Topic: Tea Party Funding Koch Brothers Emerge From Anonymity | |
Now they are playing the same game with the Health Care reform.
You've got to play the game to stay in it. The effort shows where his heart is. What was the Republican's effort. I'll tell you. They sued in the SC, saying the law was unconstitutional, and had all restrictions on lobbying lifted. Even those that existed before the effort by Obama, and those that prohibited foreign corporations from lobbying. The Republicans gave corporations around the world more influence in governing your country than you have. Well their is trully a constitutional issue here! We want to stop lobbying but not everyday Americans from having their voice heard! Come on you trully need to do better i am informed and read! Lobbying to most seems like a simple issue but it's not! We as Americans do not want to strip our rights to support a canidate or an agenda taken from us! We need reform but a democratic hit list is not the answer! |
The sads part isn't that people were fooled by the Tea Party/ Republican Rhetoric. The sad part is how many can still believe it after seeing the truth. There's nothing more to say to you. |
They want the country to go green because they are all taking oil company donations. ![]() ![]() ![]() Actually no they want cap and trade and carbon credits! there is big money in "green"! They want the supporters of "green" and their funding! |
Actually no they want cap and trade and carbon credits! there is big money in "green"! They want the supporters of "green" and their funding! With all that big money to be had by going green, it's hard to understand why the right and the American Chamber of Commerce isn't four-square behind it.
It's all new technology.
The old oil money is well established and filthy green. |
Actually no they want cap and trade and carbon credits! there is big money in "green"! They want the supporters of "green" and their funding! With all that big money to be had by going green, it's hard to understand why the right and the American Chamber of Commerce isn't four-square behind it.
Because in its current 'form' going green is a self-erected ponzi long range ponzi (multi-level-marketing)... Destined to colapse because it is formed from materials and systems that are more expensive to produce then the output they provide... Which is why they must levy taxes to make it happen... Private industry is not stupid enough to waste resouces in projects that produce less out then is put in to boot them. Keep telling me you are truth and I am not... Right up to the point it DOES show everyone how silly is the pursuit of false paths. |
It's all new technology. The old oil money is well established and filthy green. New technology... Pah... Most of the so called 'green' technologies can be found in Popular Science magazines from the mid to late 1950's... With complete tech explanations. The other parts of 'green' technologies are simple sensors and stuff so that money can be 'stolen' from one corporation (that is reviled by those in charge) and 'robin hooded' to another corporation (or government) that is 'part of the system' and therefor 'deserving' (by the selecton of those in charge)... Wake up. You are being scammed and the con artists are using you to screw yourself. |
The old oil money is well established and filthy green. the 'old money' is well established and filthy... so true... It now fights itself on every side. You are in the middle... How does it feel to be a pawn in the chess game of the centuries... If your lucky you might make it to the 'power row' and become a queen. |
Not me.
I'm not a Tea-bagger or a Ron Paul supporter. Buying into the Koch brothers pull the wool over the eyes tricks. |
The Kochs are longtime libertarians who believe in drastically lower personal and corporate taxes, minimal social services for the needy, and much less oversight of industry--especially environmental regulation. These views dovetail with the brothers' corporate interests. In a study released this spring, the University of Massachusetts at Amherst's Political Economy Research Institute named Koch Industries one of the top ten air polluters in the United States. And Greenpeace issued a report identifying the company as a "kingpin of climate science denial." The report showed that, from 2005 to 2008, the Kochs vastly outdid ExxonMobil in giving money to organizations fighting legislation related to climate change, underwriting a huge network of foundations, think tanks, and political front groups. Indeed, the brothers have funded opposition campaigns against so many Obama Administration policies--from health-care reform to the economic-stimulus program--that, in political circles, their ideological network is known as the Kochtopus.
Edited by
Sat 02/05/11 05:43 PM
Because in its current 'form' going green is a self-erected ponzi long range ponzi (multi-level-marketing)... Destined to colapse because it is formed from materials and systems that are more expensive to produce then the output they provide...
So the surge in sales of electric and hybrid cars is a doomed enterprise? Companies like Solarworld will crumble because it is some kind of Ponzi scheme? Has Wall Street ever shied away from a good investment instrument because of the things you assert? (Check out JASO and YGE). After all, Where there are all these tones of money to made from carbon credits and cap and trade, do you really expect us to believe that the business community isn't interested in grabbing as much of it as they can? You say that green business is bad because it requires tax money. Has Business ever failed to take advantage of an opportunity to get public assistance?
Which is why they must levy taxes to make it happen... Private industry is not stupid enough to waste resouces in projects that produce less out then is put in to boot them. |
ANOTHER weekend, another grass-roots demonstration starring Real Americans who are mad as hell and want to take back their country from you-know-who. Last Sunday the site was Lower Manhattan, where they jeered the "ground zero mosque." This weekend, the scene shifted to Washington, where the avatars of oppressed white Tea Party America, Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, were slated to "reclaim the civil rights movement" (Beck's words) on the same spot where the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. had his dream exactly 47 years earlier.
Vive la révolution! There's just one element missing from these snapshots of America's ostensibly spontaneous and leaderless populist uprising: the sugar daddies who are bankrolling it, and have been doing so since well before the "death panel" warm-up acts of last summer. Three heavy hitters rule. You've heard of one of them, Rupert Murdoch. The other two, the brothers David and Charles Koch, are even richer, with a combined wealth exceeded only by that of Bill Gates and Warren Buffett among Americans. |
Because in its current 'form' going green is a self-erected ponzi long range ponzi (multi-level-marketing)... Destined to colapse because it is formed from materials and systems that are more expensive to produce then the output they provide...
So the surge in sales of electric and hybrid cars is a doomed enterprise? Companies like Solarworld will crumble because it is some kind of Ponzi scheme? Has Wall Street ever shied away from a good investment instrument because of the things you assert? (Check out JASO and YGE). After all, Where there are all these tones of money to made from carbon credits and cap and trade, do you really expect us to believe that the business community isn't interested in grabbing as much of it as they can? You say that green business is bad because it requires tax money. Has Business ever failed to take advantage of an opportunity to get public assistance?
Which is why they must levy taxes to make it happen... Private industry is not stupid enough to waste resouces in projects that produce less out then is put in to boot them. Solar panels have a serious flaw. Silicone and other materiels loose ability to conduct electricity from photovoltaic conversion within a short period of time... (i.e. structure of the medium breaks down)... ergo will need replacement quite often (and only work in sunshine). Wall street never shies away from an investment that they can buy low and sell high just before it crashes... TRUTH. Wind turbines need carbon based industry to manufacture and cost for production ratio is way to high to make them a viable replacement for anything. (not to mention the times when the wind don't blow)... Surge in hybrid and full electric cars is subsidised... Which gives a false impression of the actual sale/resale value. green business is not bad because it requires tax monies... It is bad because WITHOUT the tax monies it will be unable to sustain itself... The product cost more to make then its output. And the fact the business has never failed to take advantage of public assistance is not a good point... it is a fine example of using and industries greed against itself... |
Edited by
Sat 02/05/11 06:27 PM
Solar panels have a serious flaw. Silicone and other materiels loose ability to conduct electricity
I didn't know that. Where can I read more about it? As for only working only in the sunshine, my understanding is that Germany is a very, very cloudy country. They seem to be generating tons of kwhs with solar panels on a huge number of rooftops.from photovoltaic conversion within a short period of time... (i.e. structure of the medium breaks down)... ergo will need replacement quite often (and only work in sunshine) Wind turbines need carbon based industry to manufacture and cost for production ratio is way to high to make them a viable replacement for anything. (not to mention the times when the wind don't blow)... At this time, what doesn't need carbon based industry to manufacture? That's part of what we want to remedy. The Norwegians are very big in wind technology. The main problem with any electricity generating technology is storage. The Norwegians have a nifty system. People buy wind-generated electricity at night to charge their electric cars when the price/kwh is at the lowest and sell it back to the utility grid during the day, when they are at work and their cars are sitting in the parking lot and the price/kwh is the highest. (I got this off of Thom Hartman's radio show). The Norwegians don't mind public subsidy of worthy industries, and neither would I.Surge in hybrid and full electric cars is subsidised... Which gives a false impression of the actual sale/resale value . If you are referring to tax credits for purchasing such cars, what's wrong with that? I prefer that to Bush's tax cuts for the uber-rich.
Solar panels have a serious flaw. Silicone and other materiels loose ability to conduct electricity
I didn't know that. Where can I read more about it? As for only working only in the sunshine, my understanding is that Germany is a very, very cloudy country. They seem to be generating tons of kwhs with solar panels on a huge number of rooftops.from photovoltaic conversion within a short period of time... (i.e. structure of the medium breaks down)... ergo will need replacement quite often (and only work in sunshine) Wind turbines need carbon based industry to manufacture and cost for production ratio is way to high to make them a viable replacement for anything. (not to mention the times when the wind don't blow)... At this time, what doesn't need carbon based industry to manufacture? That's part of what we want to remedy. The Norwegians are very big in wind technology. The main problem with any electricity generating technology is storage. The Norwegians have a nifty system. People buy wind-generated electricity at night to charge their electric cars when the price/kwh is at the lowest and sell it back to the utility grid during the day, when they are at work and their cars are sitting in the parking lot and the price/kwh is the highest. (I got this off of Thom Hartman's radio show). The Norwegians don't mind public subsidy of worthy industries, and neither would I.Surge in hybrid and full electric cars is subsidised... Which gives a false impression of the actual sale/resale value . If you are referring to tax credits for purchasing such cars, what's wrong with that? I prefer that to Bush's tax cuts for the uber-rich.
Haaa haaa haaa yep... Keep on pushing that bush 'cut' for the uninformed. Bush tax cuts actually helped the poor and middle class but INCREASED the payment of taxes on the rich overall... check the figures. raised the upper income brackts to a higher percentage. but spin it how the democratic party tells you... I am sick and tired of the lies. |
They incorporate agendas as if there is a mass conspiracy and all are in lock step of thought! One man's agenda is different from the other! Ideals may ally on both sides but no one on either side is in complete lockstep unless your a moron! There are thousands of agendas on both sides of the aisle and the American citizen is at odds with most! So just cause you see a wealthy man standing beind a politician don't beleive they are in lockstep okay? Trust me they have their own personal agenda! No argument here. Still, we want to know who benefits by the success of one side or another.
You don't appear to actually want to know both sides... Most of your postings and arguments appear directed at one side and in support of one side. I want to know both. Because it is the stupidity of BOTH side that has put my country in the place it is today. that and the complacent cud chewing voter. |
You don't appear to actually want to know both sides... I think I already know my side. If I am deficient, I know I can rely on your side to inform me.Most of your postings and arguments appear directed at one side and in support of one side. Correct, as are yours.Because it is the stupidity of BOTH side that has put my country in the place it is today.
that and the complacent cud chewing voter. I completely agree! That is why many people on my side are very disappointed in the performance of the Democrats in office. Even pissed off and depressed! |
Not me. I'm not a Tea-bagger or a Ron Paul supporter. Buying into the Koch brothers pull the wool over the eyes tricks. You do realize that the Koch brothers are small potatoes... there is a greater struggle beyond them globally... a struggle where they are worth but a bit of sand and an occasional laugh. |
Edited by
Sat 02/05/11 07:48 PM
You are joking right.
The Koch brothers are the Tea Party funders. Them and Robert Murdoch (Fox). Their political view points are one in the same which makes sense seeing as they provide the Tea-Party organizational leaders training. |