators...

NY times does 'tilt' facts (most news sources do)... There are times when the do not report the 'facts' in a case (perhaps because facts are inconvient to editorial bias) there are other times when they bury the facts in the article in a misleading way... (again editorial bias)...

there are also times when the 'fudge' the facts... Or simply report 'facts' someone else 'fudged' without checking on the validity.

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 02/10/11 01:18 PM

I read... NY times is full of 'high emotional' index words that (back in the days of WWII) are properly called PROPAGANDA... and that propaganda is very liberal in most of its articles. (i.e 'liberal' causes and 'liberal' politicians are treated with less harsh words than 'conservative' causes and politicians are...
How about their facts? Does the NY Times tilt the deck when it comes to facts? Is it possible that the Times' use of adjectives seems less favorable toward Republicans because Republican actions tend to be more reprehensible? Just askin'.

Republican actions are no more reprehensible than are Democrat actions...

Both have a few (very few) politicians that are worth the high office we place them in...

both have a lot (way to many) politicians that are self serving 'wannabe' roman senators...

NY times does 'tilt' facts (most news sources do)... There are times when the do not report the 'facts' in a case (perhaps because facts are inconvient to editorial bias) there are other times when they bury the facts in the article in a misleading way... (again editorial bias)...

there are also times when the 'fudge' the facts... Or simply report 'facts' someone else 'fudged' without checking on the validity.

:banana:And those ARE facts!:banana:

Likewise some liberals are not deluded fools who think everything can be solved with money and ambition. Some know people need to earn help and redemption!

And again likewise there are many Conservatives that just want people to play fair and account for what they take! Others are religiously biased self deluded fools too who think the answer for everything is God and rules!

The sick thing is NO media can be trusted. None of them present all of the facts. Most of the media praised Obama as the man who would bring change and now they crucify him but in some staunch corners of the liberal media they paint all of Obama's failures as successes! Not one single media station, channel, or website is really and truly objective. NOT ONE.

"Trust only half of what you see, trust none of what you hear," from the song 'Heard it through the Grape Vine' as done by Credence Clearwater revival!

no photo
Thu 02/10/11 01:53 PM
And those ARE facts!
. We have been hearing this kind of thing from Conservatives for years. I haven't seen any authoritative studies to indicate what sources are credible and which ones aren't. I guess we're just stuck with opinions. Personally, I think my opinions are better than your opinions.

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 02/10/11 04:16 PM

And those ARE facts!
. We have been hearing this kind of thing from Conservatives for years. I haven't seen any authoritative studies to indicate what sources are credible and which ones aren't. I guess we're just stuck with opinions. Personally, I think my opinions are better than your opinions.

There have been studies conducted to the validity of media sources. Remember the Chinese Bun Factory accused of making their products with Cardboard? FAKE. There was another one involving Globe CFL Light bulbs causing house fires. FAKE, and that one has resurfaced!

Liberals get caught all the time using distorted facts and false evidence and claims to prop up their beliefs. Conservatives for the most part will not stoop that low but some power mongers among them do.

Now the whole 9-11 thing being a government plot, that likewise was proven to be a fake! Gun control working in the UK? That was FAKE AS IT GOT! Crime statistics have proven that to be a lie. Obama being the Change America needed? He is no Teddy Roosevelt! In fact he is a sell out on the grandest levels! on par with Clinton, worst than BUSH Sr. an Jr., so there you go! I said it!

I am sick and tired of people seeing things the way they want to see them rather than seeing the problems for what they really are. Deregulation dug the hole, Americans jumped in it willingly! Now that the problems associated with taking the leash off of the dogs is biting us all in the ***** and all these Experts have no real idea how to deal with the problems this nation faces becasue some of those solutions require the breaking of some heads!

So what makes you think your opinions are better than mine? College education? I am too. Real life experience? Got plenty of that myself. So now can you walk on water? I sure can't unless it is frozen! If you can walk on water I sure would love to see you do it so I can see for myself you really are better than me. I may not be God's answer to everything but at least I can evaluate things pretty damn good and on top of that I call things that happen pretty frequently.

Our economy is riding a razor edge of collapse and when that happens how far do you think paper money is going to go? Sorry but I see a serious Shitte storm looming and when it hits I intend to be dug in so I am not covered in Shitte when it does come down all around us!

Germany 1932... Nuff said!

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 02/10/11 04:22 PM
PS> You can't eat gold, you can't eat paper money and if both are considered useless you sure are not trading any for food! Hell, look back at when Rome's economy collapsed and Roman coin was considered worthless.

It is a known fact during our Depression of the 1930s the media was under presidential order (The great FDR) to lie openly about the real situation America faced! He fell back on patriotism and then came WWII which FDR allowed us to be dragged into.

Yep, you liberals are so god damn smart!

no photo
Thu 02/10/11 05:33 PM
There have been studies conducted to the validity of media sources. Remember the Chinese Bun Factory accused of making their products with Cardboard? FAKE. There was another one involving Globe CFL Light bulbs causing house fires. FAKE, and that one has resurfaced!
Are these liberal lies? I'm pretty familiar with what liberals are saying, and I'm not familiar with these things. It is my opinion that your opinion that these are liberal lies is false. I think my opinion is better than your opinion.

Liberals get caught all the time using distorted facts and false evidence and claims to prop up their beliefs.
I think this opinion of yours is unrealistic and untrue. I think my opinion is better than your opinion.
Conservatives for the most part will not stoop that low but some power mongers among them do.
I think this a really bad opinion. There is an entire industry devoted to rating the credibility of Faux News and other media outlets (politifact,, It is my opinion that Conservative sources fair very poorly on these websites. My opinion is better than your opinion.

Now the whole 9-11 thing being a government plot, that likewise was proven to be a fake!
It is my opinion that this has not been proven a fake. It is my opinion that the theory has some very strong arguments. However, it is my opinion that there has been a small number of liberals who have held this belief from the beginning. It is my opinion that it is most likely not true. I have an open mind My opinion is better than your opinion.
Gun control working in the UK? That was FAKE AS IT GOT! Crime statistics have proven that to be a lie.
Now this is one that we can put to some verification. As you can see from this source,Americans and Brits are just about equal in their level of aggression (assaults/capita), yet Americans kill each other at a rate of about 3 to 1 per capita. Why would that be?This article tells us that "the United Kingdom has one of the lowest rates of gun homicides in the world." It shouldn't be too much of a surprise, given their tough gun laws. So far, my opinion looks a lot better than your opinion because I was able to provide a couple of pretty good non-patisan sources.
Obama being the Change America needed? He is no Teddy Roosevelt! In fact he is a sell out on the grandest levels! on par with Clinton, worst than BUSH Sr. an Jr., so there you go! I said it!
Our opinions are identical.
I am sick and tired of people seeing things the way they want to see them rather than seeing the problems for what they really are. Deregulation dug the hole, Americans jumped in it willingly! Now that the problems associated with taking the leash off of the dogs is biting us all in the ***** and all these Experts have no real idea how to deal with the problems this nation faces becasue some of those solutions require the breaking of some heads!
Our opinions are identical.
So what makes you think your opinions are better than mine? College education? I am too. Real life experience? Got plenty of that myself. So now can you walk on water? I sure can't unless it is frozen! If you can walk on water I sure would love to see you do it so I can see for myself you really are better than me. I may not be God's answer to everything but at least I can evaluate things pretty damn good and on top of that I call things that happen pretty frequently.
In most cases, one of our opinions has to be better than the other's. I wouldn't hold the opinions I do if I didn't think they were better. You wouldn't hold the opinions you do if you didn't think they were better.
Our economy is riding a razor edge of collapse and when that happens how far do you think paper money is going to go? Sorry but I see a serious Shitte storm looming and when it hits I intend to be dug in so I am not covered in Shitte when it does come down all around us!
Our opinions are identical.
Germany 1932... Nuff said!
I think our opinions may be identical on this. Not sure.

AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 02/10/11 05:58 PM
The statistical source you referenced (re gun crimes)...

I checked... NationMaster gets stats from various sources... the source for the gun crime list is the UN...

I checked UN stats...

Higly suspect... Country with the lowest stats pre capita for death by gun in a list of 50 countrys has the lowest of the 50 being PAKISTAN...rofl


Both Great Britain and the US are in the middle of that list with Britain having less gun related deaths than the US as you stated...

British cops are not armed - did you consider that. The actual statistics are of DEATH caused by GUN - not CRIMES of MURDER by GUN. This means that the 3 to 1 ratio you quoted for the US contains within the statistic those deaths caused by police in performance of duties.

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 02/10/11 06:03 PM
Edited by AndyBgood on Thu 02/10/11 06:04 PM

There have been studies conducted to the validity of media sources. Remember the Chinese Bun Factory accused of making their products with Cardboard? FAKE. There was another one involving Globe CFL Light bulbs causing house fires. FAKE, and that one has resurfaced!
Are these liberal lies? I'm pretty familiar with what liberals are saying, and I'm not familiar with these things. It is my opinion that your opinion that these are liberal lies is false. I think my opinion is better than your opinion.

Liberals get caught all the time using distorted facts and false evidence and claims to prop up their beliefs.
I think this opinion of yours is unrealistic and untrue. I think my opinion is better than your opinion.
Conservatives for the most part will not stoop that low but some power mongers among them do.
I think this a really bad opinion. There is an entire industry devoted to rating the credibility of Faux News and other media outlets (politifact,, It is my opinion that Conservative sources fair very poorly on these websites. My opinion is better than your opinion.

Now the whole 9-11 thing being a government plot, that likewise was proven to be a fake!
It is my opinion that this has not been proven a fake. It is my opinion that the theory has some very strong arguments. However, it is my opinion that there has been a small number of liberals who have held this belief from the beginning. It is my opinion that it is most likely not true. I have an open mind My opinion is better than your opinion.
Gun control working in the UK? That was FAKE AS IT GOT! Crime statistics have proven that to be a lie.
Now this is one that we can put to some verification. As you can see from this source,Americans and Brits are just about equal in their level of aggression (assaults/capita), yet Americans kill each other at a rate of about 3 to 1 per capita. Why would that be?This article tells us that "the United Kingdom has one of the lowest rates of gun homicides in the world." It shouldn't be too much of a surprise, given their tough gun laws. So far, my opinion looks a lot better than your opinion because I was able to provide a couple of pretty good non-patisan sources.
Obama being the Change America needed? He is no Teddy Roosevelt! In fact he is a sell out on the grandest levels! on par with Clinton, worst than BUSH Sr. an Jr., so there you go! I said it!
Our opinions are identical.
I am sick and tired of people seeing things the way they want to see them rather than seeing the problems for what they really are. Deregulation dug the hole, Americans jumped in it willingly! Now that the problems associated with taking the leash off of the dogs is biting us all in the ***** and all these Experts have no real idea how to deal with the problems this nation faces becasue some of those solutions require the breaking of some heads!
Our opinions are identical.
So what makes you think your opinions are better than mine? College education? I am too. Real life experience? Got plenty of that myself. So now can you walk on water? I sure can't unless it is frozen! If you can walk on water I sure would love to see you do it so I can see for myself you really are better than me. I may not be God's answer to everything but at least I can evaluate things pretty damn good and on top of that I call things that happen pretty frequently.
In most cases, one of our opinions has to be better than the other's. I wouldn't hold the opinions I do if I didn't think they were better. You wouldn't hold the opinions you do if you didn't think they were better.
Our economy is riding a razor edge of collapse and when that happens how far do you think paper money is going to go? Sorry but I see a serious Shitte storm looming and when it hits I intend to be dug in so I am not covered in Shitte when it does come down all around us!
Our opinions are identical.
Germany 1932... Nuff said!
I think our opinions may be identical on this. Not sure.

look up Globe CFL lights causing fires. No this stuff is not Liberal Lies per say (EVERYTHING OBAMA SAID SO FAR IS A LIE! Change we can count on, FASH!) it is Media lies and fear mongering by the media. Also the UK crime statistics leave out a lot of important facts like the crime rate in general, and crimes committed by a person armed with a gun! Likewise the UK statistics leave out a lot of other good stuff like Home invasions. One statistic showed a trend of guns being pointed at elderly people in home invasion robberies in the UK. Just becasue someone was not shot does not absolve the weapon of the crime it was used for statistically. On top of that something ALL crime statistics leave out is violent crimes involving weapons other than guns. In the UK knives are still all the rage in fear and intimidation! Likewise the 3 to 2 ratio you speak of does not separate Gang activities like gang Fights and gang Wars from real robberies and home invasions, car jacking, etc.

An Armed Society Is A polite Society!

Dragoness's photo
Thu 02/10/11 06:08 PM

And those ARE facts!
. We have been hearing this kind of thing from Conservatives for years. I haven't seen any authoritative studies to indicate what sources are credible and which ones aren't. I guess we're just stuck with opinions. Personally, I think my opinions are better than your opinions.

There have been studies conducted to the validity of media sources. Remember the Chinese Bun Factory accused of making their products with Cardboard? FAKE. There was another one involving Globe CFL Light bulbs causing house fires. FAKE, and that one has resurfaced!

Liberals get caught all the time using distorted facts and false evidence and claims to prop up their beliefs. Conservatives for the most part will not stoop that low but some power mongers among them do.

Now the whole 9-11 thing being a government plot, that likewise was proven to be a fake! Gun control working in the UK? That was FAKE AS IT GOT! Crime statistics have proven that to be a lie. Obama being the Change America needed? He is no Teddy Roosevelt! In fact he is a sell out on the grandest levels! on par with Clinton, worst than BUSH Sr. an Jr., so there you go! I said it!

I am sick and tired of people seeing things the way they want to see them rather than seeing the problems for what they really are. Deregulation dug the hole, Americans jumped in it willingly! Now that the problems associated with taking the leash off of the dogs is biting us all in the ***** and all these Experts have no real idea how to deal with the problems this nation faces becasue some of those solutions require the breaking of some heads!

So what makes you think your opinions are better than mine? College education? I am too. Real life experience? Got plenty of that myself. So now can you walk on water? I sure can't unless it is frozen! If you can walk on water I sure would love to see you do it so I can see for myself you really are better than me. I may not be God's answer to everything but at least I can evaluate things pretty damn good and on top of that I call things that happen pretty frequently.

Our economy is riding a razor edge of collapse and when that happens how far do you think paper money is going to go? Sorry but I see a serious Shitte storm looming and when it hits I intend to be dug in so I am not covered in Shitte when it does come down all around us!

Germany 1932... Nuff said!

And this shows almost all the conservative misinformation and distortion of the facts laugh

Dragoness's photo
Thu 02/10/11 06:11 PM

PS> You can't eat gold, you can't eat paper money and if both are considered useless you sure are not trading any for food! Hell, look back at when Rome's economy collapsed and Roman coin was considered worthless.

It is a known fact during our Depression of the 1930s the media was under presidential order (The great FDR) to lie openly about the real situation America faced! He fell back on patriotism and then came WWII which FDR allowed us to be dragged into.

Yep, you liberals are so god damn smart!

Liberals pshaw, this sounds just like Bush and his reign of destruction.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 02/10/11 06:23 PM
Truth be known most Americans believe in almost all of the reform of the healthcare reform bill.

Most Americans are in favor of health care reform.

But we have to keep in mind also:
More than half of Americans believe that Obama can raise their taxes. Which is not a possibility from a president. And that is only one example of the president being blamed for that which he cannot do in our government.

Too many Americans believe falsely that the president is a socialist, a noncitizen, etc... This is a concern as to the validity of the polls and who they poll.

So if we take this radical element out of the polls then maybe we can get a real read on what the temperature is in this country on Congresscare.

no photo
Thu 02/10/11 06:32 PM
Well, there ya go. You think your opinion is better than mine. I think my opinion is better than yours.

Does Home invasions=burglaries? There's a chart for that
Total crimes per capita? There's a chart for that
The ratio was 3 to one.
Why don't you find the statistics that would help you explain how "Gun control working in the UK . . . was FAKE AS IT GOT! "? Am I just suppose to take your word for it?
On top of that something ALL crime statistics leave out is violent crimes involving weapons other than guns. In the UK knives are still all the rage in fear and intimidation!
That is probably true. It doesn't change the fact that, where the rate of assualt, whether in home invasion or gang violence or police violence is roughly the same, the rates of homicide is 3 times as high in the country with lax gun law than in the country with very strict gun laws.